Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Monkey business and more

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. Today I am sharing a hybrid 
piece using a face I drew some years back, placed on 
a hand-painted and textured BG and with some leaves 
and flowers from Mischief Circus:

Yesterday we had quite a lot of sun, and started the day
with a great sunrise:

And in the evening we were treated to the full moon, 
which made it a great day for me:

 On Sunday we visited the zoo in Krefeld, a neighbouring 
town, and today I just want to share some pics of this 
rather bored looking chap:

It's always good to be able to show one's feelings....

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday, 29 January 2018

T stands for have a heart

Hi Everybody!

On Tuesday we are starting a new challenge at
💓Have a Heart💓
and our lovely Sandie is hosting. She is also offering a 
little prize again, so hop over to Tag Tuesday 
and read all about it!

I made a hybrid tag using elements from  Serif and me and a photo
of the wonderful Frida Kahlo, as she was someone 
who had a large heart for loving, living and art:

And just a reminder that you still have a week to enter our
Fire and Ice challenge at Try it on Tuesday
Hope to see you there!

Tuesday is also time for Elizabeth's 
Tea Stands for Tuesday link party,
 so here a warm welcome to all of the nice
ladies of the T Gang. I am showing one of my fave coffee mugs:

And if you're hungry, try a coconut bar, they're good!

 Here are the rest of the photos from Saturday's walk along the River Anger:

The old water mill:

January blooms:

Next to the church we saw cherry blossoms and forsythia:

Then we went to Wittlaer, the next village down the Rhine from where I live. It is a bit lower there, and there is still a lot of flooding:

The ships have to move extremely slowly through the floods:

Men at work:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Sunday, 28 January 2018


Hi Everybody!

Hope you are enjoying your weekend!
I have a hybrid piece to hare today, made using various 
elements from Mischief Circus and me:

On Friday I made a 'Girls' breakfast with 2 friends. 
After enjoying as much as we could eat and drink 
we sat in the armchairs and put our feet up....

Sometimes it's good just to be a bit silly and
have fun:

Recently this crow has taken to sitting in the tree outside 
my bedroom window and waking me up
with his loud and not very melodious cawing;

Yesterday I had a little outing with my buddy G. We visited
the old castle in Angermund, a neighbouring village,
 and walked along the river, which was still very
swollen from the floods:

We saw hazel catkins and snow drops growing along
the walls:

The trees along the river are all full of mistletoe:

There is still a lot of damage visible from the recent

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!