Sunday 28 January 2018


Hi Everybody!

Hope you are enjoying your weekend!
I have a hybrid piece to hare today, made using various 
elements from Mischief Circus and me:

On Friday I made a 'Girls' breakfast with 2 friends. 
After enjoying as much as we could eat and drink 
we sat in the armchairs and put our feet up....

Sometimes it's good just to be a bit silly and
have fun:

Recently this crow has taken to sitting in the tree outside 
my bedroom window and waking me up
with his loud and not very melodious cawing;

Yesterday I had a little outing with my buddy G. We visited
the old castle in Angermund, a neighbouring village,
 and walked along the river, which was still very
swollen from the floods:

We saw hazel catkins and snow drops growing along
the walls:

The trees along the river are all full of mistletoe:

There is still a lot of damage visible from the recent

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Valerie wow this is amazing I love it,always good to spend time with friends ,love your nature pics xx

  2. I simply adore your Grateful entry. It is beautiful and so well put together. I think it's my favorite I've seen this month.

    Girls day in is always fun. Looks like you and your girl friends had a fun day and caught up on each others' lives.

    The castle in Angermund is beautiful. I was really surprised by all the water. It looks like it might be around for awhile. I have never seen snowdrops except in photos of my European friends. I don't think they grow here.

    The hurricane did a tremendous amount of damage, especially to the trees. Such a shame, but it appears at least the castle wasn't damaged. So glad you shared photos of your day there.

    1. I think they built thing better back in the middle ages! I didn't know you don't have snowdrops over there.

  3. Gorgeous journal page, that lady has such a sweet and wistful expression. Love the colours, too. Glad you had an outing, the water in the Anger does still look very high, hope the damage from the floods and hurricane are soon a thing of the past.Enjoy your Sunday, we're off to visit mum today, she loves seeing the littl'uns! Hugs, Sarah

  4. Glad you enjoyed yourselves. I quite like crows: they have a sense of humour and are very family orientated.

    I get mixed emotions when I see felled trees: firstly, the dismay of a tree-life lost; secondly, the woodworker in me twitches and my mouth waters :)

  5. Hello dear Valerie!
    Wow!!Such a great artwork you made!
    Gorgeous technique and excellent work!!!!
    Wonderful pictures of your walk!
    The castle and the area is very beautiful!
    I’m sure you had a lovely breakfast with your friends!
    Great shots of the preety crow!!
    Have a fabulous day! Hugs! ❤️

  6. Beautiful page! It looks like you had such a fun time with your friends. Beautiful photos, including of that noisy crow!

  7. fun with friends is great. and lovely art you did your houses photos also ;O)

  8. Lovely art-she is so pretty, a girls day is just the best! Looks like your area has gotten allot of rain and then the hurricane damage too. I love our crows but they are very noisy sometimes. Enjoyed seeing the photos Happy Sunday-or perhaps Monday

  9. Beautiful image in your piece! I love that photo of your feet up. Looks like a grand time -- and so does the walk. Loved that wall. You have beautiful spots to walk in your area. Great houses!

  10. wunderschön dein Bild, ich liebe es!
    Die Fotos von den Mädelstag ist very fun kicher und auch bei dir so ein Mischmaschwolkenwetter. Die Spiegelfoto im Wasser sind so schön!
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Restsonntag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  11. I can tell you have been having some fun lately. A big breakfast and putting up your feet is a great way to spend a day at any time! Breakfast is my favorite meal so how perfect. And your outing looks fun. Angermund is a very scenic place for sure and I would enjoy a visit to there too. I still can't get over how green everything seems. And lastly that is a gorgeous digital piece. Those feathers you added make her more beautiful and I love the quote. I hope we are all thankful! Happy end of your weekend. Glad to see you are out and about again. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks, it's really great to be able to get out and about again, I was sooooo fed up being home 24/7!

  12. I am thankful for today too. Looks like a fascinating walk. So many interesting things. Always sad to see damage from storms, but I do love to watch nature bounce back over time. It gives me hope. :)

    So happy you had some fun time with friends. Hugs!

