Monday 15 April 2019

T stands for loTs of This and ThaT

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week will be a good one. We had a freezing cold weekend with icy winds from the North blasting along the Rhine. Some places even got snow. Here it stayed dry, the sun came out occasionally, and we did lots and lots of walking to ward off the chills. My record walk was on Saturday - over 28000 steps and that's almost 21 kilometers, which gave me a total of 46 kilometers from Friday through Sunday.

Our challenge at Tag Tuesday still has another week to run with Sandie's theme of 'Industrial' so hope to see more people joining in. I made another tag with Erika in an industrial setting. I used elements from Dezinaworld, Serif and me:

 Today is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday Party, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang. I saw this antique shop in town filled with cups, saucers, glasses, pots etc:

I drank coffee outside with my friend Nathalie, who drank tea:

Saw this wonderful Graffiti on the same street as the antique shop:

Some walking photos:

The farm at the end of my road always draws me in to watch the horses, ponies and other animals. I love the mini ponies:

This chap was very curious about my camera:

The rooster was running along the lane:

Harry in front of the bridge on our Saturday walk, you can see the post office tower in the background:

And I was well wrapped up in three layers of pullovers topped with a wind and waterproof parka:

There's a drinking fountain about half way along the Rhine between Düsseldorf and Kaiserswerth where we enjoyed some refreshment:

My face and ears were glowing red by the time I got home after all those kilometers:

On Sunday we did a walk to Schloss Kalkum, an old castle. Love this bike, which the people living opposite decorate so beautifully:

Harry hanging out in the castle park:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val! This is another lovely post - I say it every time, but it's true. Love the tag with Erika, great idea. Wonderful photos, too, and lovely to see you again. I don't think I walk that far in a month, let alone in three days, well done. Great to see you again, you were both having fun on your walks. Have a great week, hugs, Sarah

  2. That's sure a lot of walking. I have done 24,000 steps in a day but never 28,000. Good for you. Love the latest tag (hope I get some art time this week-last week I never got any), and seeing all your photos. It's good to have walking friends. I walked with my daughter Saturday which made good company. Happy early T day. hugs-Erika

  3. I’m really enjoying your industrial tags, you both look well prepared for the cold but sunny day! Lovely horses, such a lovely, lonnnnng walk!

  4. Steampunk art, that’s the word I was searching my brain for! The industrial tags make me think of that! Don’t you just hate it when you can’t remember a word lol! Have a super day!

  5. Another fabulous sweet is the little girl.
    Stunning photos and blog always post such great photos..xx

  6. awesome art-and loved the photos!!! Congratulations on all those steps-good for you, I hope to get back to walking once moved to the lake-right now though I am getting lots of steps in up and down those steps carrying in boxes.
    You find these amazing shops-so fun loved those little horses too
    Happy T wishes Kathy

    1. I am sure you get more than gour share of movement just now with the move!

  7. Outstanding photos today Valerie, you are looking well. Beautiful tag and love the mini ponies.

  8. Another great tag. I love the bling in the middle of the sprocket. The antique shop looks like it would be a fun place to poke around. I like the hat on the tea cup to keep the tea hot. the mini ponies look so fluffy. Wow, all those steps and a nice picture of you all bundled up. Enjoy your day!

  9. That's a lotta walking! You have a great space for it, and I love that you find so much fun and joy along the way "hanging out" :)

  10. Oh WOW! What an absolutely fabulous post.
    Loved seeing all of your photographs, and so lovely to see you too.
    Well done on all your walking.

    Hope the week ahead is a good one.

    All the best Jan

  11. You have a lovely new banner which goes well with the industrial theme. I always love your art but I really love seeing you on your walk. What a grand time you are having. That photo of the decorated bike really made my heart smile. And so do those sweet small horses. Loved this visit today, Valerie!

  12. Gosh Valerie you sure have walked many miles at the weekend. Good for you.
    It was a fantastic industrial style tag and Erika looked as lovely as ever with her warm muff on.
    The photos were lovely and it was good to see one of yourself again. Super photo of the animals and the bike with the flowers was charming.
    I would have loved to see inside the antique shop, the window display looked so inviting.
    Happy T day wishes Valerie.
    Yvonne xx

  13. Wow! That's a lot of steps!!! I enjoyed your photos as well as your tag.
    Happy T day!

  14. what a darling image on your tag. And look at you with SO may steps!!! Way to go Valerie! I love all your animal captures along with your fun (but cold looking-brr)out and about photos. Happy T day!

