Monday 22 January 2018

T stands for This and That

Hi Everybody!

On Tuesday we are starting a new challenge at TIOT
and our theme is
***Fire and Ice***
As always, you have 2 weeks to join us and projects
of all formats are allowed. Hope to see you linking your
creations to us!
I made a hybrid piece using one of my sunrise photos
that I love so much, framing it with white paint
and splatters to give my idea of
fire and ice:

Tuesday is also time for Elizabeth's
T stands for Tuesday party, so here a warm
welcome to all of the nice ladies of the
T Gang. I am offering some chocolate muffins -
help yourselves!

My drink is cappuccino - it would be nice to meet
up with you in the garden outside the
'Cafe Burghof' next to the castle ruins:

The weather just now is mild and wet. On Wednesday 
we have been promised temperatures of 15°C. 
I found several gardens with flowering or 
shortly to be flowering 
plants on my way to the Rhine:

The water has receded from the meadows:

There is still some water in the old moat:

The bridge over the stream has emerged again, but the 
water is still a couple of  meters higher than usual:

The boats are able to move again:

The jetty is still almost horizontal:

In contrast these photos taken 2 weeks ago when the water was lapping
against the town walls and my feet!

Flowers blooming in a flower box:

And a wonderful display of spring flowers
at the florist's:

Today I treated myself to a small bunch of tulips,
a little luxury to brighten a grey day:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I'm glad you got the tulips:)
    Sooo much water.
    Love your piece and you used my very favorite background.

  2. Beautiful hybrid page, absolutely gorgeous for fire and ice. That is such a great photo. The muffins look wonderful, I want one! There's still a lot of water in the Rhine, I hope the snow melt doesn't worsen the situation. Hugs, Sarah

  3. beautiful tulips wonderful photos all great post as always ;O)) do have a wonderfulday

  4. Wow! The way your home is decorated with those bright blues is so beautiful and adding the tulips makes it even more phenomenal. Thanks so much for the tasty treats along with the soothing scenery! Hugs...RO

  5. Hello dear Valerie!
    Such a gorgeous hybrid page you made!
    Love the theme from your picture with the sunrise!
    Your muffins look so delicious and i would like to have a cappuccino next to the castle!
    Wonderful pictures from your walk and very preety tulips!My favorite flowers!
    Have a lovely new week!Hugs!

  6. Love those reds and purples! And did you bake those muffins? They look wonderful!

  7. fire and ice is such an intriguing theme! i love what you have made. and it looks like another lovely walk you've had judging by the photos. wishing you a wonderful week! xo

  8. A stunning page and a great theme! Wishing you a lovely week with some sunshine in it!

  9. Hi Valerie ,wow such beautiful pics and your muffins look so yummy xx

  10. Your fire and ice piece is fabulous and those muffins look so yummy.
    xxx Hazel.

  11. lovely fire and ice page. The muffins look so good as does your cappucino. I see spring in the air and great idea to get some tulips.

  12. Gorgeous artwork Valerie, very striking. Yummy looking muffins too. We have campanula out at the moment which is unusual in January!
    Have a good week, Fliss xx

  13. Oh, your tag is a perfect interpretation of the Fire and Ice theme.Your muffin is well timed as I just took a break from helping The Eldest pack her car, made myself a cuppa and was wishing I had a goodie to go with it. Thank you! It's so nice to see the green and growing things. Today is grey with a heavy fog that has rolled in. What I especially loved seeing are the tulips against. Your white shelves and blue glassware. Stunning. And your yellow bird vase made me smile.

  14. It is a gorgeous Fire and Ice page Valerie and a super way to use one of your beautiful photos.
    The muffins look yummy, I tried so hard to reach one, but the computer just got in the way.....
    The photos today looked like the kind of weather we are having here today, at least the snow has gone for now.
    Happy T day wishes Valerie.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Art and muffins go so well together!

    Where has all the water gone ... long time passing?

  16. Hi again, Valerie! I am so LOVING your gorgeous hybrid page! It's perfect for the fire and ice theme! And mmmmmmmmmm! The muffins you made look delicious, as does the cappuccino! I am very intrigued by your beautiful photos. WOW! Water is such a scary thing sometimes - I can't believe the difference in the photos from 2 weeks ago till now. Enjoy your tulips! I hope you are feeling better!

  17. Beautiful framed photo, yummy cakes and coffee and spectacular photos.xx [aNNie]

  18. I love that you used one of your sunset pictures for your hybrid piece. The white splatters are a beautiful frame.
    Those muffins look amazing. Sounds yummy right now.
    Happy Tea day,

  19. That art is fabulous Valerie. I love the challenge and how you used the sunrise to inspire you. That quote works over at AJJ if you are up to linking in. And wow, flowers blooming in January. Maybe in Australia, but I wouldn't think of that happening in Germany. But they look beautiful and make me wish for March or April. And I will join you for a chocolate muffin! Yum. Have a wonderful T day. Hope you are totally back up on your feet. Hugs-Erika

  20. From the looks of things found in your town and from your camera, it appears you are beginning to get over this horrible illness that has been following you around for weeks on end.

    I was glad you showed the difference two weeks can make along the Rhine. Looks very high still, but I didn't realize the ships couldn't travel on the river when the water is so high.

