Sunday 9 August 2015

Our times

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend is going well!

For Art Journal Journey, time, I made an A3 mixed media page in warm and sunny colours. The background is one of my scanned torn-paper ones, and after placing it on the A3 page I coloured the edges with red and yellow Pan pastels. I used lots of stamps, from Paper Artsy, LaBlanche, Tattered Angels and unknown, all stamped with Archival black. The text was written with a stencil, and I just managed to get it finished before my pen ran out of ink, but in the meantime I have bought a new refill.

The night was stormy with lots of rain, and the sun this morning looked more like the moon!

I enjoyed my umbrella walk, walking in the rain is always fun, and I like having the world all to myself.

The horses in what used to be the  moat were busy grazing, as always.

The honeysuckle smelled very fragrant :

The insects liked it, too!

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. That's a wonderful stencil. You did a great job, too. I really enjoyed the quote I'd never heard before, and I thought I knew all the "Time" quotes. Your little birds are the crowning touch to this masterpiece.

    I really enjoy your walks. Those horses look so happy and healthy. I can almost smell the fragrance of the honeysuckle. Have a super rest of the weekend.

  2. True quote. Such beautiful healthy looking horses.

  3. Valerie your journal page is so vibrant with the warm firy colours. Loving the time theme. Gorgeous scenes from nature again.
    Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

  4. Wonderful page with lovely colours and a great saying. Did you make this one up yourself?! Beautiful photos, have a lovely Sunday, hugs, Sarah

  5. Die Seite ist brilliant- herrlicher Spruch und all Deine vielen schönen Uhrenmotive sind ja klasse und dieses Vogelmotiv hat's mir besonders angetan..das hätt ich auch gern in meiner Sammlung- Deine Fotos sind wieder ganz besonders schön...
    Du hast echt ein Händchen für Motive beim Fotografieren!

    Hab einen wunderschönen Sonntag!
    Sei lieb gegrüßt von

  6. einen klasse spruch hast du wieder ausgewählt: und so wahr! ich trage übrigens keine Armbanduhr (nur in der schule brauchte ich natürlich eine, aber das ist ja jetzt vorbei), hab im Normalfall auch kein handy dabei. und man kommt auch sehr gut durch den tag, ohne ständig auf die Uhr zu kucken!

    1. Das ist wahr, wenn man nicht ständig auf die Uhr schaut kann man besser auf die innere Uhr hören.

  7. The photographs are so beautiful with the sleek look of the horses and the the wonderful honetsuckle--I can smell it from here lol

    Terrific page with a very true quote..What dowe do with time to make it pass so quickly?

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. Love the quote today, we do so take time for granted. A fabulous page and the photos look super.
    Yvonne xx

  9. That's a great journal and lovely photos!

  10. Such a lovely page Valerie. Your stencilling is excellent and the quote is very good; I haven't heard that one before.
    I enjoyed the walk with you as always. Enjoy the rest of your day :D

  11. Great quote today! I agree about the time. I feel like I have been off from work for 6 weeks and still haven't had tons of picked that right using all those clocks. Hope this weekend is going well (or went well). :)

  12. Gorgeous page and great quote. Love the vibrant colours. I hope you are doing well, Shirleyxx

  13. Love the quote you've used on this piece Valerie, it's so true. It's a great page, so full of colour and detail.
    Loved the photos of your morning walk in the rain.
    Avril xx

  14. GREAT ART AGAIN TODAY ♥ It's overcast here and threatening to rain the garden will like it if it does. Otherwise I will have to water this evening. My kitchen table is covered in tomatoes again. :)

  15. That quote made me smile :)

    Love all the pieces you have been doing lately on time and also as ever your photographs.

    Karen x

  16. Using a stencil for that cool quote really adds special interest to this lovely piece you created.
    How nice too that your pen ran out of ink at just the right time :-)
    We have wild honeysuckle here in Virginia. Not pretty pink like yours but the fragrance is the essence of summertime to me ♥

  17. Gorgeous bright oranges and yellow in your journal page today. It reminds me that autumn is near. I too have oodles of clocks but no time. What a great quote! The photos of the horses are magnificent and they are groomed so well. I love looking at them. Have a great new week, Valerie.


  18. Gorgeous colorful page, Valerie.
    Those horses are lovely and that honey suckle certainly looks sweet. Do the hummingbirds like it? Our new neighbours put out a feeder and now we get to see the little speedsters all the time.

    1. We don't have humming birds here, wish we did!

  19. Beautiful piece today Valerie and I love the shots of the honeysuckle, what a unique flower! hugs :)

  20. Your sentiment is so true - no one has time.... and I so love your colors - my favs! as well as all the different stamps you used for the clocks. It's a fun layout Valerie. Love the photos - the horses are so lovely to see... and I might have to try to paint one of the honeysuckles some day!!! j.

  21. Looking forward to seeing it if you do!

  22. Such a great theme- because you are rocking it out with thoughtful pages- love it!!
    Your photo of the sun/moon is fab!! Was it extremely hot after the rains stopped? looks like it could have been! xo

  23. Your horses grazing is beautiful! Nice you got photos of them.


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