Friday 17 February 2017

Weekend Mix

Hi Everybody!

It's Friday, which means it's soon weekend - enjoy!

Last week I made this little album by recycling a blouse
which I did not like wearing. I utilized the snap-fasteners 
from the front to make the clasp. The pocket was made from a 
piece of the sleeve. There are 2 signatures inside, also machine sewn,
and once again with smaller, concertina pages in
between for private journaling. I am linking to

And for Art Journal Journey I have a hybrid page for Linda's lovely
theme of '50 shades of red' - there's always lots of red in my beloved London:

Today I am sharing some photos taken in the Town Museum 
(Stadtmuseum) in the Altstadt of Düsseldorf, and these ones
are all about 'Mother Ey'
Johanna Ey (1864-1947) was a lady, born near Düsseldorf, 
who kept a cafe in Düsseldorf's Altstadt and this developed into a meeting point
for artists, authors and especially painters. She was well known for
giving artists and students credit and taking pictures as payment . She opened
a gallery nearby where she showed their pictures. With the rise of the National Socialists all of her proteges, including many famous names - Jankel Adler, Adolf Dell, Otto Dix, Max Ernst,Bruno Goller, Adolf de Haer, Otto Pankok. Jacobo Dureda,Gert Wollheim - to name just a few-were banned and their art was forbidden.. Many of 'her' artists painted her, and a selection of her portraits are shown here. Her name is very well known in Düsseldorf, and there is a street named after her:
At the moment there is an Otto Dix exhibition in town, so I am going to see it tomorrow . 

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love your album Val, very pretty, I think I recognise that blouse! Great recycling! And of course there is a lot of red in our home town!
    Thanks for the photos and infos about Mother Ey, she must have been a fascinating and very clever woman. Have a nice afternoon, take care, we can talk on Sunday when P is away! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Such a creative post with varied creations ~ love the colors in your material creation ~ thanks,

    Wishing you a happy day ~ ^_^

  3. Wonderful post, Valerie, from the beautiful header to the end. Your red page for the 50 shades of red event is fabulous and has all those red items I think of when I remember London. Your album is unique and so creative.

  4. Wow,ein tolles jornal hast Du da genäht,eine großartige idee,hast du das aus den kopf genäht,oder gibt es eine anleitung dafür??
    ich würde das gern auch mal probiren,dann wären meine bücher nicht mehr so nackgig.
    deine rote londion seite ist klasse geworden.
    die kunstbilder sind ja auch genial,so hat jeder seinen eignen stil.
    hier ist das wetter auch gut,es ist nicht mehr so kalt.
    wünsch dir ein schönes we.

    hugs jenny

  5. Lovely new journal, I really like the pocket idea on the front.
    Your hybird page is gorgeous, I would like to visit London one's on my "bucket" list.
    I thoroughly enjoyed the Mother Ey information and all the art about her. She was something wasn't she?
    I LOVE your new header........seems like I've been off the PC for ages instead of a much going on right now.....I guess it is just "life".

  6. A fantastic post Valerie.

    Wonderful idea to change the blouse into something you will love to use. The pocket will be so useful.

    Wonderful page with your beloved London and the beautiful bright reds that you have chosen to represent it all.

    Great story about Mother Ey and her interesting lifestyle. Wonderful artwork in your photographs as well.

    Have a great weekend

    Love Chrissie xx

  7. Lovely journal and a beautiful digi piece for Linda's theme - what is much appreciated. Fantastic art in the museum there!
    Happy weekend!

  8. Thanks for this most interesting tour. Lovely work for the challenges as well, great idea to recycle that blouse.

  9. I love your London collage. It shows all the red things from the city! I am just 2 hours away by train but I haven't visited for years. You collage made me feel like taking a trip....especially to visit the galleries!

  10. I love your recycled journal! How very clever to use the pocket to hold utensils. Lovely art and intriguing exhibit as well.

  11. Love your London page Valerie - I've never thought of London as being so red - but it is - this was the perfect challenge and page to show that too.
    Fabulous art in that museum - thanks for sharing your great photo and interesting info.
    Ooops nearly forgot to mention the fabulous album you created with your blouse - what a brilliant recycling project.
    Enjoy your evening and have a geat weekend.... Gill xx

  12. Wow, loved you post ... especially the London collage.

    Enjoy seeing the exhibition in town, tomorrow.
    Have a great weekend

    All the best Jan

  13. Your fabric is really cute! And clever too -- my colors! And of course I love all things London, all things Brit so you had me with a big smile with your collage! Definitely a keeper!

