Monday 10 April 2017

T stands for Tuesday, TIOT and Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Tuesday is another day to celebrate all the Ts -

At TIOT we are starting a new challenge -

Add a Quote.

As always, projects of all formats are welcome,
and you have 2 weeks to link your creations.
Hope to see YOU there!

I made a mixed media tag, using a napkin on a gessoed and
collaged background.  The clock was added with a stencil
(LaBlanche). I added some Frantage EP to add texture, a
computer generated quote, and sewed the tag to a 
coordinating backing. The embellishments were added
using silicone glue.

Today is half time at our challenge at Tag Tuesday, I have a tag 
made from recycled and inked cardboard. I dipped the tag in Utee, 
and stamped into it while it was hot. I added some recycled paper scraps
and some textile flowers. The wings are die-cuts from LaBlanche.
I added a little bit of 'nature' to round it off. Hope you find time to join 
us in the coming week!

At Elizabeth's blog we meet every Tuesday to share our drinks
and more. I hope the link will be possible today, poor Elizabeth
is having big problems with her blog.

On Saturday I met up with some friends in the Altstadt. We started
with coffee and cake. I chose this marzipan and cherry jelly tartlet:

The others took 'Bienenstich' , a cake with vanilla pudding and
caremelised almonds:

And our drink was coffee:

The Altstadt was full of visitors. We enjoyed looking at
these little carts, which can drive 90 kilometers an hour:

There were thousands of people at the restaurants and cafes
along the Rhine, I would not have enjoyed sitting there:

I love these figures on the advertising columns:

Lots of Easter decorations in the shop windows:

How much is that doggy in the window?

The Tour de France will be starting here in the Altstadt:

And last but not least, another drink:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Amazing photos all. Thank you so much for sharing all these photos.

  2. Love both of your tags, can't pick a fave today. Great photos of your trip to the Altstadt, wish I had been with you! Have a nice evening, hugs, Sarah

  3. Valerie, your tags are always so gorgeous!!! I just love them!
    The food and that coffee made me hungry! I didn't have anything in the house that was so tasty as what you I settled for a nice cup of peppermint tea with honey and a plate of cookies. A small plate :)
    Your photos, as always, were fantastic!!! I, too loved the couple up high above the crowd. Loved those tiny cars and of course the Easter decorations in the windows!!!

    Big Hugs~

  4. What amazing tags! I really love that quote that you included with the first one and the second one is so lovely. The desert you chose is so cute and your friends' looked yummy! I enjoyed seeing your photos.

  5. Happy T day Valerie
    Amazing crafting for both blog challenges so much beauty on them

    What great photographs of a grand day out love the look of the cake you had. Always lots to see when yougo for a walk

    Sleep well

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. Wow, every tag you make has its own special charm. These ones for the challenges are beautiful and a great quote for the TioT's one.
    The photos from the weekend look great. so much going on and things to see.
    I was drawn to the look of those yummy cakes.
    Happy T Day.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Wunderschöne Kreationen von Tags und Düsseldorf da war ich zu letzt vor 4 Jahren seit dem hat sich nichts verändert ... toll ich liebe diese Stadt!
    Da hast du wunderbare Zeit verbracht!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  8. Gorgeous tags Valerie, especially love the floral one. Great pics as always and very yummy looking cakes too.
    Have a lovely week.
    Fliss xx

  9. These are gorgeous Valerie, I love your textures, especially the frantage. Your pictures are wonderful as always! Have a great week xx

  10. Ok first of all I am totally in love with your first tag-those the second tag too! What yummy indulgent desserts. And what a fun outing too-lots of fun things to enjoy. Happy T day!

  11. what a fun trip I am drooling at the desserts. Beautiful tags today.

  12. I need to mention right off the bat that your link worked and is listed on the linky list, even though you didn't think it took.

    Now for the art. Your tags are both lovely. I probably like the second one better because of the sewing, but they are both very different and yet, so spring like.

    I LOVE your choice of desserts you chose. It is a real Easter treat, and I was reminded of how long it's been since I had marzipan.

    The other photos were incredible. I'm not a big fan of large crowds, and I can see why you wouldn't want to sit in one of those cafes on the river. Lovely photos from there, though.