  15. ein süsses mädchen auf deinem tag,und schöne bilder von dir und harry,das bunte fahrrad ist klasse.
    eine schöne rest woche.

    hugs jenny

  16. You're really getting your exercise...Good healthy walk. .. and your even dooing chin up on the tree branches ( ha ha) This weeks tag challenge is really cute...I love all the extra blingy details. Man, would I ever enjoy browsing through that antique store. I had to smile at all the pony shots and the one handsome rooster...I too enjoy looking at the horses in fields. Thanks for sharing all the great photos... Have a Happy Easter..Hugs

  17. Fabulous tag and photographs. Well done on your long walks.. I’m struggling to get to two miles a day, and that’s just rounds the house and garden. Too cold for me at the moment. Your photos are lovely.
    Hugs Wendy

  18. Oh what a lovely post! And some photos of you and Harry. It is so nice to see the person behind the blog. I am totally impressed with your walking. I don't have a step counter anymore. I used up three. They keep breaking down after three months, in the end I gave up. In-built obsolescence I think it's called.
    Your tag is great. I love steampunk anyay.
    I love seeing photo of the ponies and the rooster. And the antique shop is the sort of place I would love to have a little browse in.
    Happy T-Day,

  19. Well done with all those steps, we used to walk in the countryside in England and think nothing of a 20 mile round trip with our dog, not so fit now but it looks like a great place to walk. Aren't those ponies so cute.
    Have a great week
    Jan x

  20. You really are clocking up the miles on your walks Valerie, well done you, and the photos are lovely - you look nice and warm. The antique shop looks interesting, the perfect place for a rummage.
    I love the sweet picture of Erika you added to your industrial tag, she looks nice and cosy.
    Avril xx

  21. What a beautiful vintage tag 😀. That's a lot of steps and it's not surprising with the wonderful places that you visit and I loved seeing your photos! Happy T Day! J 😊 x

  22. You were the cutest little thing and of course still are.
    I love horses but that rooster photo steals the show. Great shots of you and Harry.
    Walk on.

  23. Wonderful art and photos Valerie! That graffiti art is fabulous! xx

  24. A wonderful steampunk tag you have created, Valerie.
    That antique shop has beautiful wares and quite the selection. And what cool graffiti! That is certainly an art form.
    A lovely walk and those castle gardens are gorgeous!
    Happy Tea Day,

  25. You're doing a great job with all of your walking. That's a very healthy exercise. I like you're industrial artwork. I still haven't come up with anything for the challenge. I like all of your photos. Your area is very beautiful. We had warm weather in the Northeast US, then it got cold again, so many people on the planet seem to be having the same types of weather patterns this Spring. Happy T-Day!

  26. oh my goodness! that is a LOT of steps! congratulations! Looks like you have very beautiful scenery to enjoy on your walks, and a fun companion too. ;) Lovely tag you've created, and also thanks for sharing the graffiti image! happy T day!

  27. I am certainly impressed with the number of steps you did! You certainly had lovely place to walk too! I love your special tag! Happy T day! Chrisx

  28. Hallo liebe Valerie!
    Dein Tag sieht wieder richtig klasse aus mit der kleinen Erika. Diese alten Fotografien finde ich immer wieder schön. Deine Fotostrecke ist auch wieder ganz zaberhaft mit all den schönen Motiven, besonders das dekorierte Fahrrad , sooo schön. Seit wir uns das letzte Mal gesehen haben, hast du ganz viel abgenommen. Ich hoffe das ist nur einer gesunden Diät und viel Bewegung zu verdanken. Steht dir aber gut, du siehstvoll fit aus.
    Ganz liebe Grüße und frohe Ostern

  29. That antique shop looks like it holds all kinds of treasurers.

  30. I realize I'm very late visiting. Your industrial tag with Erika in it is wonderful. She has such a sweet face.

    The shop with the tea pots, cups, saucers, and such was an absolutely incredible and wonderful find. It was simply PERFECT for T Tuesday. I also like how your friend's "cup/pot" of tea was served. Thanks for sharing these images with us for T on Tuesday.

    Looks like your feet are now getting the much needed attention they deserve (and congrats on all that walking), now let's get your fingers working properly again.

  31. Congratulations on all your steps! my record was 35000 back in 2015! That was at least a half marathon. Alas, I have trouble now even getting my 10k steps! I would have loved to been able to go through that store with all the saucers and teacups! I hope you had a great T Day! First time I have been here in a couple of weeks!

  32. Great pics. . Love the horses.. And your industrial project so fun and chic as well. Love the bling too.

  33. Wow - you have been very busy and productive - lots of walking and amazing tags for the 'industrial' theme. I have popped into your blog and checked out all three - fantastic art works.

  34. That's a lot of walking girl, WOW! Good for you!
    The tag is so cute! I love it!
    I love all the photos! Those little ponies! So adorable! Hi Harry! LOL! Hey Valerie! LOL!
    Big Hugs!


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