Saturday 25 March 2017

It's weekend

Hi Everybody!
It's weekend, the sun is shining, flowers are
blooming and the trees are starting to turn green -
who needs more? 

For Tag Tuesday, Wendy's lovely challenge of Birds and nests,
I made a second mixed media 10" tag, using partly peeled 
corrugated cardboard, painted with gesso and collaged with
 a beautiful Japanese napkin that
I was given, stitching, some art-grass and some natural bits.
I added some mother of pearl flowers, glued on with
silicone glue, and gave them centres of
liquid pearls.

I made this card for a friend, using mirri-card for the 
background, so had to take the photo from a strange
angle so as to avoid reflections:

And last but not least. a large, mixed media tag with
some digital mermaid additions for Go Tag Thursday,
where the theme is nautical
A wonderful sunrise:

More photos from my walks to and from the clinic:

Love these flowers spilling through the fence onto
the pavement:

Have a great weekend you all,
take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely tags and photos, and the card is gorgeous, too. Enjoy the sunshine and flowers, we're just on the way back from FM. Hugs, Sarah

  2. A very special and beautiful tag for the bird ans nests theme and a spectacular green card. An shade of green for the shiny background

    Terrific photographs with all the wonderful greenery and flowers. Such a lot of colour about to brighten any day

    Hope you enjoy the weekend

    Love Chrissie xx

  3. Valerie, your gorgeous tags are beautiful. You put a lot of thought into your creations and the stitching adds just the right touch!
    Also that delightful and lovely card...amazing!!!

    You must live in paradise because everyone of your photos are heaven on earth!!!

    Big Hugs and Happy Weekend

  4. I should be out enjoying some Vitamin D, but my excuse is it's a bit windy, and anyway I need a blog catch-up. I like your birds and nests tags, hmm, maybe I'll join in this one, as I like anything "birds"! Still jealous of how advanced your Spring flowers are, but I guess I get to enjoy Spring flowers once via your blog and a second time when they start to bloom here :-) Enjoy the weekend, and I hope you have a lovely last week of March. Theresa xx

  5. Your tags are beautiful (as usual, I just love your artwork), I especially love the "dreaming of the sea" one. But what really caught me this morning are your sunrise images - so atmospheric. It's atmospheric here as well, in a different way though - fog all around, a typical morning with the coastal fog and I'm debating whether I shall ride my bike to my Saturday job (teaching German) or be lazy and take the car. Your spring photos are pretty and I'm glad that spring has finally arrived in Germany as well (there was quite some complaining from my family and friends in Germany recently).

  6. Wonderfully detailed tags about my favorite subject flowers and nature!!! Lovely flower photos! May I use one of your nature photos to make a digital creation? Thanks. I would of course credit you for the photo!

  7. Pretty card, tags and photos . Happy Sunday, Susi

  8. I so appreciate your dedication to doing art every day, or at least darned close! And doing it well. This is a wonderful collection of art -- and photos!

  9. Two fantastic creations Valerie. The tag is so beautiful and just takes the btearth away. Love the card as well, so pretty. Love the Spring pictures as well. Take Care. Hugs Rita xxx

  10. Another beautiful and busy posting, Valerie. You certainly are a prolific and dedicated artist

  11. Lovely spring tags and cards today, the stitching adds a special touch especially as I don't really sew. Enjoyed your 'green' photos today, who needs more indeed!

  12. Great tags and I'm sure your friend will enjoy the card. I always love to see the photos you take on your walks ♥

  13. So many beautiful flowers on your walk to and from the clinic. Love seeing the sunrise too. :)

    The tags and card are all so creative. I am a big fan of mermaids- so that one pulled me in. Awesome work. Your friend must love the card. So many special details in your work.

    Wishing you a delightful weekend!

