Tuesday 17 October 2017

A dwelling place for the soul

Hi Everybody!

For Elke's 'Landscapes of the soul' challenge at 
Art Journal Journey I have a hybrid piece put together
with various elements from Serif and me. I wrote the little verse 
especially for Elke:

For Tag Tuesday, autumn/Halloween I have a digital tag
made using my own elements and artwork:

Some more photos from our trip to Kaarster See:


We spotted these friendly animals in a field as we drove by:

The end:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful journal page, tag and photos. Just a quickie today, kids are all sick. Hugs, Sarah

  2. das ist wieder so schön gestaltet liebe Valerie mit den Worten es berührt einen tief und solche Plätze sind so wichitg in unseren Leben. Dankeschön für das verlinken zu meinem Thema bei AJJ. Dein Tag ist fantastisch von diesem herbstlichen Art!
    Herrliche Fotos vom Kaarster Seemit all den Tieren!
    die Pferde sind ja toll!
    Schönen Abend wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  3. Lovely landscape page and such beautiful words you wrote for Elke. Nice digital tag and I enjoyed your trip photos today.

  4. A most touchingly beautiful work Valerie, the words mean a lot.
    Lovey tag and your photos are delightful :D) xx

  5. It is a gorgeous page Valerie, I love the wonderful verse you wrote for Elke.
    Its a beautiful digital, autumn tag as well.
    Great photos, i loved seeing the animals and birds.
    Yvonne xx

  6. What lovely artworks, your tag especially pulls me in. I love your photos as well, you really capture such beauty.

  7. I love the quote on your digital fall piece! An your tag background is so colorful. Beautiful!

  8. Wow, both of your art pieces today are really gorgeous Valerie. You really nailed the fall feel, and I must say that little mouse on the tag almost missed my eye but it's a perfect addition. It's a very nice poem for Elke too. The goat in your photo has quite the expression on his face too. :) Happy mid-week. Hugs-Erika

  9. Lovely piece. And beautiful words. Awesome!

  10. A stunning page, the words that you wrote are beautiful and so is your tag.
    x Hazel.

  11. I really enjoyed the AJJ entry. Such caring and thoughtfulness. It was certainly impassioned. And it had lots of birds, too! I really enjoyed the tag with its great background, too.

    I laughed and laughed at the last photo from your trip. Of course, there were many photos I enjoyed, so it's a bit sad to have this trip end already. Hope you are finally feeling well again, so you can take another day trip soon.

    1. Glad it made you laugh - I couldn't resist it!

  12. I checked your latest posts - your autumn looks as beautiful as here in Finland :) But here it will soon change, zero nights are coming at the end of the week and day temperatures will be just above plus, brrrrr....
    Have a great day!

  13. Such a pretty page and I love your verse. I enjoyed the walk around the lake. I'm like those daisies trying to hold on to the last rays of Summer. And the last photo made me laugh. Thanks for starting my morning with a smile.

  14. Oh, that tag! Wow! And loving your photos today -- the color and especially the fun animals!

  15. Two great autumnal creations - I especially love your glorious altered tag using elements of your own work. And thanks for taking us on another lovely walk with your photos.
    Alison x

  16. Such a beautiful post with beautiful artwork and wonderful photos!
    I hope you are felling better dear Valerie!
    Sending hugs and love,Jackie xo

  17. Gorgeous journal page. It would be nice to live in a sea of contentment. The animals are adorable. There is something about creatures that just bring a smile to my face!

  18. Anbsolutely wonderful artwork Valerie and lovely Autumnal photos too, love the smiley goat!
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  19. Love these pieces. And the first verse is so perfect. I could crawl right into it.
    Looks like the ponies and goat are pals:) The end. Ha!

  20. Wow what a gorgeous piece Valerie, and I love the quote that you've written. These animal photo's just make me smile xx

  21. Great art again today ♥ Great photos too. Love the animal shots. Have a great day!!!!

  22. Beautiful photos of a great place, Valerie. And I love your amazing digital tag! Kisses, my friend.

  23. eine traumhafte seite und schöne bilder vom herbst,die entchen und pferde sind ja toll.
    einen schönen donnerstag,liebe valerie,dein tag ist auch klasse,schönen farben.

    hugs jenny

  24. Oh such beautiful words you wrote for Elke, and the artwork was just lovely too.

    Great photo's again, loved all the animals.

    All the best Jan

  25. such a beautiful, uplifting poem and journal page- I love this. Your tag is fab, and I so adore the animal photos!

  26. A beautiful page and tag Valerie! I love the verse you wrote.
    Wonderful animal and Autumn photos too! I went for a woodland walk with my visiting son yesterday, it was so nice to catch up with him as we walked, before he returns home.
    Hugs, Alison xx

  27. as always everything is lovely. the tag though is breathtaking. xo

  28. You always make my heart smile! Such a beautiful post! Love "The End"! LOL! Big Hugs!

  29. Awesome Tag Valarie....I love the wonderful mixes using digital elements, the autumn shades are lush....
    Thank you for joining in the fun at Tag Tuesday x

  30. Oh I do love animals and your photos of them are wonderful ~ beautiful autumn tag too!

    Love and light,

    A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)


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