Thursday 19 October 2017

Pigs and goats like oats

Hi Everybody!

Today I have a hybrid piece for Elke's lovely 'landscapes
of the soul' theme at Art Journal Journey. I used a photo for the
background, and then various freebie overlays. The text was made
with a stencil from Stencilry. I am also linking to
Paint Party Friday.

For my autumn/Halloween challenge at Tag Tuesday I have
an owl tag. The image is from Gecko Galz. The metallic owls were 
sent by my dear friend Donna. I sewed them to the branch with
gold thread. The edges were also machine sewn.

On Tuesday I visited Südpark with my buddy G. It's a huge, 
open area (70 hectares) at the other end of the town and I can get
there on the tram. As well as a farm and a cottage garden, there are 
acres of green, lakes and wonderful flower gardens.
We started at the farm and cottage gardens. I loved seeing the 
sunflowers, a reminder that autumn is pushing summer
out, although it was a warmish day:

These 2 ladies are called Heike and Doris, and were
surprisingly quick and agile: 

The goats were my faves, and came trotting to the fence
to get some treats, and enjoyed being stroked:

The bee house:

This one loved being petted:

I have lots more photos to show in the next days!
Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. das war bestimmt toll im südpark mit all den tierchen,das die schweine doris und heike heißen find ich witzig.
    auch all die schönen herbstfarben sind toll,und dein tag und deine seite sind wunderschön.
    einen schönen tag.

    hugs jenny

  2. der Südpark hat immer Anziehungskraft finde ich schon damals als ich dort war du hast herrliche Fotos gemacht gerade auch die schönen Sonnenblumen und die Tiere ach wie goldig sie sind.. d ahst du diene wahre Freude geahbt bei dem Wetter.
    So zu deinen Tag das ist ja wunderschön die Eule und diese passende Eulenanhänger, grossartig gestaltet.
    Zu meinem Thema Seelenschaften ist so bezaubernd verträumt das Journal mit diesem Satz eine fantasievolle Arbeit von dir. Ich bin ganz Glücklich was dir alles einfällt!!! Super Dankeschön fürs verlinken zu AJJ.
    Heute ist ziemlich Nebel noch mal schauen ob es sich auflöst was...
    Dir noch einen schönen Tag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  3. Wonderful artwork, the darkly mysterious journal page and the gorgeous, autumnal tag - love those little metal owls! Great photos, too, I remember Südpark well, A. once ran into the lake to try to catch a duck....he came out green and slimy but seemed to have enjoyed it! Enjoy your day, hugs, Sarah

  4. How beautiful and the blue is gorgeous. Love the oink oinks.xx [aNNie]

  5. I'm working backwards today. Those sunflower photos are very cool. Love the new header too. And I think adding the charms to the tag was smart. I love owls and so it's a "charming" piece to me. Ha-ha. And the peacock is gorgeous. They are so regal, aren't they? Hope all is well. Hugs-Erika

  6. Both pieces look wonderful! That peacok just glows and I love your owl tag! The little owl charms sewn onto the branch are such a clever touch!
    Great photos of your outing to that park too, love the autumnal colours, and those pigs and goatts are so cute!!

  7. Your lovely AJJ entry is fabulous. I really love the peacock, but also like that stencil, too. I think I have stencil envy.

    Oh those owls. Genuinely awesome tag. I adore it.

    Did you take the photo of that rusty farm equipment for me?? I swooned when I saw it. Of course, the images of autumn were captured beautifully in so many of your photos. The warmth of the colors show beautifully in your photos from today.

  8. Your page is stunning. Love the ultramarine blue and black combination. The peacock and the text really jump off the page. Cute owl charms. So much beautiful color on your outing. The pigs and the goats remind me of the petting zoo at an apple orchard we used to visit when the girlies were little.

  9. aww love the animal pictures very much...

  10. Lovely blue page and textured tag! Beautiful photos at the park, glad it was mild weather to make it more enjoyable!

  11. such gorgeous fall photos loved all of them-and the animals-we used to raise farm animals when we were younger-your art is lovely the owl is my favorite

  12. The peacock page is beautiful - such rich colors and details!! And what a great owl tag too!!

  13. I keep thinking I've picked out my favorite pieces then you come out with new ones:) I especially love the owl and the little owl charms. How perfect.
    Looks like you had a lovely day. I'm glad.

  14. Peacocks are amazing. What a beautiful subject to work with. The photos are wonderful. I love cottage gardens. They are the most charming. The photogenic animals are so cute.