  13. I love that image on your hybrid piece. She looks so elegant with feathers in her hair.
    How fun that you had a lovely morning with your friends. I love how you closed out your time. Putting your feet up is certainly a comforting thing to do with friends.
    Your pictures of the neighboring village are beautiful and remind me of a scene from the history books. You certainly are blessed to live in such a beautiful place!

  14. Great work! Beautiful photos! Love the crow!

  15. Oh look how beautiful she is with her hair! I have the Tim Holtz stamp of just the face, but she looks amazing in your lovely hybrid page. Great photos as always, though I'm always sad to see a mature tree come down.
    Alison x

  16. Oh Valerie, this is beautiful! I love that wistful look in her eyes and her lovely feathers in her hair! Looks like a bit of good girlfriend time there too! Loved seeing your photos of Angermund! I know what it'd like to be woken by crows - I think they dance on our caravan roof while 'singing' away! Hugs, Chrisx

  17. What a beautiful piece, I love it! I'm glad you had fun with your friends. What a lovely place you visited. I don't think I'd seen mistletoe on trees before...

  18. Beautiful piece. I love the feathers in her hair. hugs, Teresa
    (BTW, you are the one who first introduced me to Brushos. Thanks for commenting on my blog post.)

  19. I love the background colors, the pensive look on the girl, and the flowers in her hair. Looks like you had a fun time with your friends. Love the crow. They are messengers. I read a story somewhere that some crows had befriended a little girl, and they left her small, trinkets and shiny objects. I didn't know that's how mistletoe grew. I thought it was just some sort of bush. The Sasquehanna River in Wilkes-Barre, where The Eldest and I stayed over before getting to her apartment was in flood stage. They had lots of ice jams and some warm weather was causing things to melt, too quickly. Hope your feet stayed dry!

  20. It is a beautiful girl on your page, she has such a wonderful expression in her eyes.
    Super photos, the river water still seems high and you seemed to have had a lovely time with your friends on Friday, it was good to see you were all wearing warm socks.
    Yvonne xx

  21. I love your piece Valerie, especially the feathers in her hair. Your crow is looking very handsome, but no one could sleep through the noise they make lol. I'm glad you're out and about again, but a girly day in is fun too! Have a very happy week, Sue xx

  22. Amazing page, Valerie. I love the crow photos and the beautiful photos of the village. I am glad that you have fun with friends. Kisses!

  23. I so agree ... sometimes it's good just to be a bit silly and have fun with friends.

    I loved your art and I loved your photographs.

    With the weekend almost over ... have a great new week.

    All the best Jan

  24. Lovely to read you had fun with friends. That crow is a worry, watching over you...Beautiful artwork the sentiment my dad would always use.xxThe fires are out and although windy and hot, I pray it will all be okay as we are safe and sound... [aNNie]

    1. I'm glad to hear the fires are out and hope it stays that way.

  25. Wunderschön deine Seite mit der hübschen Lady, schön die Federn im Haar.
    Freut mich daß du so ein nettes Mädels-Frühstück hattest.
    Deine Fotostrecke ist auch wieder sehr gelungen, trotz des trüben Wetters.
    Liebe Grüße

  26. Beautiful art, and I love the photos Valerie! xx

  27. I totally love the fun pics with you and your friends, and a great reminder to spend time with people who make us smile. The scenery looks so lovely too! Happy Monday and Hugs...RO

  28. Beautiful art again and I absolutely love the photos of your friends and the feet up :) Brought a smile to my heart!. Wonderful photos from your outing and it looks like Spring is arriving in your part of the world . We have a few weeks yet until it's here to stay.

  29. I am so happy to see such a fun post! You three look like you had a marvelous time! how I wish I had friends who lived close by!
    Wow such damage from the hurricane,when Mother Nature speaks, she really does say what she means! Valerie, do you usually have more snow than you have shown? I thought our weather patterns were similar, but maybe I am making this up-lol Anyway, how lovely to see signs of spring- I envy this as well,as our winter has just returned this morning covering the green landscape with fresh white snow!brrrr! Be well my friend
    Jackie xo

  30. Your art piece is so pretty! I'm grateful for today, too! Your fun time with your friends, looked great! Glad you had an excellent time! Love Mr. Crow! That was fascinating about the mistletoe! Big Hugs!


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