Monday 18 September 2017

T stands for This and That

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend was good.
On Tuesday we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday
and our lovely Joan is hosting. You can see the delightful,
inspirational tags she created on the TT blog.
I made this tag using some recycled kraft card from
Amazon shipping envelopes. (You can cut lots of tags from
each one - waste not, (hopefully!) want not!). The background was 
stenciled using frayed burlap distress oxide ink, and the 
steampunk birds  (Paper Artsy)were stamped with archival
black. I sewed it onto some
recycled black card from an old calendar.

My second tag is a digital one. The background is from
the Graphics fairy and the lightbulb image is from a Serif set
by Gill.
I am also linking to Go Tag Thursday, tag it.

Today is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so here a
warm welcome to all of the T gang. The postcards last week were 
won by Lisa and Eileen. Eileen, I need your snail mail addy, please.

Took this photo of the inside of the ice parlour last week, it
is now too cold to sit outside:(

Sorry, my coffee was almost finished by the time
I took the photo:

I had a lot of visitors last week, and baked these delicious
lemon muffins - help yourselves!

Mmmmmm, yummy!

We had a lot of rain which made great weather for staying home,
playing and reading:

These are the last photos from my trip to Neuss:

 Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. The tags came out beautifully! Great recycling idea too! It is getting too cold here too for the outside. Your lemon muffins look so yummy. I am sure they got devoured! I love the clock decor. So cute.

  2. Your steampunk tags are awesome. Love the birdheads and the clock charm. The wind up top hat is perfect and is certainly ready for a journey. Too bad, it was too cold to sit out side for ice cream. Cooler/colder weather is baking weather and your lemon muffins look delicious! It certainly rained at your house, but nice weather for your trip to Neuss. I'm fascinated by the figures on the clock. Does the clock work and the figures move? That is just too cool

  3. yummie mufins love love..great tags to ;O)

  4. Wonderful tags, love the neutral colour scheme again. Wonderful muffins, and great photos. Got to prepare for tomorrow, so just quickie today, hugs, Sarah

  5. Fantastic steampunk style tags, super rusty colour shades on the first one. Packaging is so useful, like you, I can always find a use for it over time.
    Great photos, you caught super shots of the rain pouring down. I really liked the clock tower as well, it looks like the figures up there move?
    Your cakes looked delicious, I think your visitors may have eaten and enjoyed them all.
    Happy Tea day wishes Valerie.
    Yvonne xx

  6. Gorgeous steampunk artwork Valerie, a favourite theme of mine too.
    The muffins do indeed look yummy and your photos are fab as always.
    Have a good week.
    Fliss xx

  7. Your tags are super, I love the steampunk birdheads and the rusty metal colour is perfect! You used Gill's beautiful lightbulb image wonderfully too 😁. The rain certainly poured down but I'm glad to see the lovely weather for your trip to Neuss. It looks like a beautiful place and watching the clock must be so much fun! Those lemon cakes look delicious, just right to enjoy with a cuppa - Happy T Day! J 😊

  8. I never really got into steampunk, but I am starting to understand it, especially with the two beautiful tags you created. They are exactly as I would expect steampunk to be.

    The clock in the town of Neuss is fabulous. Loved the figures that moved on the clock. I also enjoyed the arched door with the very expressive figures.

    So glad you had company so I can have one of those muffins. It was good to see you were enjoying your cappuccino inside the ice parlor because the rain and cold weather are really not conducive for sitting outside. BTW, those rain shots were incredible.

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful steampunk tags, your trip photos to Neuss, and your muffins and cappuccino with us for T this Tuesday.

  9. Such clever artwork as always Dear Valerie!
    Mmmm, I can smell those lemon muffins - so tempting :D)
    Such a lot of rain, coming down in bucketfuls!!
    Neuss is a lovely place, such gorgeous architecture. Cheers now xx

  10. cute tags. The coffee must've been good! Perfect muffins, yum! Love the rain shots and enjoyed the remaining photos of Neuss.

  11. Yum, those lemon muffins (my favorite) look great. Thanks also for the tag ideas. I especially like the recycled materials that you included in your first tag. Happy T Day!

  12. Super steampunk style tags Valerie! I do have some stamps that would go so well with the new theme;) The muffins sound delish. I do appreciate rainy days for catching up indoors-whether it's art, movies, reading or even cleaning...
    And Neuss- oh how I'd LOVE to see that building in the first photo especially. Happy T day!

  13. Nice tags! I guess with all that rain (great shots of the downpour) you've had a lot of play and baking time. I am jealous since it has been so hot and humid here. I love the figures on that building. So I'm wondering if the ones one the little landing actually move across the landing and into the building? They are cool! happy T day. Hugs-Erika

  14. Lovely tags! I love those steampunk birds with the stitching. Your tags are fabulously steampunk and neutral. Beautiful!