  15. I love your beautiful owl card, Valerie, and the little metallic pendants you used! So original! As for your photos, they are great! I especially love the sunflowers, the pigs and, of course, the goat! Kisses, my friend.

  16. Gorgeous shades of blue in your awesome page Valerie. The peacock looks magnificent and the quote you chose today is super.
    I also loved the wonderful owl and the sweet owl charms you used to embellish the tag were lovely.
    Super photos, the animals looked so happy and well cared for.
    Yvonne xx

    1. The animals there are really cared for and healthy, makes me happy!

  17. Eine traumhafte Szene hast du da gestaltet und das Eulen-Tag mit den drei Eulen-Charms daran mag ich auch sehr. Die Fotos von eurem Ausflug zum Südpark sieht verlockend aus, all die schönen Blumen und knuddeligen Tiere. Schöne Fotos hast du davon gemacht. Die beiden Schweinedamen sind total drollig, schön auch die Nahaufnahmen.
    Liebe Grüße

  18. Wonderful artwork Valerie and both pieces are so gorgeous. Lovely photos too and the animals especially the goat are so cute.
    Fliss xx

  19. Gorgeous art ...
    Your visit to Südpark provided some wonderful photographs and glorious Autumn colour.

    Enjoy the rest of the week, the days pass by so quickly.

    All the best Jan

  20. I love your hybrid piece and the owl tag. That single gold stitch is eye catching and so is that amazing bold peacock. Love these pieces Valerie. Have a happy weekend.

  21. gorgeous peacock and stunning owl art pieces! i love goats by the way -- darling photos! xo

  22. that was definitely great in the south park with all the animals, the pigs doris and heike hot I find funny.
    also all the beautiful autumn colors are great, and your day and your site are beautiful.


  23. Beautiful artwork Valerie! I love the owl, and the pigs and goats! Great Autumn photography!
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Alison xx

  24. Beautiful art and photos. I particularly love the owl tag.

  25. Great quote and beautiful peacock!

  26. Love the colours in your peacock piece and what a great quote. Your tag is very seasonal and creative. Love your photos. I've always wanted to own a goat. Unfortunately, we don't have the space. Maybe someday.

  27. what a post!! The peacock art is gorgeous!! I love the owl piece and those charms, and boy would I love to go on that walk and see -and pet!- all those precious animals. Happy PPF!

  28. Ohhhh the Dreamer is just stunning. Love all the photos.

  29. Love the peacock one of my favorite birds!

  30. Fabulous dream piece and tag! Love the Autumn photos and seeing the pigs and goats. Beautiful! Wonderful post!

  31. Lovely peacock and your owl is very nice and timely. Sunflowers are my favorites, especially in the fall when their heads fall, heavy with seeds. Happy PpF

  32. the depth in your hybrid piece is amazing, and I love that deep blue colour. Beautiful work ... Happy PPF!

  33. Love the photos so much, especially sunflowers on their way out - just as beautiful as in full bloom. The tags are just wonderful- you are such an inspiration

  34. My comment didn't go through darn it...hope this works. Fab art and vivid this week!! Love it all..My daughter feels the same about sunflowers and will stop by a field of them just to wonder through and take photos!

    Peace Giggles

  35. I love Owls..your tag is stunning..great embellishing too...fabulous as always...xx

  36. Your beautiful peacock art reminded me of when I was a kid. My aunt's neighbor had peacocks, and I got to see them up close. Such a lovely bird. I was a bit intimidated by their size, tho. Hope you have a great week!! Keep the photos coming. I enjoy seeing your side of the world so much. :)

  37. Your art is so amazing! Thank you for your creations!!!
    Love the photos!! Those pigs and goats are so cute!
    Big Hugs!

  38. Lots to see here:-) The closeup inside the sunflower is awesome.

  39. Wow that peacock is amazing! The colours are glowing from the page! Your owl looks very wise, and I love the text xx

  40. Oh Valerie, the photos in this post with those magnificent sunflowers and all these marvelous fall colors really make my heart sing. It looks as though you are in the prime of it all and it's bursting!

  41. Your peacock piece is absolutely stunning Valerie!! So gorgeous!!

    What a wonderful post filled with the best of Autumn! So glad to see you out and about and taking your regular adventures- I am sure it is good for your soul as it is wonderful for ours to view from afar!
    Huge hugs and have a glorious week my friend,Jackie

  42. I love farm animals. :) Such beautiful pictures. Love all my walks and visits with you.


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