Sunday 23 April 2017

Monkey business and more

Hi Everybody!

Today the sun is shining, and it's a little less cold than it was
 this past week, even the leaves were frosted each
morning. Hope the sun is shining for you!

At Go Tag Thursday the theme this week is to use pink. I made
another many layered tag, using bits recycled from old cards
and calendars. The floral paper is from Gecko Galz, as is the
vintage image of the little girl. The embellies are all
from my stash. As fast as I use it, it seems to grow more
overnight - anybody else know this problem?

For Art Journal Journey, Hazel's theme of magical mystery tour,
I have an A3 mixed media collage, made in my art group
some weeks back. The background was painted with water colours
 and given extra colour with pastel chalks, the collage bits
were  cut from various magazines. I am also linking to
Simon Monday Challenge, make a splash.

I loved visiting our new relations, the chimps, gorillas and
Orangutans at the zoo. One big difference to some humans
was their social behaviour, which was exemplary:

 Food was thrown in through little windows at the top
of the room so they had to scamper about to grab it:

 The apes also get to make art:

I stood and watched this mother with her child for
some time:

Enjoying time together:

I will show more photos next time!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love your tag and journal page, great use of some stash. I also have trouble with stuff multiplying in my studio, weird isn't it !!
    Lovely photos of our relations.

  2. Its a gorgeous tag and I do relate to the stash pile never getting smaller. I love how you use the stitching to frame the tags. Its a fabulous journal page as well.
    I think these are my favourite photos so far, I would have been watching the apes and chimps as well. The family groups look so loving together.
    Yvonne xx

  3. Love the gorgeous tag and journal page. The photos are wonderful, and yes, the apes do seem to be more social than a lot of humans. We can often lean something by watching them. Have a restful Sunday and take care of yourself! Hugs, Sarah

  4. What a beautiful tag! I love how you melded those flowers together by using the same center on both the paper and flower! Brilliant!
    You journal page is very very cool! Did you draw the woman in blue? She is beautiful!
    Our weather seems to be so similar! We had our frost out there this morning-a chilly start,but the rest of the week sounds beautiful! Enjoy my friend! xx

    1. The portrait is Goethe, a poet, I copied him from a magazine.

  5. Gorgeous card, love all the fabulous detail. Fantastic page and photographs too! I hope you are doing well, life is still unsettled here, very busy. Take care, Shirleyxx

  6. A beautiful multi layered tag and a very interesting, artistic page for AJJ ! Thanks a lot for supporting Hazel's theme again. Love to see all the wonderful monkeys! Must be really nice to paint with them. I bet they paint much better than many of us artists in blogland- lol. Happy rest of your Sunday and a good start into the new week ahead. Susi

  7. A fabulous tag Valerie with such beautiful bits and bobs all in the right place.

    Great journal page ideas and just how I feel some days. Terrific background as well

    More amazing zoo photographs and the beautiful primates. I am so impressed with this terrific zoo

    Sunny morning here but now dull and cold again

    Love Chriisie

  8. A great tag Valerie and isn't it nice to use some of the 'bits and bobs' we hoard - but my pile never seems to get smaller either!
    Loved seeing the pics of the Mother and Baby, so sweet. Looks like a lovely zoo.
    Avril xx

  9. Beautiful pink tag and page! Enjoyed your zoo photos, we can learn so much from nature.

  10. You tags are always so fanciful and gorgeous Valerie! I always adore each and every one of them. Your journal page is wonderful and put together beautifully!
    Love Gorillas!!! These photos are!!!

    Great Post and Big Hugs~

  11. I am so impressed at how you create. Each piece is so thoughtfully assembled and brings to life the message you want to convey. Thank you again for showing photos of the zoo.

  12. Your tag is so pretty with the floral paper and embellis. I have this problem with fabric, it seens to take up more and more boxes the more it is used.
    I do like your collage, it has a modern art deco look. How interesting that you used magazine cut-outs.

  13. Gorgeous mystery tour piece, Valerie!

  14. I knew when I saw the title of this post I would see more of your fabulous zoo pix! I love the primates -- such great faces! Made me smile!

  15. What lovely art you create. The tag is beautiful and the other piece very thought provoking. The zoo photos are beautiful too.

  16. A stunning card and a fabulous collage! Love your zoo photos too. Apes are fascinating creatures, we stood and watched the gorillas in Tokyo zoo for ages too, I never knew though that they get to do art, - wow.....

  17. Beautiful card and the art journal page is really cool! How fun that they got to do art. :) Wonderful photos. Thank you so much for joining us at the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog!!

  18. Love your TAG and journal. Beautiful job!

    I have always enjoyed learning about monkeys and seeing them (so far only on tv). Great photos!

  19. das Journal ist wunderschön und das tag ist so hübsch mit den Blumen und Hintergrund dazu!
    Mit den Gorillas ach toll wie sie auch malen können lustige starke Gesellen sind das.
    Schönen Wochenstart wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  20. Love journal pages and oh can I relate to the stash pile. LOVE LOVE LOVE the Zoo photos today. I'm busy trying to get ready for a big family visit to my place in two weeks. It's been a while since I've hosted one.

  21. Quite the juxtaposition between your romantic feeling tag and your bold AJJ post. Love them both equally. Not so the gorillas, never appealed to me, but wonderful photos of your zoo visit. xox

  22. Nice art today Valerie. You are very versatile Your creativity is taking you all kinds of places. And I love seeing all our primate relatives at the zoo. I always find myself wondering what they re thinking when they look you right in the eye. There is something there. For sure. Glad you shared these. Hugs-Erika

  23. We’ve had some beautiful sunshine, but we are expecting cold frosty weather tomorrow – time to cover all my tender little plants.
    Your new tag is so gorgeous! Lovely to see all the photos of the apes, we visited Monkey World an Ape rescue centre in Dorset, England last year and really enjoyed it, but I didn’t see any 'Ape artwork' so maybe they don’t do it there.

  24. One big difference to some humans
    was their social behavior, which was exemplary. I loved this.
    Mothers with their children, very special.
    The tags are great!

  25. Sehr schönes Vintage Tag. Diese Collage ist super gelungen, würde ich mir rahmen und aufhängen. Dein Affentheater ist sehr schön eingefangen, interessante Tiere von denen man sicher so Einiges lernen kann.
    Big Hugs

  26. A really beautiful that floral background. Perfect for this weeks challenge at Go Tag Thursday.
    Loved the photos of the monkeys..sad they are in captivity, but necessary to conserve the species..wouldn't it be wonderful for the animals to have their domains back..Thank you so much for sharing the photos Valarie...x

  27. A most beautiful tag ...

    Wow! Just so good to see your photographs of the Gorillas, they are just wonderful, I loved them all, but especially baby and mum. Excellent!

    All the best Jan

  28. A gorgeous tag and a brilliant journal page, I haven't been to the zoo for years so I'm really enjoying seeing the wonderful photos of your zoo visit.
    xxx Hazel.

  29. A beautiful tag Valerie, and your mixed media piece is a stunner, I love this! I must admit the photo of the mum and her baby made me go ahhh outloud xx

  30. You really amaze me with your art my friend! I still don't know how you get the time to put everything together, so wonderfully!
    Love the zoo pictures!!! Truly beautiful! Love the mom and baby!
    Big Hugs!

  31. Sometimes I feel like I live in a zoo!
    I love this tag Valerie --- flagged it, just did not realize I did not leave a comment!
    sandy xx


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