Saturday 13 January 2018

Light and shadow

Hi Everybody!

This morning the sun showed it itself for a few minutes -
what a lovely feeling after days of grey in grey!
I used the few moments to make my photo for today's
hybrid collage. The background was painted
with acrylics, 'ART' is from Mischief Circus:

The photos were taken on this day last year:

A ship with my initials:

We are expecting some real sunshine this weekend, so I'm
hoping to be able to get out a bit and enjoy it!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Good morning Val! Love your page, the colours remind me of a holiday in the Caribbean, and wouldn't that be nice....sigh! You certainly caught the moment and made the best of it. I remember the icy phase last January, too, you got some gorgeous photos. Have a nice day, I will ring when his lordship has gone. Hugs, Sarah

  2. Hello dear Valerie!
    I love your hybrid collage!
    Gorgeous colors and great work!
    I’m very curious how you make it!
    I would love to learn!IThis is something new for me!
    Amazing pictures from your town! Love the gull photo!
    Great captures!
    Wishing you a happy and sunny weekend!
    Here it’s 🌧 ! Hugs!

  3. I am super impressed, love your photos ;O))

  4. Hi Valerie i love your collage and your pics are wonderful thankyou for sharing my friend xx

  5. Happy Saturday morning Valerie!
    I hope the sun is still shining throughout the day for you!
    It is a total white out here again, and about 14 inches of new snow! and imagine, it was 60F yesterday and all the snow had melted! Crazy!

    Oh well, your beautiful hybrid reminded me of blue skies and warmer spring time weather ahead!
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  6. I have a candy on my blog - you can win - maybe - so go sign up now if you like ;O))

  7. sunshine makes all the difference Loved the photos and I really loved your art page-happy weekend Kathy

  8. What a beautiful series of photos. I hope this weekend does indeed turn out well and you can get out and enjoy. I loved your piece and the quote about looking to the light and the shadows behind is a wonderful one we should all remember!

  9. I love your page, Valerie. The sentiment is adorable! And beautiful photos, as always, my friend. Kisses.

  10. I absolutely ADORE your light and shadows entry. It is beautiful and filled with some of my favorite colors.

    I remember those photos from last year, and it looks so much warmer there than here. Hope you are feeling better very soon.

  11. Love the interpretation of the quote. The colors are so pretty and put me in mind of warmer weather. I enjoy looking at your pictures. You always capture something interesting. The bright colors of the ferry make me smile. Have a colorful and fun day!

  12. I love today's art piece Valerie. I like the idea of shadows falling behind you and seeing the light. Looking ahead is always a good thing. And it looks cold in your photos from last year. No marigolds blooming then. :) Hugs-Erika

    1. Last year this time it was frost and ice blooms on the Windows.

  13. fanatsievoll Licht und Schatten auf deinem Bild zusammen gefasst. Fabelhaft sieht es aus. SchĂśne Fotos von diesem Wetter letztes Jahr!
    Ich hoffe auch dass ich morgen mal richtig raus komme und die Sonne scheint auch wenns bei mir so kalt werden soll Ăźber den Tag!
    SchĂśnes Wochenende wĂźnsche ich dir(mit viel Sonne)!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  14. Beautiful collage and a nice look back with the photos. Hope you get lots of sun.

  15. Great collage and a really beautiful day on the photos!!!

  16. Great hybrid page and lovely to see some blue skies in the photos too!

  17. I hope you had a sunny day and managed to get out for a walk. The photos looked lovely, and the sun was being king back then.
    Its a fantastic hybrid page, I liked those glass vases and of course the super words.
    Yvonne xx

  18. loving your page and your photos! xo

  19. I love your page Valerie, and it's so nice to see some colour on your photographs, we've had nothing but grey for days and is soooo dark. I'm really looking forward to Spring. Have a lovely weekend, Sue xx

  20. Love the collage and the words are perfect for it. Your river looks so blue in these photos. I love winter photos but can't trust myself to go out walking alone anymore and Bob is not a cold weather person at all. Hopefully his daughter will come out soon and she and I can go out for some good photos. Have a great weekend ♥

  21. Beautiful hybrid collage. I really love the splatters over the 'ART'. And your pictures are so pretty!

  22. Beautiful colours and love the photos.xx [aNNie]

  23. wow,deine blaue hybrid seite mit den vasen ist einfach wunderschĂśn,die blau ist so schĂśn frisch und der text dazu ist soo klasse.
    tolle bilder aus deinem ort hast du gemacht,hier ist es auch bitter kalt und es friert alles zu.
    einen schĂśnen sonntag,liebe valerie.

    hugs jenny

  24. A wonderful hybrid collage and lovely photos.
    xxx Hazel.

  25. Lovely grungy background and fab hybrid piece Valerie.
    Catching up on some of your posts, hope you are over the worse and feeling better too and having a nice weekend.
    Look after yourself....
    Gill xx

  26. What lovely artwork, and the colors on the boats are fab! Your scenery pictures are pretty amazing. I really love the closeups of the water, and it makes it seem as if I was right there. Super Sunday to you! Hugs...RO

  27. Gorgeous page and I love the sentiment too. hugs, Teresa

  28. I just loved seeing your photographs, especially the blue skies.
    So much of the UK has been grey so your pictures were just so welcome.

    Hope the week ahead is a good one for you.

    All the best Jan

    PS Lovely artwork too!

  29. What a beautiful image and thought provoking sentiment! Your photos are also lovely.

  30. Your art piece is fantastic!! I love the quote!! Gorgeous photos! I love your boat! LOL! Big Hugs!

  31. Love this hybrid piece Valerie! The photos certainly show some lovely blue skies - we are in the grey again today!! Hope you are feeling better! Chrisx

  32. I love the frozen river shots. There's something about water--water and fire. Either of those can occupy my attention for hours on end.

  33. What an awesome hybrid piece. Great quote and colors!

    The photos are beautiful. The water even looks cold in the pictures. :)


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