Saturday 1 April 2017

2nd on the 2nd on the 1st

Hi Everybody!
Here's wishing us all a good, peaceful and productive
month of April. I hope spring soon comes to
those who are still having issues with 
winter weather.

Elizabeth has a link up on the 2nd of each month where
we show things that we have already shown before. As she is
also concerned with the Earth this month, I am showing
a couple of recycled boxes made 2 years back from small, round
cheese boxes, as I always have problems throwing
them away. I used either natural materials for
decorating them, or embellishments which had
been rescued from old projects:

And just for fun, some 'recycled' photos, taken on April 1st last year:

 The lovely tree has also been cut down:

 Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful display very classy work of art. Great pics. Have a lovely weekend.x

  2. I love that you showed the little boxes again, they are beautiful, and the rust coloured one is here on my desk, and I love it! Great idea to show the photos from last year, too, I think spring is a bit further this year than it was last. Have a lovely day, rest! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Valerie, I don't recall see these boxes before- they are exquisite!! I love that you added natural elements to them, so organic!
    May I ask what your favorite embossing powders are? You seem to achieve great texture and color with these!
    Happy weekend!
    sending hugs,Jackie

  4. I remember those gorgeous boxes Valerie. I think they make a great reshow just because they are so beautiful. Hope you're having a wonderful weekend with sunshine and flowers. Hugs-Erika

  5. Such rich colours and textures to your creations, wonderful.

    It might just be me, but there is something amusing about items taken out of their normal environment: the tractors look ill at ease on the boat as if they would like to be wearing life-belts!

  6. Those boxes are beautiful Valerie, they look like fancy pillbox hats. We've had some lovely spring days and everything is starting to sprout! Love the fun stamp in your header too! Enjoy your weekend. Xx

  7. Exquisite boxes - I remember them - worth to have a second look on!
    Brilliant photos!
    Happy weekend!

  8. Love those boxes Valerie - I am going to see if I can find some little cheese boxes!
    Sandy xx

  9. oh what lovely boxes (and great recycling) love all the details and textures, especially the butterfly one. I don't remember these - so thanks for showing them again.
    Great photos too - it's always interesting to see the things on the boats that come up and down your river.
    Hope your Saturday has been good..
    Gill xx ps thanks for the answer about the mahonia - the hedges sound nice and must look really bright and cheerful.

  10. Well worth a second look Valerie they are truly beautiful and I remember them from the first time around and loved them then as well.

    Terrific photographs and the one with all the tractors is amazing. Mr Blackbird looks very happy to be with as well

    Love Chrissie xx

  11. Beautiful boxes and enjoyed your photos from last year too!

  12. Everyone is a masterpiece Valerie...I especially love the butterfly box! What a great idea for round cheese boxes!!!
    Love your photos...they are amazingly gorgeous!!!

    Big Hugs~

  13. Lauter kleine Kunstwerke deine Boxen, super um darin Kleinigkeiten zu verschenken,aber auch so ein Dekostück für sich. Das goldene Embossing darauf sieht schön aus.
    Tolle Fotos auch wieder, das eine mit den schönen Wolken sieht fast wie ein Aquarell aus,so schön.
    Liebe Grüße

  14. You know I think I remember these from the first time around, and they are just as lovely now! I guess the blackbird will just be a little bigger now (I think I am too lol) It's good to be back home and catching up in blogland! Have a great week. Sue xx

    1. The blackbird is one of my most faithful visitors!

  15. What lovely boxes! You created such beauty with them. What a sweet little bird visitor too.

  16. I remember these gorgeous boxes Valerie, I wonder why you have me thinking of my favourite cheese.
    Lovely photos , it was such a shame that lovely tree being cut down.
    Yvonne xx

  17. Those boxes are simply gorgeous. I love that they are recycled too! So special and pretty.

    Your sky photos are lovely. I am hoping for some spring weather soon. It almost comes, but then more cold and sleet/snow shows up.

    I always enjoy the visits with my birds on my porch- yours look fun too. :)

  18. This post was from before I came to visit you so it is such fun to see these beautiful boxes. Not like what I've seen you do lately but I recognize some of your wonderful techniques. These really are gorgeous and so very special!

  19. I never saw these before, so I am thrilled you are sharing them for your Second on the 2nd. I have a round metal tin I've been contemplating what to do with it, so you have given me an idea and inspiration. Thank you for sharing these boxes with us, but MOST OF ALL, thanks for inspiring me to create something similar with my metal tin.

    What a great way to recycle. Photos from last year are perfect, and I think your spring has bloomed far earlier this year than last year. Even before you said anything, I thought how you must miss your tree. How sad they cut it down. So glad you have memories in photos to share with us again.

    Thanks for joining Second on the 2nd with your inspirational boxes (you know I'm going to steal oops, borrow that idea) and your recycled photos from April 1 last year. I simply adore anything recycled.

  20. Hi Valerie, I adore your boxes. So many awesome details making them so special. Great photos too. Happy April and happy month of creating. I just got back from a spring break to see the Bluebonnets and trying to catch up. So inspired to stop by and see your creativity. I am anxious to get back into my art room. Have a great week ahead. xo

  21. your boxes are unique and beautiful! ornately and gorgeously done. happy april! xo

  22. What a fabulous project to take a second look at! Love the photos from last year too! The tractors on the Rhine still make me smile! Hope you are enjoying your weekend! Chrisx

  23. Fabulous recycled boxes, and what a great idea, I must have boxes full of boxes I can't bare to throw away.

    1. I think we're all the same in that respect!

  24. Einfach herrlich diesen kleinen Schächtelchen! Die habe ich wohl letztes Jahr verpasst.
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  25. Good morning Oh wow I loved your post with all the pretty photos. I love cheese boxes too and I don't run into them any more-Loved the way you embellished them-very pretty, and enjoyed all the nature photos.
    Happy second on the 2nd

  26. Love these boxes ...
    Another great selection of photo's too.

    All the best Jan

  27. I love your recycle post Valerie. I remember these boxes very well, they were definitely in my top favourite Valerie projects!! Wonderful photos. Sad to hear about the tree being cut down. It's been a tragic year for trees here. Southern Ontario will lose half a million trees this year because of disease. Just in the acre or so here beside the house, they've cut down almost 100 trees. There are practically no trees with leaves left in the park any more, horrible consequences for the birds and squirrels!! hugs :)

  28. Cheese boxes?? Wow Valerie! Love them all! If you don't keep all your creations, I hope who ever you give them to, cherishes them! You have such a beautiful, creative soul! Love the photos! Sorry about the tree! Big Hugs!


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