Monday 30 October 2017

T stands for Book-prinT

Hi Everybody!

On Tuesday we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday,
and Sandie, our new teamie is hosting with the great theme of
book print. Hope to see lots of you joining in to give her
a good start off. Tags of all formats are allowed,
and you have 2 weeks to link to us.
Have fun, and hope to see you there!
I made a large tag from recycled black card from an old
calendar, which I stenciled with golden stars. The houses 
and the moon were fussy cut from vintage German book-print.
After sewing it to a golden card for the backing I used ribbon 
and stars as embellishments.

Today is also T stands for Tuesday at Elizabeth's blog, so welcome
to all of the nice ladies of the T gang.
A friend of mine recently bought a selection of
Spekulatius - very delicious spiced cookies which are popular
here especially in the winter season. The pastry is pressed into
moulds to make the lovely figures. Help yourselves!

 My drink is cappuccino again:

When we were in Südpark we had a rest by the lake and the ducks and
geese came zooming in to see if we had anything good in our pockets;

The Egyptian wild geese were the quickest:

These 2 tried to steal bread from a little boy sitting in his buggy:

I'm waiting....

Where is it?

We saw this head nailed to a garage on our way to the restaurant -
tastes are different:

The frog fountain was in the garden of the restaurant where we ate:

And no, I didn't try kissing it....

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Sunday 29 October 2017

Last efforts

Hi Everybody!

The month is coming to a close, and I have 2 more pieces
I would like to link before the next challenge cycles begin.
The first piece is for my challenge at Tag Tuesday, 
autumn or Halloween. The three sweet little witches are
an image from Gecko Galz, printed onto canvas,
which was fringed and then sewn onto 2 coordinating
backing papers. The owl strip was punched out:

The second piece is for Elke's lovely challenge at
Art Journal Journey, 'Landscapes of the soul'.
Last week I cut a large face stamp. It took several days as the cutting 
hurts my hands so I couldn't do too much at one sitting. 
The A3 background here was brayered with some left over
autumn colours, and the stamp was used to 'ghost' stamp the page - 
it wasn't re-inked after using it on another page, so this is the faded,
second or 'ghost' print. I added more colour using Calligraphy
permanent markers from Lehmann and Weber. The birds were 

This is the stamp:

Some photos showing the very changeable weather
we had this week:

I was alone at the ice parlour drinking my coffee:

The evening sun lighting up the remaining leaves against
the dark clouds:

Lots of colourful leaves:

And a mix of sun, wind and clouds all week:

Here's wishing you all a good start in the new week!
Take care, and thanks for coming by!

Saturday 28 October 2017

This and That

Hi Everybody!

Today I have another tag to share for my
autumn/Halloween challenge at Tag Tuesday - you still have a
couple of days to join in! The image was sewn onto a
coordinating backing paper and I used some natural
leaves for decoration.

For the Simon Monday challenge, monochrome,
I have a card that I have made. It was stamped onto LaBlanche
speciality paper. The BG stamps are also from LaBlanche and
were stamped with vintage photo DI, the image of Leda
(Lost Coast Designs) was stamped with Adirondack
Espresso. The die-cut word is from Sizzix. I sewed all the
layers together again:

I fitted the card inside this 'window' card which is a 
recycled one which I didn't want to throw away:

And more photos of my walk in Südpark:

The 'washing' on the line is supposed to be art:

Crossing the bridge:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!