Thursday 25 April 2019

Mixed Bag

Hi Everybody!

Time for a new post. We had a hot and humid day yesterday, which ended with a bang - a big storm which shook the trees and  caused chaos on the roads, but it did clear the air. I'm glad I got back home in time, and wasn't out walking when it happened. Thanks to all who left kind and supportive comments on my blog. Much appreciated!

Today I am sharing 2 more tags for Michele's 'faces' challenge at Tag Tuesday, so hope to see more people joining in again. Both tags were made using photos. The first one is a cutout from a photo I showed a couple of weeks back, taken while window shopping. I digitally cut the face out and put it on a jazzy background, and added the eyes (serif):

The second one was taken by my dear friend Nathalie, who discovered the laughing horse while visiting a zoo:

Nathalie had fun, too!

And I have another A3 mixed media spread in my huge journal for Paint Party Friday, using paint, collage and lots of scraps. This was also made some time back, my fingers are still not up to much just now:

Dark skies:

And some more photos taken on  my walk along the Rhine coming home from the Altstadt in Düsseldorf:

There are lots of house boats. Some are used as party venues or club houses:

The yacht harbour:

Great name for a boat:

 Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, good morning! Glad I caught your post before I get off out for the day. Love those funny tags, thanks for the morning laugh, did me good. Great photos, too, as always. And love the big and beautiful journal spread, so colourful and lots of hidden things to spark interest. Have a great day, and take care of yourself! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Your tags put a BIG smile on my face. They are both incredible. I really laughed at the horse. That's a face only a mother could love. It's adorable.

    I was totally impressed with your mixed media journal page. It is beautiful and has so many wonderful things to see. I've looked at it twice and find new things each time. It's a beautiful spread, as are the colors. Those eyes really capture the essence of the spread.

    WOW, your photos are amazing today. I'd love to live on a boat for about a month. Not sure I could take the confinement much longer than that, though. It does seem like a romantic way to travel around the country.

  3. I forgot to mention, I like your latest blog banner.

  4. Delightful & ever so brilliant post my lovely friend, thanks for commenting while I am away. We are having a lovely time away and it was nice to just have a play now and again to relax while having an extremely busy days...hugs..
    [big thanks for the Easter surprise, just saw it.xx]

  5. Oh my gosh that horse laughing is hilarious! The snake railing, very cool indeed!
    I think it’s wonderful how you adapt to different ways of creating when your fingers are hurting, it shows your deep devotion and desire to make art, I love that.
    You created such beautiful three dimensional looking work, a person can fall right into it!

    1. Glad it made you smile, I knew how I would use these fantastic photos as soon as I saw them.

  6. Glad you didn't get caught in the storm, the clouds look ominous. Beautiful pages for PPF and the tags are gorgeous too. You live in a beautiful area.

  7. Love the crazy face on your tag and your giant page. Sorry to hear your fingers are still not right, that has to be frustrating. But good you can get out for a walk, and not get stuck out in a storm either. I wonder though do all the houseboats have to move for one to leave? I have a tag going up in the next day or 2. Happy Thursday. Hugs-Erika

    1. I think they are all permanently moored there.

  8. I am sure I will visit this beautiful town one day, Valerie. Your photos are fantastic.
    I llllllove your pages and the first tag, but I loughed loudly with the second tag!
    Hugs, my dear friend.

  9. Fun tags especially the laughing horse. Great way to start off a day with a smile. Lovely colors on the journal page and I like the word snippets Soul of children and blue books.As always great pictures from the threatening skies to the snake rail on the bridge. Very cool! Enjoy your day!

  10. Lovely mix of art and photos. I like that boat name "love story."

  11. All kinds of fun pieces today. And look at those skies in the photographs!
    Hope your day is wondrous and your fingers are being kind to you.

    1. I think it's slowly going in the right direction, thanks.

  12. Those photos! Especially the horse lol made me smile. Living on a house boat has a definite appeal :) I wonder what it would actually be like...

  13. That laughing horse photo is a real gem, you cannot fail to smile when looking at it. They are fantastic tags and so are the journal pages.
    Super photos and I like the one you chose to have as your new header.
    YVonne xx

  14. Deine Tags sind Spitze, erst dieser originelle Kopf, den du so klasse ummantelt hast, dann dieses Crazy-Horse-Tag, köstlich. Deine Journalseiten mag ich auch sehr, die Farben und die Zeitungsschnipsel plus die kleinen Tiermotive darin, einfach super gemacht.
    Deine sonnige Fotostrecke ist auch wieder ein Augenschmaus, meine Lieblinge sind die Wolkenfotos und die Altstadthäuser mit weidenden Schafen davor. Alles wieder erste Sahne.
    Ganz liebe Grüße und alles Gute für deine Hände.

  15. I love your paint party piece in those great shades of blue. I sure hope your fingers get back to normal soon. I'm having some finger issues myself so I really feel for you!

  16. Glad you made it in before the storm struck! What a great name for a boat!

    The laughing horse made my day. So cute and fun too. :) Thanks for sharing!

    Have a great day!

  17. You've made great use of those face photo's Valerie, the backgrounds really do jazz them up. Love how the first seems to pop out the page!! So clever. Your journal page is so expressive, I do love that eye. How funny is the laughing Horse, he's the kind of picture we all need to start our day with a smile :))
    Wishing you a wonderful week and I hope the storms have really passed you by now.
    Friday Hugs & Happy PPF Tracey xx

  18. fun art today! Love the laughing horse. Beautiful photos-I just want to jump right in them and see in person! Happy PPF

  19. Love your tag and the beautiful journal page! Gorgeous colors and details!

  20. tolle seiten und schöne bilder deiner umgebung.
    schönen freitag noch.

    hugs jenny

  21. I love how your face came out. I really want to draw that laughing horse. What a character!

    Happy Paint Party Friday

  22. Fabulous artwork! The laughing horse made me smile and the vibrancy of th background colours on your pages are amazing 😁. I always enjoy joining you on your walks, we have had a mix of weather here one minute it's raining the next it's sunny, today there seems to be more rain than sun though 😉. Happy Friday and Weekend! J 😊 x

  23. Hi Val- mmm, houseboats! I often think I'd like to live in one, so enticing! And I shouted that two-faced journal spread - happy PPF!

  24. LOL luv the tags. Nice photos and collage
    Happy PPF


  25. The laughing horse did make me smile :)
    Beautiful photographs again, I think the house boats are very colourful.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  26. That laughing horse is quite special and wonderful mixed media art work and what a lovely place to walk and take lovely photos ~ beautiful!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  27. Your pieces are so interesting this week. That laughing horse had me laughing too. :) Happy PPF!

  28. your faces tags are marvelous and whimsical! that first one is very cool! i love that you incorporated faces into the journal piece as well. wishing you well always. xo

  29. Hi Valerie! I love the funny tags you created - thanks for the giggles this morning! And that art journal spread is simply amazing. The colors you used look amazing as does your entire design. The photos you shared are so beautiful. I always feel like I am right there with you when I look through your gorgeous pictures. Thank you so much for always sharing them with all of us. I hope all is well with you. HUGS!

  30. Your painted page is magnificent - love the depth of colour and layering. Fabulous Faces tags too - the second one made me laugh!
    Alison x


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