Saturday 4 February 2017

Rusty horses

Hi Everybody!

It's chilly and windy here again. The sun stuck it's
head out this morning and then bogged off,
probably gone somewhere else where it
can shine brightly.
 I am sharing a hybrid page made with some elements from
Itkupilli. I think I'm in a bird phase just now.
I am linking to Art Journal Journey, Linda's lovely theme
of '50 shades of red'

And I have a mixed media tag, 11", made from various layers of
dictionary paper, corrugated cardboard and packing paper, with collaged bits and bobs, and sewed together:

This morning's sunny half hour:

My amaryllis got top heavy and fell over, so I had to cut it off and put it into a heavy, crystal vase, so it won't topple again:

These photos were made especially for dear Elizabeth. They are on
the edge of an industrial 'park' as it is euphemistically being called,
I hope the poor horses on the meadow don't get too
disturbed by it. I love how the old horse shoes have been used:

And some more photos from my sunny walk on Friday:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Fantastische Impressionen , ein herrliches Tag und eine tolle digitale Arbeit!
    Wie immer genial und perfekt!
    Schönen Samstag!

  2. Your red lady is superb, what a stunner, although I'm not sure I would like all those crows flying round me! Great tag and photos, love the rusty horse being shod. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow! Hugs, Sarah

  3. The page is amazing but a scary with the bird nest hairstyle The red really stands out.

    Lots to admire on the tag the bubbly background is stunning.

    Such a shame about the amarylis I hope it keeps ok stood in the water.

    Great photos and the horse shoe horse and man are a real work of art ..they will improve as they age I imagine.

    Enjoy whatever you are going-I am watching rugby

    Love Chrissie xx

  4. What a wonderful fantasy painting, the black birds (not to ignore the single red bird), the red feathers, the barbed wire....... it's so imaginative.

  5. Creative page and lovely tag today! Very interesting art from horseshoes! It's nice to see sunny photos.

  6. That horse made from horse shoes is pretty cool.
    And I LOVE your first piece. It's always so dramatic to see someone dressed in red against a dark background.
    YOU have a great one.

  7. Your journal pages are always interesting and I can't help but try to analyze. Beautiful lady in a gorgeous dress - dark day or night - lots of black crows and the barbed wire. Interesting --
    Love your tag - when I get posts from abroad I always save the postage markings and whatever. The water in the stream looks cold!
    Sandy xx

  8. Wow! Love the hair turning into the birds. Beautiful and poignant and of course the red is stunning. Those horseshoe sculptures are incredible! Awesome sauce! Hugz!

  9. OH MY GOSH. You had me at RUST, but then you had me at the rusty sculptures made from horse shoes. These images are out of this world. I'm in LOVE, and I need that as I dig my way out from under my blanket today.

    Guess I should tell you I think your tag is amazing, too. I love the stamps you used and the sewing.

    Sorry to read about our amaryllis. It is still beautiful and will continue to bring you joy, I'm sure.

  10. Stunning page Valerie, very atmospheric with the colours and all those birds.
    Shame about the amaryllis, but it still looks nice. The rusty horse looks fabulous and a great idea of using the old horse shoes.
    Have a great weekend.
    Avril xx

  11. Whenever I see things that are sewn like this, I am filled with admiration. I don't sew at all. I can barely thread a needle, though I've done some stitching. I know I could add it to my "to learn" list but right now it feels so overloaded! Still, it's so nice on others' work that I am instantly inspired!

  12. Oh Valerie what a GORGEOUS piece for AJJ- I love your lady in red!!That is another wonderful tag too. Enjoyed the scenery and rustic sculptures. I think your flower looks so beautiful in the vase!

  13. Love your lady in RED!!!!! We almost have a sunny day today but it's much colder than the rest of the week was....BURRRRR. Warmer days ahead but wet ones. More signs of spring showing up around here.

  14. My first thought on your journal page was "Oh WOW!!! THAT is so cool!!"
    Amazing what they can do with horseshoes.
    Looks like spring might be peeking it's head in your area........probably just teasing you...LOL!

  15. Oh I love your lady with the birds, she's beautiful! The tag is lovely too. How beautiful your amaryllis and photos are as well.

  16. Wow your lady is stunning, beautifully made, but even cleverer to have though about it in the first place! I love your tag too, with all that lovely Frantage. Have a fun weekend xx

  17. Hello Dear Valerie, oh my goodness - your beautiful art never ceases to amaze me. That beautiful lady - I love her! Such a treat to see your tag - mmm lovely subject matter too :D)
    Gorgeous morning sun photos - at least you can see them when the skies cloud over eh!
    The horseshoe horses are brilliant - I do enjoy whimsical creations like that, outside where everyone can see.
    Cheers now and enjoy your walks :D)

  18. Your beautiful lady has the most wonderful hair! I love the tag! Fabulous textures and the sewing! The horseshoe statue is fabulous too! Hugs, Chrisx

  19. You have green grass. Wow! I am jealous over the simple fact you have green grass. Love your art today Valerie. The girl in red is magical. She looks like she can control the dark side. Another great tag too. These tags are really textured, which I like. Hugs-Erika

  20. Lovely photos again, Love your bits n bobs and just LOVE your stunning page.xx{aNNie}

  21. Total klasse diese "Lady in Red" mit den Vögeln dazu, erstklassige Gestaltung.
    Das Tag sieht auch wieder sehr interessant aus mit all den Details. Das Hufeisen-Pferd ist so schön, tolles Recyclingobjekt. Ich habe auf Pinterest Pferde aus Treibholz gestaltet gesehen, sahen richtig natürlich aus,wunderschön gemacht.
    Liebe Grüße und schönen Sonntag

  22. A fabulous page, I love the lady in red and her amazing hair - your tag is brilliant and I love the photo of the horseshoe sculpture.
    xxx Hazel.

  23. Fantastic post, there is so much to see and catch up on :-). I love the way you have used the birds for your red ladies hair and the way they are filling the sky - so beautiful! The rusty horse is wonderful with the strands of metal creating the overall shape :-). Thanks for the amaryllis update too, on my morning garden walk about I noticed we have snowdrops and I smiled as it reminded me of your lovely amaryllis blooms. Happy Sunday dear Valerie! J :-)

  24. I have had a lovely catch up this morning, all the posts are fantastic, with your awesome art and super photos. The tags look so touchable with all the layers of textures. The Lady in Red on this page is stunning a great effect with the birds.
    The rusty horses are amazing, there are some talented folk out there to think of making these with old horse shoes.
    Have a good Sunday.
    Yvonne xx

  25. Your page is absolutely Stunning!! Bravo Valerie!! however, I can't seem to get that song out of my head now! heehee
    and another cool scrap tag-love it!
    Sure does look like spring in your area, not here yet, still holding on to Mr.Winter, oh well,what will be ,will be!

    By the way, can't remember if I have commented on this, but I absolutely love your new header! Your painting is gorgeous, I just love those flowers and their beautiful color!
    hugs,Jackie ")

  26. Fabulous art, photos and post today... my favourite was the lovely horseshoe sculpture - great recycling idea.
    Sorry to hear about your amaryllis - for one moment I thought it had fallen onto one of your beautiful glass vases...phew!
    Love the new header... Gill x

  27. Your art pieces are amazing! Love the red one, with the birds flying away!! And, your tag is adorable!! Cool art piece with the horse shoes! That is really excellent! Love your photos! Always so pretty! Big Hugs! By the way, I'm sorry your flowers fell over!!!

  28. A great page with such a striking image.

  29. Super !!! Und so fantasievoll gestaltet.


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