  14. Gorgeous tags, I loved the first one with those pretty flower details you added. The card was also beautiful your friend will love it .
    The spring blossoms are looking lovely, again some awesome photos today.
    Yvonne xx

  15. toll das tag mit den natursachen .. wunderschön vom the theme is nautical
    herrlich an zuschauen deine Arbeiten !
    Wie weit es schon bei dir ist mit dem Frühling das dauert noch mit dem grün und mit den Bäumen die aufblühen!
    Tolle hübsche Fotos!Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Sonntag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  16. Wonderful artwork today Valerie, all so spring like.
    Beautiful photos, that magnolia tree will be fabulous in a few days.
    We've had a few sunny days which has helped our spring flowers bloom adding lots of colour.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Avril xx

  17. So much beautiful art Valerie. I don't know which I like best, but I am a bit of a nautical gal so I think that might be my favorite. You have to like a mermaid, don't you? But flowers right now are so appealing, especially when nothing is blooming here yet. So I do enjoy the photos, as jealous as I am. Happy rest of your weekend. Hugs-Erika

  18. You can see the love in these creations and love that gorgeous display of photos.xx ♥[aNNie]

  19. Beautiful art works! I got some 3D pearls yesterday to try!

  20. Oh what wondrous pieces. Love them all, especially the first one.
    Enjoyed the walk and the beautiful flowers.
    Get plenty of rest.

  21. Fabulous tag, WONDERFUL dreaming of the sea and your photos are amazing.

  22. Blooming everywhere here, sweet tag, love the papers you used and the 3-d. Still snow on the ground here, but soon, maybe this week some major melting. xox

  23. Love all of your nature inspired creations.
    Beautiful use of napkins and more with your nice 3D additions too.
    Lovely card for your friend too.
    March is moving along so quickly.
    Spring looks splendid along the Rhine liebe Valerie oxoxo

  24. Keep meaning to say - love your header.

    It is so important to take time to smell the flowers, and enjoy the flowers.

    Let's just all take time out ...

    All the best Jan

  25. I know I'm late visiting, but I just couldn't get out of bed. I only managed to get up long enough to create and link my AJJ entry, then it was back to bed for me. The weather has turned cold, and I've put all my heaters and heavy blankets away after I washed them. At least I have the cats to keep me warm.

    I adore the card you made for your friend, but that tag was out of this world. I LOVE it.

    My part of the world is just now starting to look like yours has looked for weeks. I am so in awe of all the flowers and views you took of the surrounding springtime areas.

  26. Love both wonderful tags, very different, but precious! The card for your friend is so lovely, I'm sure she'll appreciate it.
    Hugs, Mar

  27. Oh how I love your tags! They are so beautiful. I love how they exist on more than one dimension. The card is beautiful too. They are so pretty as are your photographs.

  28. Another marvelous bird tag! I love the natural bits you added to this one!!

  29. Love your makes Valerie..the bird tag is stunning and love the natural bits like Joan says...Hugs Lozzy x

  30. These are just so pretty.
    You have a productive week, my friend.

  31. Your tags are both so beautiful - Love the texture on the bird tag especially! The card for your friend is wonderful - sure to be a keepsake! The photos are as ever fabulous - Spring has sprung I think! Hugs, Chrisxx

  32. Amazing collage works and beautiful greenery! Hugs, Autumn

  33. Two fabulous tags, and once again, gorgeous photographs. Hugs Wendy

  34. I love your art so much!!! It makes me so happy inside! Your creations are so beautiful!!! Amazing photos! Breath taking!!!! Big Hugs!

  35. A truly awesome all the fact I love everything in your blog post,from the first tag to all the photos depicting Spring has arrived...I love visiting your blog every week...
    Thank you for joining in with the Tag challenge at Go Tag Thursday and for sharing everything else..x

  36. Oh Valerie! Another stunning tag! Just brilliant!!
    Why, your whole post is filled with beauty! Your card for your friend is lovely, I love the 3d of it and the photos...oh how I wish spring would make its way here! aaah, for now I will live in springtime through your posts!

  37. Beautiful pieces today! Love your tag with the birdies, and I always so enjoy it when you use bits of real nature in your projects! Wonderful photos, so many flowers everywhere! Our snow all melted away this past weekend, but I read now that they are predicting more snow for Thursday. I hope the mild temps will prevent the snow from sticking. happy humpday :)


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