Thursday 4 April 2019

New Challenge at More Mixed Media

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well!
We're having mixed weather here this week, but I still manage to get out for long walks, thank goodness for raincoats and wellies!

On the 5th of each month we start a new challenge at More Mixed Media challenge blog. Our themes are always anything mixed-media goes, this time with optional yellow. You have 4 weeks to link to us, and there are prizes and badges offered to the winners.

I made an A3 mixed media piece. The background was painted and textured with pink and yellow acrylic paint and then collaged with various scraps of tissue and fabric, some of which were decoratively sewn on and stitched. The dancing ladies and the 'dance of life' were added with a stencil girl stencil that I recently won at Simon Says. The pink text was decorated with some black dots.The coloured dots were added with a no-name stencil. The tissue pieces are from Jane Davenport. I added the found feathers and some rows of stitching round the edges. I am also linking to Paint Party Friday and to TIOT, use a stencil or two.

Recently I took a walk down to the end of the road where I live, looking at the houses, points of interest and gardens:

There are still a lot of these wayside crosses here:

I prefer these old houses to some of the modern ones:

This house has a little shrine next to it, it is being restored just now:

The road leads to a track through the fields, with a little farm on the right:

A headless chicken:

This is the same stream that flows by the house I live in:

Another pretty, old house:

And the entry to the garden centre:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wow Valerie! This is real magic! Love it! Loved the different places you went to take your photos! Love that older architecture! Hugs,Chrisx

    1. The older architecture is so much nicer than the modern concrete blocks they seem to be building these days.

    2. I've just popped back to say how lovely to see you at Try It On Tuesday- Thank you Valerie! As for concrete blocks - there seem to be more and more!xx

  2. You live in paradise, Valerie. I am always in love with your beautiful photos.
    And your page is simply stunning. I love Jane Davenport and you created something unique. Hugs,my dear friend.

  3. Your art work is beautiful, her face, the colour, everything about it is beautiful. I know I say this every time but you live in the most beautiful place, it’s just so picturesque. That poor headless rooster, lol,,

  4. Love the sassy ladies on your journal page Valerie. I really like the 2 silhouettes you added. This page has so much motion which those women really add. And how nice to be near a farm with all those animals. It looks like you have a nice neighborhood. Happy Thursday. Hugs-Erika

  5. She is a very lovely mixed media composition!!!
    thank you for all the wonderful photos, I do love seeing them!

  6. Lovely page and beautiful photos...headless chicken got my attention, haha.

    1. Valerie there was a losartan recall of some kind recently in Canada, FYI

    2. Thanks Christine, I will look into it.

  7., colour, animals and that wonderful mixed media, loving those a child I saw many 'headless' chooks as mum used to cook them and make the most amazing chicken soup...xx

    1. Yummy, chicken soup. My auntie used to keep chickens, too!

  8. I love the focal woman's "hat" and how you outlined her hair. This is an incredible piece, full of vibrant color, too. I like how you mixed fabric and tissue, along with the stitching.

    Your first photo with the yellows and purples is beautiful. I was very surprised by the roofs on those first few houses. My friend Scott put that wavy roofing on his, but it is NOT common, at least not here in the midwest. I think it makes the houses seem so much more ornate.

    I especially liked the photo of the farm with the Shetland ponies and the dogs looking on. WONDERFUL photos today, and all so unusual, too.

    1. The wavy tiles are very common here, and I like them, too. The place I live has a flat roof, duh, no tiles!

  9. Good morning Val! What a lovey start to my day to see your beautiful art, wow, what a fantastic piece. Great photos, too, and I don't think I have been along that way at all, so pretty and bucolic. You really live in a lovely place. Have a great day! Hugs, Sarah

  10. What a fabulous mixed media piece valerie x I love the paint colours and JD stamp. Your photos as always are stunning x Like you our weather is very mixed but its a pleasure to know that Spring is here xx Enjoy your walks x

    Huge hugs Annie x

  11. This is beautiful, Valerie - so much detail and information in it and yet you managed to keep it looking so delicate and ethereal. Wonderful art.
    Your home town/village is beautiful. How blessed you are! Isn't it lovely to be able to go for a walk again now that the weather is finally changing - although it has become very cold again here in the UK. Lovely photos and wonderful art.
    Thank you for sharing with us at Try it on Tuesday.
    Cath x

  12. And I forgot to mention thanks for joining us at Try It On Tuesday!

  13. Boah, was für ein geniales Kunstwerk. Ich bin hellauf begeistert, Valerie.

    Vielen Dank für's Zeigen auf TRY IT ON TUESDAY

  14. What awesome pictures.
    LOVE your piece.

  15. Lovely colorful page. Your area is so pretty. I love the house with the blue shutters and those primroses are gorgeous.

