Monday 13 February 2017

Tuesday post

Hi Everyone!

Tuesday is always a busy day, so I'd better get started
At TIOT we are starting a new challenge
-let's get messy-
As always, projects of all formats are allowed, and you
have 2 weeks to link your creations to us.

I made a triptych of tags from recycled cardboard, 
adding lots of layers of paint, crackle, fibres,
art-stones, moulding paste and whatever else I found
on my table.  The figures were made from black paint and 
home-made stencils:

Some close-ups of the textures:

 I am also linking to Stamps and stencils, texture, crackle and paint and to
Simon Monday Challenge, use your fave tool -
my heat gun.

For Art Journal Journey, Linda's theme of 50 shades of red,
I have a hybrid page using a wonderful
background from Gill,  'Heathers', and a photo of my dear Leah with
her big love back in the 1940s:

And today is of course Elizabeth's 'T stands for Tuesday'.  so I want to 
offer my visitors a hearty welcome with a slice of sour cherry 
cake with cream and almonds, and a 
nice mug of cappuccino:

And some photos of our sunny Monday. It started off

The gulls enjoyed the sun along the river:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by


  1. That is a fantastic page Valerie-and it works so well for a new header. :) I love the texture on those new tags. Amazing. That is art by itself without anything put onto it. My kind of challenge. I am all about messy-whether I want to be or not! And yum. That sour cherry cake looks really good. I was just thinking about a cherry cake I made similar to that yesterday. Don't know why, but maybe your brain waves were coming in on the snow. Send some this way for your sunny and more spring looking (at least more than here) weather. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

  2. Wonderful tags, as Erika said, they are wonderful as they are without any extras, it looks like you had big fun making them. Glad you had nice weather, we did, too, so nice to see the sun again. Love the photo with Leah, she was a grand old girl. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Your triptych of tags is gorgeous and the page for Linda's theme amazing and looks great as a new header as well!Thank you for joining AJJ, it is much appreciated !
    The cake looks tempting and the photos of your day are beautiful as always!
    Happy T-Day for you and happy Valentine's Day!

  4. so creative and beautiful work

  5. Your tags look good, I like the textures.

    That last photograph is lovely, I like the way the light is shimmering.

    All the best Jan

  6. first of all what a beautiful digital piece for the red challenge-it looks fabulous as your header!The tags are amazing with all those wonderful layers and textures. The sour cherry cake looks awfully are some baker Valerie! I can't wait until I can see seagulls near the water again. And happy T day a bit early:)

  7. Beautiful textured tags and your dessert looks amazing!

  8. Wow, what amazing textures! I love your tags and your other piece as well. That dessert looks so yummy too...

  9. Your AJJ piece with Leah is so beautiful and the words are heart-warming.
    What a treat for your visitors, the cake looks delicious and the coffee looks so good too.

  10. Happy T day Valerie

    Wonderful collection of beautiful makes, cookery and photographs.

    The set for TIOT is so beautiful and the romantic couple are just right for Valentine's Day.

    Hope you have a good day

    Love Chrissie xx

  11. Your triptych of tags is is so rich in textures! But I really do want a slice of that sour cherry cake! You are so multi talented! Thank you for sharing.

  12. Absolutely stunning tags with the most amazing texture Valerie and please save me some of that sour cherry cake too as it looks so yummy!
    Have a lovely week.
    Fliss xx

  13. Wow Valerie, what fabulous makes, your triptych is stunning, I love the colours and textures. Your photographs are wonderful, the couple are perfect! Sorry it's such a quick visit but I'm on a borrowed laptop! Have a great week. Sue xx

  14. I have had a long browse of all these awesome projects and photos. The triptych is awesome, fantastic textures.
    The page with Leah and her beloved is beautiful and romantic, it makes a lovely new header as well.
    Yes please to a slice of the delicious looking cake.
    Hope you have a Happy T day.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Wonderful tags - the texture you have created is so amazing! Your page is so romantic and makes a great header too :-). The sour cherry cake sounds and looks delicious - Happy T Day dear Valerie! J :-)

  16. Fabulous projects and loving all the colours and textures. I love the style and have become your newest follower

  17. hat a lovely new header! I love it! With the photo of 'dear Leah'. (Who is Leah?) She is very beautiful, and I love the quote by Di Crescenzo too.
    The triptych is very special. I'm glad you had close ups of the texture because that is really wonderful.
    At the moment I am enjoying a mug of hot chocolate and I would gladly accept a slice of that gorgeous looking cherry cake! Thank you.
    Lovely photos, as always, of your daily walk. You live in a beautiful area.
    Happy Valentine's T-Day,

  18. Oh My! Theses tags are fabulous….just love all that texture!! Love your journal page - what a lovely quote! The sour cherry cake looks so delicious - of all the cakes you have made this I think would be my favourite! We have had a lovely sunny day here following a cold, grey rainy one yesterday! It was still very cold though!! Hugs, Chrisx

  19. I was overwhelmed by the beauty of these tags. The texture is unbelievable. I would love to feel and touch them. They are incredible.

    Your AJJ entry is perfect and introduces your new header perfectly. This is wonderful and so well done.

    I wish I had better news from my mailbox, but nothing yet. Now I'm starting to worry. I am in awe of that cake, though, and LOVE cherry anything. I would gladly join you with a cappuccino, too.

    Thanks for sharing your awesome tags, your beautiful AJJ journal page, and your sour cherry cake and cappuccino with us for T this Tuesday.