    Thanks for sharing your two tags, your photos from town, and your choice of drink and dessert with us for T this Tuesday.

  13. Your tags are so pretty, I love the textures you have created and the embellishments you have used - beautiful! Wow, it was busy over the weekend and I loved seeing all the Easter decorations :-) . Your tartlet was such a work of art it seemed a shame to eat it, well ok I could be persuaded ... ha ha! I bet it was yummy - Happy T Day! J :-)

  14. Wow Valerie! What a post! I adore your quote tag - and love the texture on this and your Tag Tuesday tag! (Check out Paper Artsy's challenge!) Those cakes look so delicious - I love anything with almonds! Your town looks so busy but beautiful - I can see why you get so many visitors! I shall be watching for you on TV in July - we went to watch the race go past in the Pennines when it started in Yorkshire 2 years ago - the cameras cut out to an advert just before they got to us as we were on a boring flat bit!! My grandchildren were most indignant that they weren't on TV! Have a good week! Chrisx

  15. Your tags are pretty and I love 'take time to smell the flowers'

    Great photo's you've shared, it certainly looks very busy but FUN!

    All the best Jan

  16. Wow, your tags are great!
    The cakes look delicious. Any of those two would do for me, butas I don't care for jelly really, I'll have the other one...
    How interesting those little cars. I have never seen anything like it. Do they race them? I see they have proper numberplates.
    How exciting that the Tour de France starts in your city. Again, it will be very busy.
    I'm intrigued by the couple on the advertising column. Does it mean anything? Are they famous people?
    I've not been able to link with Elisabeth unfortunately. Poor thing, it has been going on for a few days now. But Happy T-Day anyhow,

    1. The people on the Litfass columns are nobody special, it was a project from an artist here, there are lots of those life-size sculptures around in the Altstadt.

  17. Gorgeous tags and photos once again! You've been busy!

  18. Hi Valerie, Your newest tags are incredible. It's all the wonderful details that always make them so awesome and you do this so well.
    Loved your town photos and your time out with friends looks like it was delicious for everyone!! The shop windows are very festive!!
    Have a beautiful Easter week. xo

  19. great textures on the tags and I love looking at all your photos pretending I am there those carts

  20. Loving the textures on your creative tags and the photos are amazing BUT the coffee and food is mmmmmmm yumm...xx ♥[aNNie]

  21. Links are fixed, thanks to my friend Scott.

  22. Love your 2 pieces today. You are enjoying flowers too I see. (But who wouldn't?) And looks like a fun day out. I can tell it was the weekend and a beautiful day with so many people out and about. :) Those cakes look yummy, and the Easter one is fun. Marzipan is a little sweet for me, but it sure makes great holiday treats. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

  23. Valerie your tags are lovely. All the texture is just fabulous! Love it when you take us a walk about town... Been missing Germany lately ... Your blog post give me a taste of overseas and i thank you for them......Happy T day hugs! deb

  24. Love your tags Valerie! Full of textures and fab details! The quote is also one of my favourite.
    Have a lovely Easter!

  25. As cute as rabbit pastry is you had me at Bienenstich! Yum yum yum
    Life is really bustling in your neck of the woods with fun things going on left and right ♥
    Your smell the flowers tag certainly speaks to how you approach life :-) and so beautifully too. The bit of shimmer is a lovely touch and beautiful use of napkins once again liebe Valerie.
    Happy T Day oxo

  26. The tags are lovely. I really enjoyed tagging along with you to the Aldstadt. The bunny tart is almost too cute to eat. Almost. (-; I'd have a hard time choosing between the bunny tart and the Bienstich cake. I might have to have both. Looks like you had a fun day. Happy T Day

  27. Your tags are so complex and lovely. Lots to look at in a small space. I enjoyed the photo's of Aldstadt but I would not have enjoyed the crowds.

  28. More lovely tags. Love them!
    Oh my gosh, those desserts....Order a cup of coffee for me. I'll be right over.
    It was a lovely walk.

  29. Your tags are so beautiful. I especially love the first one with the quote. The colors of the flowers are so pretty and I just love the style. The stenciled clock with the silver and gold below it is a great touch.

