Wednesday 10 January 2018

Winter blues

Hi Everybody!
Hope your week is going well!
Today I have an A3 mixed media piece to share. 
It was started back in 2010 and finally finished 
last week. The BG was painted 
with blue and green acrylics with a touch of gold
and purple. I discovered some shadowy figures
 there and outlined them with white. 
The figures with hats were drawn using
Mr Umbrella Man minus his brolly as a stencil.
I added 2 gravestones with Hebrew alphas which show the
abbreviation for 'here lies'. I was reading a spooky story
which perhaps explains the strange thoughts on the page!
I added some Hebrew alpha stickers and some 
small birds as embellishments.
I am linking to Simon Monday Challenge,
winter blues, and to That's crafty,
feeling blue

For Wilma's challenge at Tag Tuesday, new beginnings,
I have another hybrid tag, using a hand-painted
BG and a face I collaged from a magazine;

The Rhine has stopped rising. Now we just need to wait for the 
water to subside. Here are the rest of Sunday's photos:

I'm hoping for less rain in the coming weeks!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!



    I hope you had a great Christmas and New Year

  2. Great artwork here, Valerie ... spring is coming. You can see what is meant by flood plains can't you?

  3. Love the journal page, great colours and symbolism. Beautiful tag, too. The photos are fantastic, it looks like a completely different landscape. Here the big kids are back to school and the 2 littl'uns are both ill with colds and coughs, never a dull moment! Hugs, Sarah

  4. tolle, schöne Arbeit dein Journalseite zum Winterblue und das Tag vom Gesichtbearbeitung mit dem Hintergrund ist grossartig!
    Was für ein reissender Rhein wunderschöne Szenen davon.. nur gut dass er nicht mehr steigt!
    Schönen Tag wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  5. Oh my Valerie you are so clever my friend i love these,i also love your nature pics xx

  6. I do love your winter blues.And your adventure tag. I started a tag but have gotten busy with AJJ and it is not finished. I hope I can wrap it up this weekend. And the water is still high-I wonder how long it will take to go all the way back down Then everything needs to dry...hopefully you won't get a cold blast before that happens. Hope its been a good day so far. Hugs-Erika

    1. If it gets cold we'll have ice skating on the meadows! It will take some time before the water drains away.

  7. Two lovely pages Valerie and it's goo that you have finished the first one, it's very atmospheric, especially with the quote.
    Although the flooding is devastating, the photos are stunning.
    Avril xx

  8. such beautiful work, the photos are also beautiful, even though over cast they are still hauntingly beautiful!

  9. The background people remind me of rain. You sure have had more than your fair share of rain. Hopefully, the water will recede soon. Stay dry!

  10. Hello Valerie!
    Love your journal page and the colors that you used!
    Such a fabulous tag!!
    Great artwork! You are so talented!!!
    Wonderful pictures and landscapes!
    I hope the rain will stop and the Rhine will stop rising!
    Have a lovely week ahead!

  11. You are playing to my color palette with those fabulous blues and greens and then adding my favorite silhouettes! I love this opening piece!

  12. Wow. You really do have some overflow in your area don't you?
    Love the pieces. The first has that eerie, mysterious feel to it that the words illude to and the colors look like they are raining. Loved that face in the second, fresh and alert.
    Hope your day is filled with sparkle and good health.

  13. Beautiful art! I love those blues! x

  14. I love love your blue art-it is truely wondeful and I love the people and the umbrellas so glad the Rhine has stopped rising your photos look like it is cold there-stay warm Kathy

  15. I love your moody blues Valerie, though Mr Umbrella Man looks so sad without his magic brolly. You've certainly had some rain there haven't you, I do hope it stays dry for you now. Have a very happy (and dry) week, Sue xx

  16. Love your page and tag. The colours on the page are fab, wonderful photograph as well.
    Hugs Wendy

  17. Gosh that was a great way to finish an original started so long ago. Mr U always creates such a presence on the page. The colours are fantastic.
    I loved the tag you added, she has a really beautiful face.
    Good that the river is going down again.
    Yvonne xx

  18. I really like the Winter Blues one ♥ The tag is nice but the other one just speakes to me.
    You're praying for less rain and we are praying for more .... the world is always out of balance it seems . Your river photos are great though and I can see why you'd want less rain. We had a wee bit of rain last night and then the winds today have been rather gusty... even Mini didn't want to stay out long. We do have chances of severe storms tomorrow so I'm hoping that does happen or at least no damages.

  19. A fabulous journal page and a wonderful tag.
    xxx Hazel.

  20. I think your blue art looks good.
    Always enjoy seeing your photographs, and although you've had so much rain, it is nice to see the blue sky in your pictures.

    Enjoy the rest of your week.

    All the best Jan

  21. Those colors are fabulous!! Love you art today.

  22. I apologize for visiting so late. This has not been a good day. I just now finished my 2nd Thursday tutorial and went to a lecture on flu pandemic today. It was NOT as interesting as I had hoped it would be.