    Your cupcakes look delicious. I would love to bake with you. You could give me pointers about how to bake properly. Then we could share some cappuccino together and it would be my treat, of course.

    Those tulips really went well with your cobalt blue glass you seem to love as much as I. Such a joy to see your art in your home.

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful art, your tulips, your cupcakes, your photos of the Rhine, and your cappuccino with us for T this Tuesday. I sincerely HOPE this means you are feeling better.

  21. Love Your foto card with paint! And Muffins too :) In Finland we have Middle of Winter just now and lots of Snow... I look Your Flower fotos and waiting for Spring.

  22. Your hybrid page is amazing! I love how you created the fiery sky with the white spatters to depict the ice - so clever 😁. It's so nice to see the sprouting green leaves and gorgeous white flowers, does that mean Spring is on its way 😉. Your tulips are so beautiful and you found the perfect place to display them alongside your colourful glass 😁. The chocolate muffins look yummy too! Happy T Day and wishing you a happy and creative week! J 😊

  23. A lovely sunrise piece with the quote, colours are stunning.
    It's good to see the water receding now but I never realised the ships couldn't travel when the Rhine flooded. Your tulips are lovely and the chocolate muffins look delicious and very tempting.
    Avril xx

  24. Super artwork. Love those colours and those muffins look scrummy-licious.

  25. WOW! What a post!! First off, your fire and ice is Gorgeous!! What a great idea to use your photo!
    And those muffins- yummy!! I have been making pumpkin with date muffins lately, my go to snack!
    Those photos...WOW the difference in the height of the water is amazing! So happy to see it has receded!!
    And the photos of the spring flowers peeking up,makes my heart hopeful!
    sending love & hugs,Jackie

  26. Oh My! Your art today is breath taking. Such bold colors yet simplicity at it's best. You really captured the "fire and ice " theme. Great photos from your part of the world and nice to see that your water is starting to return to normal levels. Love seeing the flowers in the flower box too. We still have a wait before we get flowers here. It's only 58 days until SPRING :)

  27. I love your fire and ice piece and wow those muffins looks so delicious. enjoying seeing the flowers blooming too. your photos are always so beautiful and nice to see the water has receded now. Hope you are feeling much better too Happy T Day Kathy

  28. Schön deine Hybridkration. Deine muffins sehen verführerisch gut aus, aber nix da, ich muß erst den Winterspeck wegbekommen. ;) Deine Tulpen zusammen mit den schönen leuchtenden Glasobjekten machen richtig gute Laune. Ich hätte jedoch die pinken Tulpen gewählt. Deine Fotos zeigen schon die ersten Frühblüher und Hoffnungsträger. Auch wir haben heute beim Spaziergang schon so einiges Blühende entdeckt. Die frische Luft tat gut und Sonne hatten wir auch.
    Schönen Abend und liebe Grüße

  29. Gorgeous fire and ice page made using a gorgeous sunrise photo, Valerie! I love the layout design and especially how you framed it with splatters and white space.

    I'd love one of those chocolate muffins. Thank you so much ;-) I'm imagining myself sitting with you in the garden outside the 'Cafe Burghof' next to the castle ruins having this lovely chat.

    Our weather started to turn milder two days ago. Mexico is having one of its coldest winters ever. Flowers sprouting/blooming and waters receding are both good things.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  30. I love your fiery page Valerie! Enjoy your coffee and muffin!
    Alison xox

  31. Beautiful piece! The white looks so amazing against the warm colours of the background - I love it. Wishing you a happy and creative week! Lula

  32. Love your page, I really like how you have used one of your own photos to make it. I could just do with a chocolate muffin and a capucchina coffee but I'll have to make do with a cup of tea and a biscuit!

  33. I love the thought that every day is a new chance, adventure, beginning.

  34. Your white splattered paint frames your Fire and Ice picture magnificently, I can see why it is a favourite of yours. Your blog is a wonderful walk amongst nature, with signs that spring will soon be here. With your cappuccino and cupcakes it's all so extra inviting!! Warmest of wishes Tracey x

  35. This is so beautiful Valerie, the colours look amazing against the white paint. I can't believe how everything is springing to life there, especially after all the rain you've had! Have a lovely week, Sue xx

  36. I wuoiks love to sit by the castle with you! Your drink looks absolutely yummy! And, thNk you for the chocolate muffins! :) Lovely photos! Happy T day!

  37. What a lovely take on the theme! It is beautiful. The muffins look so yummy. I think it would be delightful to have coffee with you!

  38. Your tulips look beautiful, what a wonderful colour.

    Lovely photographs you've shared and I do like your hybrid piece.

    All the best Jan

  39. Your Fire and Ice piece looks fantastic. I like the white around the edges.

    So glad the Rhine is getting closer to its usual heights.

    I am ready to see some burst of spring! And I would love to meet you for a cappuccino near the ruins. Maybe one day!

  40. eine sehr schöne Journalseite, Valerie

  41. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  42. I love your art piece! So beautiful and I love the quote!
    I will have some muffins, please! LOL!
    That is alot of water! Glad it's slowly going away!
    I can't believe you are having spring already! We usually don't get spring till April!
    big Hugs!

  43. Beautiful colourful Project!

  44. Very beautiful...and and your muffin tags from the last post were awesome too!

    Peace Giggles

  45. Ooh, and now a stunning sky in your artwork too... so beautiful!
    Alison x


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