Friday 20 October 2017

The cottage garden

Hi Everybody!

For Paint Party Friday and Elke's theme of 'landscapes of the soul' at 
Art Journal Journey I have an A5 page. The image is from Gecko
Galz and was printed onto canvas. I sewed it to various pieces
of distressed cardboard, and then to the canvas BG,  which was 
fringed and distressed with my home-made vintage brown
ink. I caught up some pieces of dyed cheese cloth between
the layers to give the feeling of spiders' webs, and
added some feathers as embellishments:

I am sharing more photos of my visit to Südpark - here the
cottage gardens:

I love the insect hotels:

The painted stones placed on the earth looked wonderful:

Tomorrow we will be visiting lots of ducks.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. valerie, das ist so fabelhaft ausgedacht die einzelene Elemente so eingesetzt dass es ein wunderschönes Kunstwerk wird. Ich liebe deine Art sie ist immer wieder so fantasievoll und Ideenreich das mich das verblüfft!
    Dankeschön fürs verlinken zu meinem Thema Landscapes of the soul bei AJJ

    Die Südparkfoto, o wie schön dort der Herbst ausschaut und dieser Garten was sie alles an Pflanzen toll. Ja die Erinnerungen sidn wieder da als ich da durch spazieren gegangen bin. Wunderschön ist er, danke fürs zeigen.. ich habe mich so gefreut wieder.
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag, bei mir fängt es an zu regnen gerade!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  2. Love your owl, beautifully made, you always have the best ideas. Great photos, the colours are so gorgeous, Südpark is really glowing at this time of year. I have put a little something for you into the post, hope it reaches you soon! Have a lovely day, hugs, Sarah

  3. Beautiful artwork Valerie and the cheesecloth is an inspired finishing touch.
    I enjoyed the stroll through the cottage garden too, lovely Autumnal colours and textures.
    Have a great weekend.
    Fliss xx

  4. This is a fabulous journal entry. Again, I simply adore the owl you used. The texture and coloring was perfect.

    My favorite photos are the insect hotels. I really want to build one, but haven't found time to do so. all your photos are great, and show how much autumn has arrived in your part of the world. Hope your Friday is great.

  5. I forgot to mention that I love your latest blog banner.

  6. awsome photos love the one with the bugs home. and your owl journal is just fab. what great fall /autumn colours you already have.

  7. The cottage gardens are spectacular and so colourful...beautiful in fact. Love your beautiful owl journal, and the feathers are absolutely beautiful...have a lovely weekend.xx[aNNie]🎄

  8. Amazing art and photos as always - happy Friday!

  9. That owl has such a fabulous expression. Beautiful photos, looks a lovely place to visit.
    Have a great weekend.
    Avril xx

  10. I love what you did with the owl. Very clever, lady! The feather adds such a nice touch.

    That park is gorgeous. It looks like the perfect place to enjoy a stroll. My favorite picture is the close-up of the dahlia. It's one of my favorite flowers.

    Have a super weekend!

  11. That owl image is adorable. It even looks better on canvas. It's a super page Valerie. And Sudpark looks like the kind of place I would like to visit. I really like the cool shapes of those insect hotels. I haven't seen them tall and thin before. Hope its a wonderful start to your weekend. Hugs-Erika

  12. Very cool owl. I like what you did with the cheesecloth and the feather looks like it belonged to the owl. Lovely gardens at Südpark. The dahlias are gorgeous and I can't get over how much color. Had to laugh at the picture of the big fluffy lamb. It was almost hard to tell head from tail. Hope you are having a wonderful day.

  13. You are so creative! Your Halloween piece is really clever!

    Love the cottage and garden pictures. Such beautiful colors everywhere. The insect hotels are fabulous. I don't think I have ever seen anything like them before. So cool! What an amazing set of pictures! Thanks for sharing. :)

  14. Your page is stunning today Valerie. I am in love with your flower photos, what a beautiful park!

  15. Wow, you are having a very colorful autumn! Your owl piece is wonderful. I am impressed that you made your own brown ink. The painted rocks looks so pretty as they are set.

