Wednesday 28 February 2018

Birds of a feather

Hi Everybody!

It's still very cold here, and last night was evidently the coldest one in about 100 years, and we're all longing to go out without those icy winds. We were lucky to at least have blue skies and sunshine, which cheered up more than grey skies.

Today I have a hybrid piece made with  one of the napkins Yvonne sent me. The image with the deer was pasted to a gessoed BG with acrylic medium. I then digitally put it onto a grungy BG and added some other creatures (Mischief Circus):

Yesterday the moon was up while the sun was still shining:

These photos were taken on my Saturday walk by icy minus temps:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. wunderschön so romantisch im Alterstumstil deine Tiere!!!
    Der Mond ja der war so klar wie schon lange nicht auch bei mir.. tolle Aufnahme von ihm und die anderen sonnigen schönen Fotos!
    So langsam kommt der Osterhase zum vorschein.
    Dir wünsche ich einen schönen Tag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  2. Good morning Val! I love your quirky creatures, and how they all look so haughty! Great fun. It's still very cold here, too. The kids love it, but I wish it would warm up a bit! My mum had a fall, but apart from a few bruises she seems to be okay again, poor thing. Have a nice day, stay warm! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Good morning dear Valerie!
    Wow!Your hybrid page is a gorgeous creation!!
    I admire your wonderful work!
    Lovely pictures from your walk in your beautiful town!
    Great captures o the gulls,the beautiful shops and the moon shot!!
    Wishing you a lovely day!Hugs!

  4. Terrific arty page today Valerie. Yvonne's napkins certainly take a new life in Blogland.

    Love the photographs and my faves, as always, are the shop window ones. I need a tip on how to take them without a reflection of me taking centre stage please.

    Hope it gets warmer soon--same here as well today

    Love Chrissie xx

    1. You need to stand at the side of the window and take the photo with the camera at an angle of about 45° to the window

    2. Thanks Valerie-will have a go next time we walk into town

      Love Chrissie xx

  5. Hi Valerie wow I love your special hybrid page it's amazing you are so talented,well done and I always enjoy your pics,thankyou for sharing my friend xx

  6. waue love your grungy deer stunning piece love you photos to...

  7. Such a fun and quirky piece of art, I love it.
    xxx Hazel.

  8. Wonderful hybrid page! I so enjoyed seeing that beautiful moon and walking with you today, and that bright green bunny is so bright and cheery too 😁. Wishing you a Happy Wednesday! J 😊

  9. Wonderful page. The stag looks quite handsome in his Edwardian garb. It must be very cold there as even the birds are puffed up trying to stay warm. Love that green bunny. He would look good in my Zensical garden. Stay warm

  10. That is a cool page today Valerie. Yvonne finds the best napkins. And you put them to the best use. :) I am glad lots of folks are thinking spring. Love all the Easter displays from your walk. It surely means the nice weather is on its way-soon I hope. Happy end of February. hugs-Erika

  11. A fabulous page Valerie, that stag is so cool - no wonder the other birds flock to him!
    Great photos and that green bunny is different!
    Stay safe and warm.
    Avril xx

  12. I'm very fond of the images you used in your piece. I would have bought those napkins in a heartbeat! Nice use of them. Oh, Easter displays! I am getting ready to get a little spring decor out. I know we'll have snow this week -- maybe that's why I need it now!

  13. I love that page Valerie, great images!
    Alison xx

  14. die seite ist klasse und die tierchen sind witzig,schöne bilder aus deinem ort hast du gemacht,ich war heute auch shoppen und hab mir zwei sporthosen gekauft,es war soo kalt auf dem fahrrad,war aber warm angezogen.
    ich wünsch dir noch einen gemütlichen abend,liebe valerie.

    hugs jenny

  15. I love the Birds of a Feather page Valerie, a wonderful meeting of eccentric animals. I do wonder what they would be talking about.
    Super photos, it is good to see the items in the shop windows as well.
    Yvonne xx

  16. Oh my gosh, you did have the cold weather. Wasn't it in the minuses?
    I love, love, love that piece!!!!!!!
    And the walk while chilly was beautiful.

  17. Oh how I love your piece, it is so surreal and wonderful. Your photos are also quite beautiful.

  18. What a fabulous page! We have had our coldest day yet with alternate sun shine and snow (some really blowy storms) and now it is really cold - bed socks tonight I think!!! Loved seeing your photos, the shop windows of small shops fascinate me - we have too many chains in town! Stay warm! Hugs, Chrisx

  19. Fun page. I noticed that about the moon here too! Great tip on camera angle for window pictures. Hope you enjoy some warm weather soon.

  20. What a fun trio! You have given Yvonne's deer just the prefect companions, such a fun make!! I have noticed you don't dd your pages to AJJ anymore, - this one would have been perfect with their current theme... just saying...

  21. Lovely hybrid page! Enjoyed your photos today, but wow, sounds so cold over there. hope the spring flowers are ok.

  22. I love when the moon shows her face during the day. Such beautiful shots!

    Love what you did with your hybrid page. :0

  23. Still playing catch up and loving your Birds of a Feather page. I adore how the napkin shows through to the book page below. It's fabulous.

    Looks like the stores are getting ready for Easter. I think that green bunny is very different and unique. Hope you survived the incredibly cold you are experiencing.

  24. I am so sorry about the cold weather! Keep warm!!
    Loving your bird art! That is so cute!
    Gorgeous moon photos! Love your store window pictures too!
    Big Hugs!

  25. What a fun bird piece! heehee I love this Valerie!

    Brrrrr be careful outside, you don't need to fall ill again! How deceiving is that sunshine and blue sky!
    sending warm hugs,Jackie

  26. Such a whimsical art page, which is so uniquely you. hugs, teresa

  27. Oh this is fab, such fun and very regal! It is so cold here too, even us Northerers are having to put our big coats on! xx

  28. Came back over to enjoy the brisk scenery and look at that fabulous picture again. Sure hope your day is amazing! Hugs...RO


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