Tuesday 25 August 2015

Faces, coffee and cupcakes

Hi Everybody!

Hope your day is going well!

Our theme this week at Tag Tuesday is Jewellery, and so I made a face on a large (8") tag and adorned her. I drew the face, stenciled the diamonds with worn Lipstick DI, and used the same ink to shade the edges and paint the face. I added some pearls for her jewelry, a rub on rose, and some ribbons and fibres for a quick and elegant hairdo. I am also linking to our 49 Faces challenge,  to
Moo Mania and More, embellishments, and to Kim Dellow's Friday show your face fun.

And as today is time for Elisabeth's  T stands for Tuesday, I will show you how I like to enjoy my coffee:

And I have a little beginner's tutorial for you - how to eat a chocolate cupcake.

Pick it up. Smell the chocolate. Prepare yourself.

Put it on a plate and look at it from all angles

Take off the paper wrapping

Add a dollop of cream (ice-cream is a good alternative, or take both!)

Start eating and savour the lovely, chocolaty taste

Keep going, you're getting there:

Nearly done!

You can do it!

Task completed! Well done!

And remember, every time you bite or cut a piece off from cakes, cookies and chocolate, half of the calories fall out....

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I really like your work and it matches the theme greatly. Greetings!

  2. Loving all your faces! And I thoroughly enjoyed the cupcake lesson, I was mesmerized by every step!

  3. Valerie, what do I say first...wow or yum....well yummy wow will do...awesome tag and yummy cupcake.xxx

  4. Wonderful face, and I just LOVE the coffee and cupcake, thanks for the tutorial. I will need practice, so plan on making a batch and trying my skills later! Hugs, Sarah

  5. HAHA!! I start walking and watching what I eat and you teach us HOW to eat a cup cake!!!

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a comment this week. I have a pedometer too, had forgotten all about it. In fact I have two!! Thanks for reminding me.

    Happy T-day

  6. ein wunderschönes,und so leckere muffins,menno ich will auch eunen mit extra viel sahne,hhmm yummy.
    einen schönen tag dir.

    hugs jenny

  7. "half the calories fall out" lol! I need one of those chocolate muffins today, for sure... Happy T-Day!

  8. Hallo Valerie-Jael,
    ich versuche gerade immer mal ein bisschen klar zu kriegen, wer ist wer und wer macht was in der Kunstszene Deines Umfeldes.
    Sowas braucht aber Geduld, das weiss ich vom letzten dreiviertel Jahr, als ich in anderen Kreisen, in denen der Naturfreunde unterwegs war.
    Ich glaube, jetzt kann ich mir ungefähr merken, wer Du bist und wo Du bist.
    Aber richtig klar habe ich es leider noch nicht.
    Ist ja auch nicht so schlimm im recht unverbindlichen WWW, gell?!
    Herzlich P.

  9. schön, wie du das schokomuffin zelebrierst... aber das mit dem kalorien-fallout würd ich mir mal wünschen;) klasse tag außerdem!

  10. First, I want to compliment you on the beautiful tag you created. The diamond design and rose compliment the face beautifully, but that hairdo is out of this world.

    Second, I realized (probably about Thursday of last week) that I had not officially welcomed you to T Stands for Tuesday. So, I will do so this week and am simply delighted you are joining us again.

    Your coffee is my kind of coffee. I also use fresh beans and grind them right before I make a fresh pot. And the coffee looks like it is how I like mine, too.

    Now I've created a LOT of tutorials in my day, but never one as clever as yours showing how to eat a chocolate cupcake. I so enjoyed your words of encouragement, telling us how well we are doing, and how you know we can do it. Of course, the "half the calories" comment had me rolling on the floor. I think this is probably the best tutorial I have ever read!

    Thanks for sharing your gorgeous tag, your wonderful coffee (which I would gladly share with you), and your cupcake tutorial with us for T this Tuesday.

  11. Ein so schönes Tag Valerei und ein herrliches Frühstück bescherst DU mir auch noch! Danke!
    Bist Du sicher mit den Kalorien???
    Na wenn das so ist, ess ich ab jetzt immer gleich zwei Stück davon in dieser Manier!

    1. Oh Ja, nimm Zwei! Ob ich sicher bin? Nun, Einbildung ist auch eine Bildung, womit wir das Leben oft leichter machen können!

  12. First of all the tag is stunning , it is a very beautiful face.
    Now to the awesome tutorial, I have to say that it was a bit like a torture read, as each delicious photo had my mouth watering at the thought of the delicious cake.
    Have a good Tuesday.
    Yvonne xx

  13. That was a lovely cup cake. Thank you, I enjoyed that. My mouth waters.
    Love your tag. The diamonds are very effective.
    Have a great day,

  14. A beautiful tag Valerie and a wonderful tutorial on how to eat a chocolate cupcake - think I'll have to make a batch so I can practice especially that I now know that half the calories fall out when you eat them.
    xxx Hazel.

