Thursday 1 February 2018

2nd on the 2nd

Hi Everybody!

For Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd I am re-showing some journal pages made in 2015 and 2016 for various challenges. I am also linking to Paint Party Friday,
hosted by Eva and Kristin.

This A3 piece was inspired by a newspaper article about Sigmund Freud and a lovely song, 'Where do you go to my lovely', sung by Peter Sarstedt way back in 1969. The background was painted with acrylics, sprinkled with brushos, sprayed and dripped:

This one was made using a stencil of John Lennon (Stencilry Org) over a
water-coloured background of trees:


And the last one is part of a series of  Modigliani copies I made. It was painted with water colours and soft pastels:

Last Sunday I visited the zoo in Krefeld, and took lots of photos. These were all taken in one of the tropical rooms:

Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love that song too. Great pieces and wonderful photos my friend. I am now in total LOVE with your lady piece using the soft pastels. I am currently using them a lot too. love this medium but you have created a masterpiece on this one Valerie x

  2. The three pieces you are sharing today are all so different, and each is wonderful in its own way. I know that song and like both the words and melody. Lovely photos from the zoo! Have a nice evening, hugs, Sarah

  3. Ach den Song mag ich auch sehr, wird ja ab und an immer mal wieder im Radio gespielt. Deine drei Werke gefallen mir ausgesprochen gut. Lennon mit dem Birkenwald im Hintergrund würde sich gut als Plakat machen, super. Dein Modigliani mit dem diffusen HG sieht auch super aus, na und Herr Freud mit den tollen Farbverläufen ist auch gut in Szene gesetzt. Deine Zoo-Impressionen sind klasse, besonders die Krokodile sind gut getroffen.
    Liebe Grüße

  4. Hello dear Valerie!
    Wonderful pieces and excellent work!
    Love the John Lennon page with the beautiful background of trees so well painted from you!
    Gorgeous copy of the famous painter Modigliani!
    I admire your work!Lovely pictures from the zoo!
    I’m afraid of the crocodiles!!!!
    Have a happy February!Hugs!

    1. I don't like the crocodiles either and I was glad that they had just been fed!

  5. I definitely remember the Modigliani series you created, but not sure I saw the other two before. I really LOVE the one with John Lennon. It is possibly my favorite because of both the stencil and the beautiful background you painted.

    The zoo photos are great. One room that houses a pond, lots of tropical plants, and birds would be quite fascinating to me. We don't have anything like that at our zoo. These were incredible shots.

    Thanks for sharing your fabulous art (and zoo photos) with us for your second look on the 2nd, dear. I loved all the paintings, and, as I mentioned, vividly remember your Modigliani series.

  6. What a diverse talent you have. The lady is marvelous.

  7. It's only the first here lol, but I always love your 2nd of the 2nd projects, - stunning pages all of them!!

  8. Such deep thought pages. Well done. Your Modigliani woman is just lovely. Since the pages are based on songs, your zoo pictures make me think of Simon and Garfunkel's It's All Happening At The Zoo.

  9. It was great seeing all your past art. I remember some of them but not the Freud piece. That John Lennon stencil really does's a great job of capturing him. And it helps you are good with a stencil too.:) And I enjoyed seeing more of the zoo. Was the howler monkey howling for you? They are pretty loud for sure. Happy second on the second. Hugs-Erika

  10. These are all very nice. I love the buff finish of the third painting. Hugs, Teresa

  11. Lovely older pages and enjoyed your photos at the zoo too. Happy PPF!

  12. It was lovely to see your fantastic pages again, especially the Modigliani ones which are awesome.
    Super photos from the zoo, the Tropical rooms seem spacious and must have been good to walk around in , when its winter outside.
    Yvonne xx

  13. Hi Valerie wow i love all your pages especially the one of John Lenon,your work is amazing ,love your pics ,thankyou for sharing xx

  14. Great second looks Valerie! The tropical house looks a peaceful place to go! Chrisx

  15. Love your replay of fabulous art, and your photos are amazing as always.xx [aNNie]

  16. I love how his colorful face fades into the background with those drips. Lovely faces you have painted.

  17. A very creative piece - as soon as I saw the words I was cast right back to my teens! Thank you Dear Valerie.
    The Norwegian Wood watercolour with John Lennon is one of my favourites.

    A most beautiful rendition of Mogdigliani's Jeanne.

    Lovely photos of your zoo visit. I especially enjoyed the pond creatures!
    All the very best and I hope you're keeping well. Sue xx

  18. Love the Modigliani one so much!

  19. Ooh I love them all and I have the song stuck in my head now! Lennon is a favourite always..Imagine is my fav song and that Modigliani is fabulous! Thank for sharing them once again! Peace Giggles

  20. Love all of your pieces today. They are wonderful. Lennon is one of my favourite artists, so I have a soft spot for the Norwegian Wood painting (one of my fav songs, too). Thank you for sharing this wonderful art.