  15. das sind ja tags wunderschön an zusehen und grossartig die Ideen wie du sie gemacht hast!
    Lecker die Muffins und bei dir hat es Bindfaden geregnet!
    Nah und Neuss mit den Schützenfiguren das ist immer interessant wenn sie bewegt werden, daneben bin ich immer zu einem Doc gewesen im Haus.
    Herrliche Aufnahmen von Neuss!
    Schönen Tag und hoffentlich mal was ohne Regen bei dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  16. Love the light bulb here and the coffee and the photos and the gorgeous steampunk [aNNie]

  17. Wonderful tag Valerie and I do like the sideways idea. Well done for recycling the envelopes as well

    Yummy muffins I can smell them from here. Have a very happy T Day

    More great photographs of another interesting place.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  18. i like the quirky birds tag and those cakes look delicious

  19. Fabulous tags, yummy muffins and lovely photos.
    xxx Hazel.

  20. A fab steampunk tag (Yes, I also keep my Amazon envelopes for crafting) and the digital one is great too.
    Thank you for sharing the photos from Neuss. What a beautiful place. I love the clock display. I assume it moved and has a caroussel. That must be quite a spectacle.
    Yes, I'd love a lemon muffin, thank you. They look delish!
    Happy T-Day,

  21. I forgot to tell you that I love the sandcastles in your banner. Great! I love them. We have a friend who is a artist but does sandcastles in the summer to earn a bit on the side.

  22. Lovely art,delicious looking muffins and great photos today! Have a nice T-Day!

  23. Wonderful art Valerie. I especially love that wee little clock charm so perfectly placed above the word timepiece! How clever! Your lemon muffins look entirely delicious!! We've had a heat wave now, so I'm hoping we get a bit more rain before it gets cold again. Have a great day, hugs :)

  24. good morning, beautiful post as always-I enjoy all of your photos. Your steampunk art tag is amazing loved reading about all of the element in it. I also loved your next tag with the cup too.
    we are back to summer temperatures and humidity I think mother nature switched up august and september on us-lol last month was cool like fall
    Happy T Day Kathy

  25. What fun pieces. Love the polka dot strap on the first, and the JOURNEY and hatted light bulb on the second:)
    OMGosh, look at that figurines-clock. How amazing.
    Save me a muffin:)

  26. Great tags!!!! Those muffins look mouth watering ♥ Love all of the photos you shared... a short photo vacation ♥

  27. I don't usually eat breakfast, but I'm definitely having one of those tasty-looking lemon muffins this morning. Thx :) I love that clock! What fun it must have been to watch. You got good pics of the rain. We're still having summer heat and sunshine here.

    Happy T Tuesday

  28. Huge fan of steampunk here.. those tags are fab!!!! Just wanted to let you know Eileen is on vacation if you don't hear from her for a little while thats why... :) Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

  29. Your tags are fabulous - love the birds!! And the large lightbulb!!!

  30. I want to go to Neuss! And very nice art. Love the brown tones. Those lemon muffins -- I love lemon. Anything lemon. This looks excellent!

  31. Oh wie schön sind deine Tags, diese steampunkigem Tauben sehen super aus und dein digitales Werk finde ich auch ganz toll zusammengestellt. Die Glühbirne scjimmert so schön und sieht richtig plastisch aus. Dein Sandkunst Header finde ich sehr dekorativ, super Idee! Cappuccino habe ich vorhin auvh nochmal einen in det letzten Abendsonne Draußen genossen. Vorher hatten wir nich einen schönen Spaziergang gemacht. Jetzt backe ich gerade ein leckeres Früchtebrot.
    Liebe Grüße und gute Nacht.

  32. your steampunk tags are amazing, both the stamped and the digital. i am especially fond of the stamp you used! gorgeous photos from neuss. xo

  33. I love your steampunk tags!I am becoming more interested in Steampunk now that my son and DIL have been showing me photos of the Steampunk weekends they go on! I think we are being spoilt by the weather here - no doubt we will notice the cold when we get back home! A sensible move to drink inside!Neuss looks like a great place to visit and I love the mechanical clock!Hugs, Chrisx

  34. Your Steampunk tags are great. Neuss looks beautiful. Love the stonework around the door. The muffins look yummy! The clock is super cool too! I love the figures. Thank you for commenting on my blog. I appreciate your kind words, Happy t day!

  35. What beautiful tags! I enjoy your art so much. Your photos are amazing too, thank you!

  36. Your tags are perfectly steampunkery! heehee I think i just made up that word!

    Love your photos from your trip and those muffins- oh my ! Bet they were as delicious as they looked! yummy!!!

  37. A wonderful digi that light bulb and the mini Tag...
    Thank you for playing in the Tag It challenge over at Go Tag Thursday..x

  38. Once again a wonderful mix for us to enjoy.
    Love the tags.
    The muffins look yum!
    Nice to see the rain, sometimes it is so welcome!
    Great photos of Neuss.

    All the best Jan

  39. I love your art pieces! They are amazing! Can I have some lemon muffins please! I love lemon! Cool pictures! Love the rain ones! Our temperatures have went the other way! We are hotter now, then it was in summer! Crazy! Big Hugs!

  40. Lovely post - the tags are also superb. Love those images.


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