    Your pictures are delightful. Looks like a great day! Coffee and treats! Yum! Those cafes do look too busy for me, but what a beautiful day. :)

  30. Two gorgeous tags and wonderful photos from the weekend. Those cafes certainly do look busy.
    Glad you had a good time.
    Avril xx

  31. Beautiful tags, Valerie! I love the textures and all the dimension. I had to look up Frantage EP. Now I'm wondering how you got the random look with EP.

    I would love a piece of Bienenstich. Boy that looks yummy! I wouldn't like eating in such a crowded area either. You and your friends made a good choice.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  32. Your tags are always so amazing... such details and all of that yummy texture you add. Just incredible!!! Both deserts look yummy too... I'c had to over indulge and eat both :) and what fun would those little carts be!!!! Great photos of your world again... It's always pure delight to visit with you ♥

  33. Truly stunning tags! love the beaded embellishment! gorgeous photos fun and interesting to see all the sights you share...and wow, the baked goodies would totally make me go off my diet! happy T day!!

  34. Gorgeous tags! I enjoyed your photos too, and those desserts are making me hungry!

  35. Love the tags. That looks like an awesome day out. The food looks greeat. The cars are fun. I would love to see them in action

  36. This was a fun post loved all the photos! The tag is lovely but my most favorite is the first art piece, very beautiful.
    amazing desserts!and I liked those figurines on top too.
    Happy T Day

  37. I am world's biggest Tour de France fan so I will have to pay special attention when it begins and wonder if I see you in the background!

    Lovely art and fabulous looking food. Love seeing the Easter things you shared.

  38. Wonderful tags Valerie! Both designs are very beautiful. Fabulous quote!
    Interesting photos as always!
    Mar xx

  39. your napkin art is strictly gorgeous! i love the texture to it. i love the yummy treats you had with friends. we have a pub here called Alstadt with wonderful German beers and sausages and such. i get to go there for a party next week! have a lovely week. xo

  40. Hello Valerie, I really like how you've painted the flowers in your tag - and your quote is lovely.
    A fun post, the pastries look so delicious and that rich coffee would be incredible to wash them down :D)
    So many people gathering! The little cars look cute. Very interesting to know that's where the start of Tour de France... I too shall be looking closely. Cheerio and lovely catching up once more with you.

  41. Oh my goodness - what a great post, with beautiful tags and photos to make me wish I could visit Germany!!! Love your flower tag- I must try the napkin technique!

  42. I was still being amazed by the gorgeous texture, colour and elements of your first tag, when you presented another equally beautiful tag. I really like these little works of art that you make.

    Something strange is going on. I have not received email notifications of your posts for a few months. Twice I have tried to re-subscribe, but it won't let me. It says I am already subscribed. Has anyone else had this issue?

    1. Sorry, I don't know what Blogger is up to! As you follow my blog you should see the updates on your Blogger reading list.

  43. Just love both of your tags, great textures and colours.

  44. This is such a fun post. I really love you tags. There is so much into them. This looks like such a fun time. The cars are awesome!!!! I too like the advertising couple

  45. One thing I have learned about my self from studying your makes is how much I love color. And I lean towards the warmer colors.
    Your tartlet looks delicious - could you keep the little bunny!!!!
    I always love your pictures - always have and always will.
    Sandy xx

    1. That rabbit was made of marzipan and I ate it all up!

  46. Valerie, Your tag is beautiful as always!!
    The marzipan looked delish! Would like to eat that pudding cake as well!

    Wow! Too many people for sure! Why some folks love crowds is beyond me- I much prefer the quiet chatting of a few others in the background, while enjoying my time!

  47. Happy Easter my friend! Thank you of the e-card! You are such a sweetheart!
    I love your tags!!! Truly beautiful!!!
    Next time you share what you are eating, you have to send one to Canada! LOL!
    Love your photos! I want one of those carts! They are cool!
    Great couple statue and love that sexy rabbit! LOL!
    Big Hugs!

  48. Super tag with the lovely flowers and subtle gilded texture - really love that! And your photos really capture the excitement of the racing day!
    Alison x


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