  16. Ganz zauberhaft diese Seite mit all den hübschen Damen. Das Gesicht ist süß und die Federchen im Haar geben ihm etwas Verspieltes. Klasse auch die Stoffelemente. Gefällt mir sehr. Könnte ein tolles Plakat abgeben. Würde ich mir aufhängen.
    Schöne Fotostrecke auch wieder. Deine Nachbarschaft ist immer sehenswert.
    Liebe Grüße

  17. Lovely Mixed Media work ....nice use of color ... I recognized the Jane Davenport and stencil lady products ... they are always winning ingredients when layering... You did such a brilliant job( Love it)...
    OMG, you live in such a wonderlust area... perfect for the imaginings of an artist. Your picture are fabulous ... My favorite is that that rooster strutting his stuff... He is one good looking bird( ha Ha) The country is exploding with colorful excitement ... It's so alive ... PLUS ... It's SPRING ...

    We are experiencing another snow storm here ... and it's APRIL ... Can you believe it ? Your post was so bright and inspiring ... Thank you for sharing ... I'm your newest follower ... Hugs

  18. The purple and yellow spring flowers make a lovely view from your walk. There are no wayside crosses or shrines here, but I'm thinking now that it's surprising that with a church on almost every corner none of them offer features like these. Odd.

    Those old houses are appealing :)

  19. Its a fabulous journal page Valerie, Great detail and images and I love how you added the feathers. Its a super quote and you have made magic creating this page.
    All the photos look lovely, I am grinning now at the thought and sight of your headless chicken.
    We had snow yesterday that fortunately didn't last buts its real cold again. You are lucky being able to go for your walks and enjoy seeing the spring flowers.
    Oh and thank you for joining us all over at TioT's for our new theme, its lovely seeing your work there..
    Yvonne xx

  20. Wualaaaa Your Art journal page is so so GORGEOUS Valerie !! Absolutely Wonderful and happy. I love every detail, the fabric, tissu, face, dancers, the feathers are lovely, that´s a Great Artwork !! Congratulations!
    And I want to thank you very much for those so beautiful photographs you have sharing with us. The old houses are fabulous, love the chicken, and the horses, love all ! :)
    Here we had clouds today, I´m happy.
    I wish you a very nice Friday

    Big hugs, Caty

  21. Hi Valerie wow i love your mixed media page ,those feathers are an awesome touch,love your pics of houses,sorry i am late posting i have changed internet plans and have been without an internet xx

  22. Oh my gosh Valerie, she is magical!!! I couldn't stop looking at all the details, and the colors are wonderful!

  23. That's an amazing mixed media page - so full of colour and life. I love the feathers echoing the movement of the dancing silhouettes - fabulous. And another great day out in the photos too.
    Alison x

  24. beautiful mixed media piece Valerie. Love the old buildings too, and I adore the shrine and flower cart! Happy PPF!

  25. Absolutely stunning art...she is gorgeous!!!
    Your photos are always so beautiful. I love the architecture and the landscapes. I do not ever try to pick a favorite one. For me it would be impossible to do so.
    Love those roosters, too!

    Happy PPF

  26. Thanks for sharing your very lovely scenic views. Luv that tree in bloom. Your mixed media piece is so very interesting, and you have given us some really great crops.
    Happy you dropped by my blog today. Happy PPF


  27. Your page is quite lovely and so colourful.
    I always enjoy seeing the photographs from your walks, you do live in a very picturesque place.

    All the best Jan

  28. Your artwork is stunning Valerie, and great photos from your walks! X

  29. You always take us on a beautiful walk with you Valerie, I have to agree I favour the older houses to the new although we have a new development along the canal side of three storey houses across from my home which are quite pleasing to the eye.
    Love your mixed media page with her quirky head dress and the dancing ladies joining her. I will have to try and remember to join in this month xx
    Have a great weekend Valerie & I hope your fingers are behaving? Hugs Tracey xx
    P.S A little patch of grape hyacinths grow outside my front door.

  30. Your artwork is magnificent . Love to stop here and look at your photos with explanations. I have saved this to my friends blogs. You.

  31. OK, I have said this before but this is my favorite piece. Maybe it is that right now it speaks to me. However, I love everything about this. Your photos always make me so happy. You live in such a beautiful and interesting place.

  32. I agree, these houses are lovely. Your colorful art is perfect with spring colors! Have a good week ahead!

  33. What a stunning page! The colours and layers look glorious and you lady is such a beauty too - I love it 😁. Sorry I'm so late visiting, it was my birthday on Wednesday and I've been celebrating with family and friends so I haven't had much time for blogland lately, just need to catch up now 😉. Thanks so much for joining in the fun at Try it on Tuesday! Creative wishes! J 😊 x

  34. I love your dance of life art piece! It's fantastic!!! A+++
    Gorgeous pictures!!! You live in such a beautiful area!
    Headless chicken! LOL! Big Hugs!

  35. Behind on everything! - just catching up on my TioT commenting and it's lovely to see you entering this wonderful page, your lady is beautiful and a gorgeous background too.
    Loved the photos from your walk, the headless chicken made me look twice!
    Thanks for sharing at TioT, Avril xx


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