Thursday 2 February 2017

A red head and more....

Hi everybody!
Lovely weather again here - it's still very cold and windy, but sunny,
and that always makes me feel better.

I have a hybrid piece today. Lovely  Linda is the new hostess,
and has chosen the theme of 'Fifty shades of red'.
I have used one of 'my' heads, filled with a collage of ladies in red
on a mixed media background. The feathers and flower are from 
Mischief Circus. I was thinking of Chris de Burgh
and his song 'lady in red':

And here I have a mixed media tag made from a heap of disparate
bits and bobs. The face is from Lost Coast, and was stamped on an
old letter and then collaged. I added some random stamping
and did lots of sewing. The background was made from an
Amazon shipping envelope, partly peeled, embossed and painted.

This was my start up 'heap'. The bits and pieces of book pages, letters,
old passports and found things, like the feathers, remind
me of what is left over when people die and their
houses get cleared. Most of the old family papers I have
were dug out of dustbins after their owners had died,
some go back to 1700, and I will never understand
why people race to get 'useful' or 'valuable' things, but throw away their heritage
without a second thought.

I am also linking to Go Tag Thursday, anything goes,
and altered eclectics, also anything goes

I love the wintry scrub hanging over the fences:

But I didn't like the slippery paths:


And although it is still very cold, I saw the first signs of spring:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot or coming by!


  1. Love seeing into one of your heads again! Nice theme with red, that's one of my fave colours. Wonderful tag, and I understand why you use those scraps that have so much meaning. A. has got chickenpox, ohe is very unhappy and is suffering like his father does when he has a cold! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Ein toller Kopf auf der digitalen Seite ...super -
    schön Dich bei AJJ zu sehen!
    Das Tag ist genial - das Stempelchen kenn ich vom Mekka -und die Fotos sind super und machen Hoffnung, dass der Frühling sich nicht wirklich aufhalten lassen wird! Hoffen wir's zumindest!
    Schönen Abend!

  3. I really, really like your red head, and that is one song I could listen to over and over.....listening to you addition of it right now, as I write this. ;))
    Great tag!! You have been some very pretty and creative tags.

  4. fabulous red head Valerie-love the feathers! Your tag is so pretty with the touches of blue and yellow. Great photos of plant life too!

  5. very creative page in red today and beautiful tag. Glad to see the first signs of spring, do be careful on those paths!

  6. Fantastic red page and a great take on lady in red for sure

    The tag is just amazing with so much added on that makes it so beautiful.

    Great photos today Valerie and definitely a touch of Spring on the way for you. Dark and wet here again most of the day but I am hopeful better days are on the way

    Love Chrissie xx

  7. Your red head is wonderful. I'm in awe of your digital skills, as I've said before. I don't think I've ever heard that song before.

    I love the tag. Sally and I were talking the other day about how she worried that her son wouldn't know what jewelry was priceless and what the value of the pieces were. Then she added some were only meaningful to her. Most of my things are not valuable, but some have meaning to me. They are the least expensive of the things I own.

    Do I see green grass? Spring may be just around the corner, or so we may think.

  8. Wow, there are definitely some signs of spring. That is exciting. :) Loving your red head today. I always love your heads. And this lady looks quite fashionable in red. I also love the bits and bobs in your other piece. I agree, why do people get rid of the heritage, but I guess it is a good thing because it gives us such interesting pieces to make art with. :) Happy almost weekend. Hugs-Erika

  9. Oh I love your lady in red Valerie, (far more than Chris's lol) I can never throw away personal or sentimental things either xx

  10. What beautiful pieces! It is interesting what people will save or not save. I am glad these items have found a way to shine in your art. I love the photos too, that one plant looks almost furry...

  11. Oh I love your tag!! All the random bits look beautiful composed together - and your lady in red!! SO beautiful! xo

  12. Fabulous red page, your digital work is amazing. Love it. The tag is great, love all the elements you added. Lady in red is one of my favourite Chris De Burgh songs.
    Hugs Wendy xx

  13. Love your Lady in Red and thanks so much for sharing the song too ♥ It was sunny here today too and Mini and I did a short walk about and I noticed the new growth on some of the trees. :) Spring is coming in only 45 days -13 hours and 35 minutes....but who is really counting ? ME!!!!!!!!!

  14. What a fabulous new banner. I like both pieces but the colors in the second really hit home to me! Very nice!

  15. Oh oh oh give me red and I am in. This is stunning. I can't stop looking at it. Wonderful tag full of texture and fun things. A great set of photos the first one is my favorite.

  16. Your creativity is amazing! Your mixed media tag is fascinating, and you use "old" stuff (like the Amazon envelope) in such a clever way. The lady in red is very lovely. However, what really did it for me is the photo of the fence post.