  16. OOOhhh this Owl is amazing. I am so drawn to these photos too.

  17. Fabulous owl art with it's earthy colors and elements! Love your brilliant photos too-always so crisp and colorful. Happy PPF!

  18. I love the autumnal photos! I love the detail of the feather in your wonderful owl Halloween art!

  19. That's a great Halloween creation! I love the material and technique mix, the image, and the colors.
    The gardens are beautiful and there is so much to discover.

  20. OH Valerie! I do love the art today.. That owl image is perfect for all of the embellishments you used. LOVE IT ! I love the photos today also .. Those insect Hotels are so cool and I just may have to try and get something like that made for the next garden season. Love the woolly sheep too ♥ Have a great weekend !

    1. I thought of you when I saw those wonderful insect hotel, I knew you would like them!

  21. Love the perfect for October! And your beautiful Fall photos are just so lovely...I adore all this Fall color!

  22. Ooooh ~ love that owl and the insect house is one of many wonderful photos ~ so creative ^_^

    Love and Light,
    A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)

  23. You made me enjoy a lovely morning walk in the country!
    I love the owl too!!!

  24. Hach noch so ein schönes Eulentag. Das Federchen darauf gefällt mir sehr.
    Deine Südpark Fotostrecke ist wieder so wunderbar in der Motiv-Wahl und die herbstlichen Farben sind ja auch so fotogen. Ein echt schönes Plätzchen dieser Park.
    Liebe Grüße und ein schönes Wochenende.

  25. Wonderful Autumn photos and art! xx

  26. I LLLLLOVE your beautiful page, Valerie. What a pretty owl! And I love the feathers! The photos of Südpark are amazing! I love the lambs and the colours of nature! Kisses, my friend.

  27. I always love your fabric creations and this one if perfect for Halloween with that beautiful owl! The autumnal photos are lovely too, it's nice to see those beautiful leaf colours - amazing 😁. Wishing you a Happy Friday and Weekend! J 😊

  28. Your photos just show beautiful scenes from your visit to Südpark - such a great place for a visit.

    Happy Weekend Wishes

    All the best Jan

  29. Very cleverly done. I love the feathers. hugs, Teresa

  30. It is a gorgeous owl on canvas, a fabulous project Valerie.
    The photos were all beautiful, I also liked the bug hotels, it looked a lovely place to visit and walk around.
    Yvonne xx

  31. I so love the owl piece, it is full of intrigue. Your photos are also so very pretty!

  32. A fall owl with feathers and stitching! Perfectly vintage and lovely!

  33. Wow! Fabulous post! Love all the beautiful photos and the stunning owl piece of art! Happy PPF :)

  34. I just love the textures and neutral tones of your owl. Beautiful. And so is Sudpark! Oh, I can imagine you had a most wonderful time there -- gorgeous photos and such a pretty fall!

  35. Lovely colors, beautiful park to explore. Our colors are not that rich anymore, we've had below zero temperature every night since mid last week...brrr but right now sun's shining wow!
    Have a good week ahead!

  36. I adore your wise old owl - he looks so wonderful on the fabric, and the soft feathers and gentle neutral layers are beautiful.
    Alison x

  37. Ooh this is fabulous Valerie, your owl is gorgeous, and I love all of the textures xx

  38. I love your owl!!! I love your photos! Cool, insect hotels!! Love the painted rocks! Gorgeous photos!! I love nature! Big Hugs!

  39. your owl piece is splendid! I just love your layers and sewing and the feathers you have added are just the perfect pieces to pull this all together!
    oh those gardens are so lovely and yes, those insect hotels- ho cool are those! I might need to make one in the spring as well! My husband and I were just speaking of the lack of insects the other day. He read an article about how fewer bugs there are among us. As we talked we realized what he read was correct...years ago, after a drive,either day or night, the front of the vehicle would be covered with smooshed insects who could not get out of the way in time. Nowadays, it is hard pressed to even find one or two to have to clean off. Surely this is not good for the environment or the food chain- what are we doing to our poor planet "(

  40. Oh My! This is fabulous Valerie! Great textured layers and the feather are a perfect finish Sudpark looks a great place to visit! Hugs, Chrisx


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