  15. What a gorgeous tag, Valerie! The face is so pretty and beautifully coloured, and the hairdo is very chic. And love the coffe cup and the cupcake... I'm sure... was delicious! You can't show that kind of thing (haha).
    Hugs, Mar

  16. Super Tag! Ich finde toll, wie das Band zu ihren Haaren wird! Schokoladen Cupcake ist natürlich durch die Sahne zu einem echten Objekt der Begierde geworden! Sabber!

  17. Super Tag! Ich finde toll, wie das Band zu ihren Haaren wird! Schokoladen Cupcake ist natürlich durch die Sahne zu einem echten Objekt der Begierde geworden! Sabber!

  18. Interesting and slightly different post today! That chocolate cupcake looks YUMMY! And very cool coffee cup-is it digital? And of course, I love your tag-she is so interesting and I love the background diamonds. I really like where you added in a few random diamonds....hope your day is going well!

  19. This is a fabulous tag Valerie and I so love the face you have drawn here. The harlequin details look great too. Must now go and have a coffee...wish I had some cake too
    Sending you my best wishes
    Annie xx

  20. Lovely tag you made Valerie and what a playful and yummy post!
    My favorite cup of coffee and chocolate ... you can't go wrong :-)
    Happy T Day (you've made me hungry)

  21. What a delicious and mouth watering post. The cupcake certainly looked delicious.
    Your tag is beautiful and your coffee is as I like it too. Happy T Day :o)

  22. I did not know that about calories and chocolate cupcakes! I hope the same thing happens with vanilla ones, because those would be my favorite. Your tag is just so creative--on my first look, I said wow, that looks like her hair!

    So cool that the "ghost" showed up in your coffee cup, LOL! Hugs!

  23. fantastic tag Valerie-love the elegant face and the super reds you chose! That was some cupcake fun too:) Happy T day!

  24. What a mega cute tag! And don't even talk to me about chocolate lol I've just discovered Tag Tuesday. Will write to your direct email about it.

  25. Great tag Valerie and a delicious cupcake! My daughter made carrot cake cupcakes yesterday, they were yum too! Xx

  26. Absolutely ADORE her - her hair is FABULOUS... and the jewels are super fine!!! She's PERFECT! As is the luscious looking coffee and cake - YUM. Did that coffee also have a "jewel" imaged in it???!!! WOW - this whole post is nothing but a HUGE DISPLAY of YUMMY LUSCIOUSNESS!!! j.

  27. Beautiful tag!!!Your work is awesome!!!Thanks for sharing on how to eat a cupcake!!!!LOL!!!

  28. I especially like the way you embellished your face. And thank you for the cupcake-eating tutorial. I see what I've been doing wrong. When I eat the cupcake in one large bite, I'm not letting any of the calories fall out. That might explain some things ;)

  29. LOL! Girl you do crack me up with your coffee and cupcake tutorial :) A great sense of humor is a blessing ♥ Love the tag!!!

  30. Lovely tag...and your tutorial was brilliant! lol...I don't know how you managed to stop and take a photo all along the way!! happy T Tuesday...

  31. You created a very colorful and interesting tag. I like all the embellishments. The tutorial is a keeper. I might have to find a chocolate cupcake just so I can follow your instructions.


  32. Love your tag - very attractive!
    Now how in the world did you get your face in your coffee?!!
    Did you make those cupcakes? That chocolate sauce on top looks delicious!
    You funny lady - believe it or not - I KNOW how to eat cupcakes of any kind!!!
    Sandy xx

  33. Great tag. I love the feathery embellishment.
    Thanks for the tutorial. I'm sure that will come in very handy. LOL!

  34. Can I place an order for a dozen cupcakes, please. Chocolate, of course, but I will provide the ice cream. You could wrap them all up and attach the very pretty tag.


  35. Oh, that was a delicious cupcake! Thank you. ;)
    Your face is quite snazzy! Happy T-Day! :)

  36. A really gorgeous face Valerie and love the feather decoration.
    You are a bit of a tease with the cupcake pics, I now want to eat one!
    Fliss xx

  37. Wow! Gorgeous face! Now. ...about this cake. ..Thank you for eating it all...and for the tutorial. ...but where are the rest of the batch? Happy T day! Chrisx

  38. Your tag is beautiful love her necklace. Wow!that step by step instruction has left me drooling -:)
    Happy Tday

  39. I LOVE your tag!!! And now I want a cupcake lol. You should write for a food magazine.

  40. Hi Valerie, LOVE your beautiful tag. I will always remember that half the calories fall out from this day forward when eating cupcakes. Great post!!
    Hugs, cm

  41. I love this Valerie, beautiful face on your tag and I love the stenciling and feathers. Those cupcakes look mighty fine too xx

  42. Lovely tag you created. Your cupcake play by play was awesome! :) I'd have gotten so caught up in the delish chocolate that I'd have forgotten all about the photos!

  43. Yum! Both the tag and the cake LOL! Love the way you have included texture on the tag and made it part of the image too, another really clever make! Love. So glad you linked her up to Show Your Face and thank you for the shout out too. Kx

  44. Oh My!! you tease you!! I can almost taste that treat as I salivate over my keyboard!! heehee xx


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