  14. thank you for sharing so many wonderful things in the museum-along with a bit of history too. Your fabric journal is wonderful, and oh how I LOVE your London Red page-fantastic! Happy PPF!

  15. Your "Maybe it's because I'm a Londener" page is fantastic and works wonderfully for AJJ with all the red accents :-). Thanks for sharing your beautiful and practical jounral cover. The town museum is so interesting, I especially like the last painting of the buildings and the tram - it is so detailed and calm. Have a great weekend! J :-)

  16. Love how you recycled the blouse, it is a fabulous cover for the pages.
    The page for London looks awesome, fabulous images.
    Super photos of the paintings in the gallery.
    Enjoy your weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  17. Lustig dein Journal im Schlafanzug, klasse Idee. Deine roten London-Impressionen gefallen mir auch sehr gut. Na und die Bildersammlung dieser netten Dame ist schon superklasse, da wäre manches Museum froh diese Exponate zu besitzen. Tolle Fotos hast du gemacht um uns genüßlich mit dir dort flanieren zu lassen, danke dafür.
    Ganz liebe Grüße

  18. Aren't you clever.
    Your piece is great.
    What a fascinating lady! Thanks for sharing, Val.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  19. So lovely to see upcycled items and your shirt was used awesomely! Great hybrid design as well. Awesome sauce and fantabulous! Hugz. ~Niki

  20. I hope you got my message about the package. I am so relieved.

    The fact you recycled a blouse you will never wear, made me smile. I'm all about recycling and reusing. You certainly put it to good use. I always love things like that.

    I really, really like your British inspired journal page. Your London roots are certainly showing here.

    I confess, I wasn't all that impressed with the paintings today. There were a few I liked, but the group of people didn't impress me at all. I DID like the buildings, though. I guess we all have our likes and dislikes when it comes to art. I like YOURS though.

  21. Oh you're so clever Valerie! I absolutely love the pocket you've created for your journal. Handy and practical and so pretty to the eye :D)
    The London reds are gorgeous.
    I loved the story about Mother Ey - what a wonderful person, and it's so great how the artists responded to her support.
    Thanks so much for your post :D)

  22. Talk about being creative, wow, this is one awesome creative post.. xx ♥{aNNie}

  23. How creative to sew a cover for your journal from a blouse, the material is quite pretty. Your digital art is beautiful as well as your photographs are interesting. Happy Weekend, Shirleyxx

  24. Oh what a wonderful post!

    I Loved the 'needlework' really clever!

    The story and paintings of 'Mother Ey' etc were priceless, loved it.

    In 1984 I was commissioned to design a teatowel of London by an Irish Linen Company. It sold and sold and made them a lot of money - so if you have any London Tea towels .... look in the bottom right hand corner for my name

  25. That is a super clever way to use your shirt. I have a few I could do that with too. I tend to cut mine out and put them in my fabric stash. I like your idea better. And love the London page. London is one of my favorite cities-I've been there twice. :) And lastly, that painting exhibit is fabulous. What a very cool story. It stories like that which really make me love blogging and exploring places. The way different artists represented her cafe and her is amazing. What an honor! Have fun at the other exhibit. :) Hugs-Erika

  26. I love how you have used your blouse - I have a couple that I loved wearing so much that I kept them - you have given me an idea of what to do with them! Madame Ey must have been quite a character - the story made me smile! Hugs, Chrisx

  27. Love your red journal page and album.. Those Madame Ey painting are so amazing I love them all so terrific exhibit!! Thanks so much for sharing!

    Hugs Giggles

  28. wow! love what you did with the old blouse. you are so creative and thrifty! loving your journal page too, captures so much of the jot and wonder of London! have a lovely weekend! xo

  29. You make me laugh that you recycled your blouse! heehee good job!
    Your hybrid is great,love those pops of red and the black&white background.
    Thank you for the visit to the museum and history lesson, as always I enjoy our trips with you! ")

  30. Your album is so creative and unique -Bravo.
    Love your pictures too - "Mother" Ey looks like a jolly lady and I am sure she was adored by many. Thanks for sharing this story with us!
    Love you journal page - I am now ready to go to England!
    Sandy xx

  31. Oh what a sweet idea for your journal and what unique art. There's such a cleverness to your designs.

  32. Marvelous re-use of that pretty fabric. Wonderful smaller pages tucked in. You will get lots of use out of this with the handy pocket full of goodies. xox

  33. I love your blog, every single post is amazing. My favourite part of this one is the 50 shades of red page – it’s just gorgeous.

  34. I love your journal cover and I love your red piece! You are brilliant! Those paintings in the exhibit are amazing! Big Hugs!


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