  17. That is the very first thing I started when I just glimpsed at your journal page - Lady in red - dancing with me - cheek to cheek. Wonderful - I also thought about American Indians who really aren't red at all.
    No for the tag - no matter how you glam it up with all that neat texture and stuff - the man still looks DEAD!!!!!
    Always love your pictures - is that Pussy Willow? No I don't believe it is - looks like a rabbit's ear in a way. Very interesting.
    Sandy xx

    1. Yes, they are pussy willows. I find the face scary, but fascinating!

    2. I tell you Valerie, that man is dead - really in the ground dead. I can smell the dirt from here.

  18. Wonder art pieces, such variety! And exquisite photos too! Thanks for sharing it all!

  19. An amazing red creation and a beautiful tag. Love the photos - it's lovely to see the buds coming to life on the trees etc.
    xxx Hazel

  20. The lady in red is stunning. Her headpiece is captivating - so lovely Valerie.
    It's wonderful how you've rescued and entwined all those old papers and items that would have been thrown away. You create such beauty.
    Lovely for you to be seeing those fuzzy, furry glimpses of Spring not far away. Thank you for sharing them here. Happy PPF :D)

  21. Your lady in red in stunning Valerie! I have always loved that song, and when I saw your title first, I started singing it! heehee
    I completely agree with what you said in regards to people dis guarding family heritage, so sad how materialistic people have become. my folks from the depression era saved every thing that were lucky enough to have and always reused in some way or another. And I am fortunate enough to have many of their papers and family bible. I only hope my sons will keep and continue to pass down this information when they receive it.
    Hope your weekend is a beautiful one!
    love to you,Jackie

  22. Love, love, love the lady in Red. And I really admire how you have arranged the bits on your tag. You had a productive week! Happy PPF

  23. love all the textures and the lady in read piece happy ppf

  24. Great share. Happy PPF

    MUCH LOVE...

  25. I love your lady in red's headpiece, the feather and flowers are a beautiful touch :-). It always seems better when the sun shines, especially this time of year - thanks for sharing your wintery scrub and wonderful catkins and pussy willow - it looks like spring is just around the corner :-). Hope you have had a great week and wishing you a happy weekend! J :-)

  26. love the red feathers. great photos , too. :)

  27. Oh I am listening to that beautiful song and getting a bit misty eyed (some sunshine here might help!)
    Your Lady in Red is full of beauty and passion liebe Valerie.
    I can easily get sentimental over other people's things like old papers and such and cannot understand it either.
    We live in such a "plastic" world I guess.
    Lovely to see signs of growth in your part of the world.
    Pussywillows are such great plants!
    Our daffodils are being brave and sprouting up.
    Happy Weekend sweet friend.

  28. Wow that red head collage is amazing! Would love to see a video on how you did that. I just discovered your blog and I really enjoy seeing your beautiful photos too. Schönes Wochenende!

  29. Your red lady is beautiful. I like the heads inside the head. Would also enjoy seeing a video of the process :-) That tag really is a mixed media piece!

    1. Haven't got a possibility to make videos!

    2. Lady in red is fabulous, Valerie. And I love the art you made with bits and pieces. I accumulate so much scrap materials. Today I clean out art bins and tossed a lot that you probably could have made beautiful art from.

  30. Hi Valerie! Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice and inspiring comment. I love the red girl. She reminds me of a Native American Pow Wow Dancer, so pretty! And as for your collage, I agree with you about what is thrown away. Your collage is beautiful. I think people like you and I care more about the history and ancestry of all even tho' the family didn't. So glad you are honoring their stories in a way, by using those bits and pieces in such a wonderful way! Happy PPF and big hugz, Rasz

  31. Beautiful art pieces today and wonderful photos. Love that covered fence, must look delightful in the summer! That fuzzy plant looks amazing, seems spring is headed your way. hugs :)

  32. Dein Rotschopf sieht sagenhaft aus, aber nicht wie eine Lady in Red sondern mit den Federn wie das Indianerlogo der Firma Diesel, was mir aber auch sehr gefällt. Dein Recycling-Tag ist ein Traum und ich finde es schön daß du diese alten Dokumente mit verarbeitet hast. Aber nicht Jeder ist kreativ und manchmal erbt man eine solche Menge an Papier, die zwar interessant wäre zu behalten, aber man hat halt selbst schon eine Menge im Laufe eines Lebens angesammelt und es fehlt der Platz dafür. Danke für das Video, ich mag Chris De Burgh sehr und ganz besonders diesen Song,hab ihn mir gleich angehört, sehr herzerwärmend.
    Deine Frühlingsboten-Fotos lassen Hoffnung aufkeimen und sind wunderbar gelungen.
    Liebe Grüße
    Sabine xox

  33. I love your red head page! The tag is brilliant AND fascinating! I am pleased that I kept some personal stuff that belonged to my Mum but not sure whether my boys will keep them - maybe I need to ask now! Love the signs of Spring! Hugs, Chrisx

  34. Stunning your lady in red cant stop looking at it..This needs to be on greeting cards or a magazine cover!! Or a huge poster..something so wonderful about it!! I loved that album and played it over and over, even bought it for others!! Nice to reminisce...thanks for that!! Love the pussy willows too... we have more snow today than we had all last month it's daughter dreamed it real for her Birthday!!

    Hugs Giggles

  35. You are so creative!! I love both pieces! The lady in red piece is stunning! I agree, to many people just throw things out, when someone passes away! It's very sad! Love the wintery bush! Please stay away from that slippery path! Your spring flowers are gorgeous! Big Hugs!

  36. Such a gorgeous Tag..I do love your style...
    Thank you for joining in with the challenge this week at Go Tag Thursday..x

  37. A great mixed media tag! Fantastic use of recycling and lots of lovely texture. Thank you for joining us at Altered Eclectics this month, Jane (DT) :) x

  38. Lovely collage. Great details. Thank you for joining us at Altered Eclectic this month. Hope to see you back here again soon. Judy DT


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