  20. It is almost our evening meal time here and your cherry cake oh how I would love some...and your delightful amaze my my friend. Thanks for Happy V Day wishes and sending you a big hug...xx{aNNie}

  21. A beautiful post, with such great tags full of wonderful texture and all that yummy cake and cappuccino too. It looks Wintery and beautiful your way! Thanks for all you share, I also loved the beautiful quote you added, so loving!

  22. These tags are so beautiful - with all the gorgeous details of texture! I like the crackled ones! Wonderful photo and quote on the red page, very lovely! Please, can I have a piece of this cherry-cake?
    Sweet seagulls!
    Happy Valentine's Day and Happy T Day!

  23. Amazing tags, wow!! The textures are just incredible and those handmade stencils are awesome! Love them!! Your cherry pie sure looks delicious and your photos are just lovely. I especially like the shimmering water pic! Happy Valentine's Day!

  24. WOW! Love all three tags and admire the home made stencils! Not mentioning such stunning background! Warm hugs!

  25. Oh MY!!!! All of that yummy texture on those tags make them a stand alone beauty and then you went and made them better ♥♥♥ My HERO!!! Love the new header too. We are having Spring like weather here again this week. I'm just praying at this point we don't have any more deep freeze type weather. Too much is growing. Happy T Day!

  26. So much to look at Valerie... Just love all the texture you achieved on your cards.Beautiful!! Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  27. Nice!
    As always, enjoyed everything.
    Save me a piece of cake!
    Happy V Day,

  28. Love your tags, and wow that texture is awesome.
    Hugz, Z

  29. The colors and textures of the tags are beautiful. As is your page and the angel quote. I'm adding that one to my quote book. The cake looks scrumptious. I also enjoyed the pictures from your walk along the river. Happy T and Valentine's Day

  30. wow, fabulous textures on your tags...they turned out fantastic! great stencils too...and the cherry cake looks wonderful...yes please! ♥

  31. Wonderful texture with gorgeous colors! Beautiful journal page!!!!
    A little surprise went out in the mail yesterday headed your way. Let's see how long this package takes to get to you.
    Sandy xx

  32. Wow was für interessante Texturen haben deine Tags,da gibts viel zu bestaunen. Superklasse gemacht! Die digitale Collage mit dem schönen Foto deiner lieben Leah und ihrem Liebsten ist ganz zauberhaft. Eine schöne Frau mit seelenvollen Augen und ein hübscher Mann. Na und der Kuchen sieht ja wieder sooo lecker aus, da käme man gerne auf ein Stück vorbei.
    Ganz liebe Grüße

  33. What amazing tags Valerie, the background textures are fantastic and I really love your home made stencils... You are a brilliant artist!
    The cherry cake looks delicious!
    Hugs, Mar

  34. Your posts have such a beautiful flow ... from one challenge to another .. you weave them together somehow. I especially love the page you did about Leah and her great love.

    Thank yoou for the mouth-watering (photos of your) sour cherry
    cake with cream and almonds. Yum!

    Happy Valentine's and T Day! Hugs, Eileen

  35. Valerie, I first have to thank you for the Valentine's Day Card!! Big Hugs! Happy Valentine's Day! Sending you lots of love!
    Speaking of love, your art is amazing! Love your tags! They are so cool! That page you made is stunning! WOW! Very sentimental! I would like two pieces of cake please! LOL! Gorgeous photos!
    Take Care!

  36. Hi Valerie, who would know that messy could look so good. You sure have created a beautiful piece of artwork in your latest design. Love the beautiful page and verse too. Something very special.
    Hope you enjoyed a nice Valentine's Day and thank you for stopping by and your kind comment. Have a beautiful week ahead. Blessings, xo

  37.,was für krass geniale tags,tolle texturen und der crackle effekt ist super.
    das bild ist wundervoll,eine hübsche frau und ein schöner mann.
    oooohh dein kuchen sieht ja auch leeecker aus,gern würde ich ein stück mit dir essen.
    wünsch dir eine schöne woche.

    hugs jenny

  38. Your triptych of tags is just fantastic! Great colours and gorgeous textures. Thanks for showing us the details! I do love your collage and it´s a wonderful header for your blog!
    Hugs, Annette

  39. Your textures never cease to amaze me. Very, very beautiful. And I love the banner and Leah. It's beautiful -- words and images, colors, too.

  40. A wonderful trio of tags with amazing textures. Love the journal page with Leah aand it makes a beautiful header. Cake looks delicious, but I suppose it's all gone now!
    Hugs, Avril xx

  41. Fabulous post - lots of amazing textures on those tags. Your homemade stencils are cool.
    Your AJJ piece is really lovely - such a beautiful photo too.
    Your cake looks super yummy .....mmmm yummy!
    Gill xx

  42. Your tags are just fabulous! I love love all of those cool textures you have woven in them!!
    And now for that cake, yes please, I would love a slice and how about the recipe as well?? I have been craving something yummy since being sick and this looks like it would do perfectly!

  43. Your project is gorgeous. Love the fabulous texture and great colors you created. Thank you such for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. :)

  44. Love your triptych and your page for AJJ.The texture you created is fabulous and your cake must be delicious. You can send me a piece. Your posts are always a feast of colors!Fabulous!Happy belated T Day!

  45. Hi I am new to the link party and just started to visit everyone. I really enjoyed your post-not familiar with your technique so enjoyed all the photos. The cake looks delicious-

  46. Oh my, your close-up of your texture made me want to touch my PC screen.......just wonderful! I've been trying to teach my paint pals about texture.
    Glad you like my sunset photos......I instantly thought of you when I looked up to see those clouds in all those glorious colors.
    Belated T-day wishes my friend.


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