    Your Winter Blues art is gorgeous. I always love your Umbrella Man. Of course, I also really adore your tag, too.

    I am stunned by how much water you have received. I know it will eventually run off, but with the ground saturated, it may become a flood plain before (or just in time for) the next rainfall. Hope your day went better than mine, dear. Stay warm and safe.

  23. wow,deine heutigen werke sind so großartig,bin begeistert,toll auch die farben und wie du die figuren rausgezeichnet hast,grandios.
    schöne bilder vom rhein hast du gemacht.
    einen schönen tag,liebe valerie.

    hugs jenny

  24. Beautiful pieces, I always enjoy your umbrella man art. All your river pics are so stunning! The time of day is very atmospheric and the reflections are hypnotizing! Gorgeous! hugs :)

  25. Wow I just love that first piece! Those intuitive figures are awesome and I always love to see Mr. umbrella man. Beautiful Valerie!!
    Jackie xo

  26. Happy New Year valerie x Looking forward to viewing more amazing makes from you in 2018. Love your fabulous creations posted today xx amazing details in both and that face is awesome

    Stunning photographs to

    Huge hugs Annie xx

  27. Beautiful art and very pretty photo scenes too Valerie. I hope you had a lovely Christmas and new year..
    Hugs June x

  28. Lovely range of blues and your tag is fantastic. hugs, Teresa

  29. Lovely art and lovely post!!!

  30. Oh your painting is wonderful and so evocative. I have a couple that have been waiting for me to finish them for a while... The tag is sweet too! I also love your photos.

  31. You're such a beautiful photographer! And your pieces are full of such lovely layers. I LOVE your tag Tuesday piece too. Thank you for your visit and HAPPY NEW YEAR to you! xoxo

  32. Two stunning pages! The face is impressive but the blues really do it for me, - I always love it when you use Mr Umbrella man.

  33. Hope you've had a day filled with comfort and creativity.

  34. both pages are amazing. well done! xo

  35. Stunning with the blues and greens! Beautiful dimensions! Wonderful faces too!

    Peace Giggles

  36. Hi Valerie, really love your gorgeous blue artwork, such a lovely background for the umbrella man. Love the face collage too.
    Lovely to see you over at That's Crafty! challenge this month too. Thanks for entering and wishing you lots of luck (entries now accepted from outside the UK - yay!)
    Fliss xx

  37. Lovely header and what a fabulous colourful post! I'm sitting in the fog this morning and missing colour, but your post has definitely brightened up my morning. Great photos too. Happy PPF to you :D

  38. Very meaningful piece of art Valerie, love your depiction engaging those blue hues. Thank you for sharing over at That's Crafty and joining the Feeling Blue Challenge.
    Warmest of wishes Tracey DT

  39. What great artwork Valerie! You have such an amazing gift. Looking at the scenery makes me want to sit back to relax with a fire, some s'mores and a really good book! I sure hope your weekend is amazing! Hugs...RO

  40. I think the colourful journal page looks so good! I love the way you've brought the figures out from the background. The river photos are really cool too though that water so high is scary!

  41. Love your blue art! That simple outline is perfect. Happy PPF

  42. I love both of these pieces but I love the New Adventures girl. Something about the glasses I think. Well done. Beautiful photos.

  43. Both are fun, lovely pieces! I especially love the first one! And your photos are just beautiful!

  44. I rather luv that first blues piece. And thanks for sharing your photos.
    Warm Wishes


  45. Hope you have less rain too. Flooding can be so scary! Stay safe and stay warm!

  46. The first one is spooky, but so beautiful! And, I love the second one! Here's to lots of great new adventures for 2018!! Gorgeous photos! I hope no more rain for you too! Big Hugs!

  47. gorgeous collage!!happy ppf!!

  48. Lots of fab things to see here - but oh it does look very grey and wet at your end of the world, wishing for some sunshine, warmth and drier days!
    Gill x

  49. Such a fabulous background and lovely project...this is so cool and thank you so much for sharing and for playing along with us over on the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog... x

  50. What wonderful artwork and photos!!! I love the tag you made - fabulous!!

  51. Hallo liebe Valerie!
    Na was machst du für Sachen, liest schaurige Geschichten und das auch noch bei dem Wetter. Aber deine Seite ist ja zum Glück in fröhlichen Farben gehalten und sieht somit nicht so traurig aus. Die Gestaltung gefällt mir sehr, auch das Tag.
    Deine Hochwasser-Photos gefallen mir sehr, klasse diese Himmel und Wasserfarben.
    Heute hatten wir mal einen schönen Sonnentag hier und du hoffentlich auch.
    Liebe Grüße

  52. I am so inspired by your artwork. And your photography is incredible.

  53. I love the figures on the absolutely beautiful background. Great thinking material. Blessings, Janet

  54. Wonderful blue work and thank you for entering the That's Crafty Challenge


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