Sunday 23 August 2015

Time for chocolate

Hi Everybody!

We had a lovely day here, warm and sunny, and I was able to go for a long walk, which I enjoyed.

For Art Journal Journey, Time, I made a mixed media journal page featuring the Milka cow. Milka is a German chocolate brand, and the lilac cow has been used to advertise it for many years. The A3 background was gessoed, sprayed with lilac, and then I collaged the cow with mod podge. The clock was added with a stencil, as was the text. Tomorrow I will be back with face number 5.

 And as I like to fit my photos to my theme, my walk led me today to the white cows, and I took some photos of them. Several of them were standing by the fence, munching contentedly on a bale of hay:

And here is Milky, my kitchen cow in her cow-coo clock home. She comes out and moos every hour.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love your cow theme today. Those white cows are so cute-in a cow way. I think here in the US they must remove the horns on cows, because the horns caught my eye, and I love the white white cows. Your Milka clock is very cute, how fun to hear it moo every hour. Your journal page came out great too. And you are right- chocolate does understand. A little nibble right now before bed would taste wonderful!

  2. Love your cow theme today Valerie, page, photos and even a kitchen cow!

  3. What a wonderful 'cow' page for your journal.... lol... I agree, chocolate understands!! YUM! Love a cow theme... and your photos are fabulous!

  4. What a fun page today, love that cows are your theme all through the post. Yes, chocolate understands, I think we all need some understanding like that here and there! Great photos, too, and I know your sweet clock! Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

  5. den nagel auf den kopf getroffen hast du mit dieser journalseite, bravo!! schöne kuhfotos, wie schön, dass sie ihre hörner behalten durften!

  6. What a wonderful idea and a great quote Valerie. The photographs of the moos are wonderful. They always look so peace loving Inthink but can be fierce in a group if you cross their field. Love your clock with the beautiful colours..

    Have a great day

    Hugs Chrissie xx

    1. wouldn't like o be in the middle of an angry herd, but the white cows yesterday were only interested in their hay!

  7. Herrlich!!! Deine Journalseite mit diesem Spruch ist klasse! Passende Fotos hast du heute dazu ... wie gut, dass die Kühe in Natur nicht lila sind!!
    Einen schönen Sontag für dich!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  8. Das ist 100 % richtig mit der Schokolade! Eine herrliche Seite..ganz nach meinem Geschmack!
    Dein Kuhpost heute macht mich glücklich, denn ich mag Kühe sehr !
    Einen schönen Sonntag liebe Valerie!

    1. Und ich waere gluecklich wenn ich Schocki jetzt haette!

  9. Now I can relate to this page, chocolate is well up my list of comfort foods. Its a fabulous page Valerie and the photos are all super. Love your wall clock, made me smile at the thought of how it must sound at 11 and 12 o'clock.
    Yvonne xx

    1. The clock has a little light sensor over the 'cow-shed', and she stays quietly at home when it's dark!

  10. Good Morning Valerie. I have not seen Milka chocolate for years. Love your artwork today and it is so true. Scotland has a herd of white cows too and they are at Lennoxlove House in Haddington East Lothian. They look beautiful and I was lucky enough to see them on a few occasions. Brilliant pictures as always. Enjoy your Day. Hugs Rita xxxx

    1. I will Google that place, thanks for the tip!

  11. Love you pages and awesome photos of the cows!

  12. Great art and fun theme.You just can't go wrong with chocolate & cows.... Do so love that cow coo clock :)

  13. I don't know what to like first! I will go with your kitchen clock. That is one wonderful clock!!!!
    I enjoyed the pictures of the cows. I really like farm animals.
    Sandy xx

  14. What a fun page and such a creative way to use the Milka cow. And your wall clock is so cute! Oh...Yes...Your fantastic photos fit perfectly to your theme!
    Hugs, Mar

  15. Fabulous page Valerie and I love your kitchen clock.
    xxx Hazel.

  16. It's always time for chocolate. I am a true chocoholic and enjoyed your page today very much. The cows are so interesting because you were able to get some close-up shots. Their white along with the very green pasture makes for terrific photos. We are still encapsulated in smoke and it blows in our valley from Washington, Oregon and north where the fires burn in Idaho. The teams are getting the fires under control so hopefully I will be able to be outside next week.

    Love your darling clock and how smart that it contains a sensor so it doesn't wake you when you are trying to sleep.

    Have a wonderful week, Valerie. This month has just gone by so quickly.


  17. What a fun clock!
    I am sure Milka and I could be friends for life :-)
    The piece you created is right on time in my book and wonderfully done liebe Valerie ♥
    Very handsome cows with their pretty minky eyelashes and in such a lovely setting too.

  18. You temptress with the Milka cow! I am on an elimination diet, extremely strict, including no chocolate of any nature so I am positively drooling at the prospect of chocolate after viewing your art LOL.
    A great page and wonderful inspiration!

  19. I can't believe it's taken me so long to visit today. That chocolate Milka cow is adorable, but I must admit I've NEVER seen a white cow in my life. And you have shown many of them. It was a rare treat to see so many that you photographed on your walk.

    Your kitchen cow clock is a hoot. I laughed when I saw it. Hope you had a great weekend.

  20. Hi Valerie, love the chocolate page and your photos coordinate great. Love seeing white cows. Darling cow clock too. Have a great week ahead. Hugs, cm

  21. Tolle Idee! Du hast die Seite bestimmt gemacht,weil du gerade Schoko-Hunger hattest...?
    Ich komme übrigens auch an keiner Kuh vorbei, sie haben sooo schöne Augen!
    ... und sorry, ich wollte dich nicht an deine schlimme Medusa-Lehrerin erinnern... schöne Geschichte!
    LG Ulrike

  22. Yes, it is always time for Chocolate--especially dark chocolate! Love the Milka cow and the white ones!

  23. Hehheeh - so cute.... chocolate and a cow-coo clock - dear me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You always surprise me Valerie! Love those white cows too!!! We have black ones!!! j.

  24. Hehheeh - so cute.... chocolate and a cow-coo clock - dear me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You always surprise me Valerie! Love those white cows too!!! We have black ones!!! j.

  25. Haha! I love the quote on your page. Chocolate understands. :)

    Your moo-moo clock is adorable.


  26. First I must say how I love your cow-coo clock - what fun! I love your page, reminds of our first visits to France when my boys were younger - Milka chocolate was always popular! Your photos remind me of when I was younger myself and grew up next door to a dairy farm - my brother and I were allowed to 'help' and were allowed to name the new calves!! A lovely reminder - Thank You! Chrisx

  27. This is brilliant Valerie, I quite agree with your chocolate sentiment, and the real cows and your clock are adorable xx

  28. What a perfect post!!! Love the purple and yes, chocolate does understand! teehee xoxo


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