  21. Fabulous review of your great art - Happy Second on the 2nd!

  22. Wonderful artwork, love the John Lennon one.
    xxx Hazel.

  23. Wonderful arty pages, and great photos Valerie!
    Have a great weekend!
    Alison xox

  24. I love those lyrics, and linking it to Freud like that is genius :-) Great idea to use a stencil on top of that background, it looks wonderful! Happy PPF!

  25. wonderful art projects Valerie! I do remember your Lennon one and the lovely Modigliani lady too. Great pics of the zoo. You sure do get out quite a bit:) Happy PPF!

  26. what a beautiful set of images and the great thought into your Freud piece with those powerful lyrics and the image. Very nice indeed. But my favorites are your Modigliani pastels. From where I sit, they top Modigliani -- and I love his work.

  27. Okay, that first one is a bit scary...heeheee I so love the John Lennon one- one of my favorite songs and I just Adore your third share- she is gorgeous! Valerie, you always bring it! I love your art!
    Hugs,Jackie xo

  28. Your artwork is fantastic! I love all three of them, but that first one has an eerie undertone to it. If I ever went into therapy, (Not likely! I'm perfectly happy with my own brand of crazy.) I'd run the other way if I saw that hanging on the doctor's wall. :)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. I love the idea of having your own brand of crazy, I'm with you there!

  29. Hi Valerie, I love everything about your post today. I like the fact that you gave me clues to your inspirations-through song titles and books read. I also really enjoyed your pond views as I sorely miss the years when I had a pond with koi and other various fish. Have a wonderful week.

  30. I totally loved the zoo photos. and loving your art I enjoyed seeing these past works-firsts for me
    Have a great week and Happy second on the 2nd Kathy

  31. I've never heard that song before..will have to look it up. Sounds a bit creepy tho. haha

  32. Gorgeous artwork Valerie - I'm always drawn to Modigliani so that was my favourite of course. Have you been to the exhibition in London yet?
    Love the piece with the Peter Sarstedt song too - that was one of the first records I bought in the 1960s or maybe early 1970s - I shall probably be singing that all day now.
    Have a lovely weekend ... Gill xx

    1. No chance of traveling to London just now. Have fun singing!

  33. Fantastic artwork Valerie! All so unique and creative! Wonderful photos too! Thanks for sharing! Happy PPF :)

  34. Love the art, which is fantastic and enjoyed the photographs too!

  35. Yes, I remember the Peter Sarsted song very well. I used to know it by heart. They say it was about Sofia Loren, who was born in the backstreets of Naples.
    Your Modigliani is very good. I used to be interested in art from a young age and when there was an exhibition in the Netherlands of a famous painter, my dad had to take me as I was too young to travel on my own. I remember a Modigliani exhibition I went to and I remember my dad didn't like it very much. I thpought it was great and for years I had the poster on the wall of my room. Oh sweet memories.
    Norwegian wood is another one of those iconic songs. You and I must be around the same age. The stencil is wonderful and your watercolour trees are so good!
    Thank you for sharing the tropical department of the zoo. Beautiful brush flower (don't know what it is).
    Have a good weekend,

    1. Thanks Lisca. I love making art inspired by songs which meant a lot to me.

  36. The first two pieces are so clever! Wonderfully done expressions of two people we all know. Love the Modigliani too, and your photos are wonderful!

  37. The Watercolour is my favourite today, luv her whimsical expression

    Happy PPF

    much love...

  38. Love the Freud and John Lennon creations ~ wonderful! And lovely creative photography too!

    Happy Weekend,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  39. oooohh wie wundervoll deine werke sind,john lennon ist schon toll,aber mein favorit ist das gemälde nach art von modigliani,ich liebe seine bilder.
    toll die bilder aus dem zoo,das rote gewächs ist ja total schön.
    das lied find ich auch schön.
    ein schönes we.

    hugs jenny

  40. Wonderful artwork! Your blog looks great! I haven't visited for a while. Love your amazing photos. Coming here is always an eye candy treat! Hugz!

  41. Your art has so much beautiful creativity in it. It's wonderful! YOur zoo photos are a delight as well.

  42. Beautiful pieces. The watercolors really drew me in. So stunning.

    Love the photos and the fluffy flower (?) on the fernlike plant. :)

  43. They are all fabulous Valerie, but there is something about your John Lennon piece that's just sooo good! I love your photographs too, I've always said you live in a wonderful place. Have a very happy weekend, Sue xx

  44. What creative art work this week and zoo photos. I would love to know how you did the Freud face in the different colors! Happy PPF!
    ~~ Irene

    1. The face was cut from a newspaper. I painted the bg to match and collaged it

  45. Your artwork always entrances me, but this time, it was the photo of the pond with the alligator! :D

  46. I love all your art pieces! You are so creative! Cool zoo pictures! Didn't like the alligators! LOL! Big Hugs!

  47. nice works dear..happy ppf!!
    love shilu raj (desisoul arts)

  48. Not only 'Norwegian wood' - birch tree is Finnish national tree :) we too have lots of them!
    I'm not a zoo person but your collection of photos is good.
    Have a good week!


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