Sunday 16 August 2015

Time flies and memory fades

Hi Everybody!

Hope your day is going well!
We had rain this evening, which cooled us off nicely,
but the next couple of days will be very stormy again. Tomorrow it is supposed to rain all day - sounds like good weather to paint, craft and read!

For Art Journal Journey, time, I made another A3 mixed media journal page. The background was a sheet which I had used for brush wiping. I gave it a coat of gesso to even it out, and then collaged more vintage printed matter, old letters and  bits and bobs from my table and boxes. The stamps were still hanging around from the post challenge.This is a good way to clear up and have fun. Mona Lisa was stenciled with black paint (Stencil from I wrote the quote around her head. The dragonflies are also stenciled. I used grey ink here so that they looked a bit transparent.

And here is part 3 of the 'Altstadt' photos.
Here you can see the Church of St Lambertus with its crooked spire, and the tower of the old palace.

The post office tower, near the harbour:

There are lots of statues, old and new:
Here is the 'Giesser Junge' - the moulder's boy. There is a story that when the sculptor Grupello was filling the mould to make the huge statue of Jan Wellem, he evidently didn't have enough metal, and his boy collected metal trinkets and jewelry from bystanders and was thus able to save the statue. This statue is to honour that boy who saved the day:

This is St Nepomuck

A beautiful fountain with geese:

Düsseldorf is a 'Carnival Capital', so lots of statues remind us of this.

'En de Canon' is one of the oldest pubs in the old town, and was the place where the  Elector Jan Wellem used to go for his drinks:

Carnival again:

And this lady is dancing on top of a Litfass column:

Last but not least, the Lion of Düsseldorf, the emblem of the town:

I will show the rest of the photos tomorrow.
Till then, have a good day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Golly Valerie, after looking at all those lovely photos, I almost forgot the lovely artwork because it had faded from my memory!

    Actually, I was overwhelmed by the statues, especially the boy and the woman. Is the boy made of copper, because the patina on it was fabulous. You can't replicate that patina no matter what. And the woman was so lifelike, I thought she was real at first.

    Wonderful photos and fun "stencilly" art today!

    1. It's a bronze statue, and the patina is wonderful.

  2. Lovely page and what a beautiful town.

  3. Your page is perfect for the statues and other photos you showed us today. Styles change but art does endure doesn't it? Who knew Dusseldorf has so much to do with Carnival? The theme makes great statutes though. Enjoyed your photos and your page today!

  4. Wonderful art today, and I love how you manage to link your art and the theme of your photos, clever! We enjoyed the years we lived in Düsseldorf! Have a lovely day, hugs, Sarah

  5. The photographs are just wonderful with the terrific sculptures and all so different. I thought the lady dancing was a real person. So many wonders you saw in just one trip out.

    Love the art page you made for today with such a lot of things to look at but the terrific Mona Lisa taking centre stage.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. Eine herrliche Seite mit Mona Lisa und all den schönen Kleinigkeiten .. ich bewundere Dich, dass Du die Schablonen so schön schneidest! Ich bin da etwas faul muss ich zugeben, das ist nicht ganz mein Ding.Was für ein toller Rundgang zu all diesen schönen Statuen und Gebäuden. Eine tolle Stadt, auch wenn ich dem Karnevalstrubel nicht viel abgewinnen kann.. aber die Kunst "darüber" mag ich sehr wohl!
    Der Giesser Junge gefällt mir besonders..der schöne Patinaüberzug ist so toll!
    Danke für die schönen Fotos... ich freu mich schon auf morgen wenn ich noch mehr sehen werde!

  7. wow,herrliche seiten mit mona lisa,auch deine bilder sind wieder klasse.
    hab ein schönes we.

    hugs jenny

  8. It's great to see these photos Valerie as I'm sure many of us will not get to visit in person. I love the building yesterday with all the bells, is that a clock/bell maker's shop? Enjoy your crafty day, we have sunshine today after 2 days of rain! Xx

    1. It used to be a clock and watchmaker's shop.

  9. Really lovely page. And gorgeous statue photos.
    Happy Sunday ♥

  10. ja, ich finde auch dass grau manchmal mehr bringt als schwarz... und deine fotostrecke ist einfach nur klasse!!

  11. Wonderful journal page, Valerie, very clever use of leftovers. Gorgeous photos from Aldstadt, those statues are so lovely, it's hard to choose between them but the one with the boy who saved the day and carnival man are gorgeous.

    Love and hugs

  12. These words are so very true but as time flies I do not want memories to fade, especially those of my mum who will have been gone four years in NOvember, my memories will never fade but I so love your wonderful journal page, it is so full of wonder and inspiration.xx
     {The Journey Is The Start  aNNie  my personal blog}

  13. So wunderschön! Deine Journal-Seite ist so herrlich mit diesen vielen, liebevollen Details! Es gibt so viel zu entdecken. Einfach klasse, liebe Valerie!
    Einen schönen Sonntag für dich!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  14. Love how you used up the things from your desk. Mona is as beautiful as she always is and the quote is fantastic. More wonderful photos today i am enjoying your visit to Dusseldorph.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Deine großen Collage-Seiten sind einfach immer grandios!
    ...und bei deinen Fotos habe ich sogar den Eulenspiegel entdeckt, ein besonderer, alter Freund von mir!
    Lieben Gruß von Ulrike

  16. Beautiful piece today Valerie and your photos are very interesting. So many wonderful sculptures and sight to behold!! hugs :)

  17. I also love to do art Valerie.and use bits and bobs in my own art stack saved and I use my Granddaughter also willingly. permission. She loves to move and exercise. In the one with feet. I thought it was so appropriate.

    In one of my Dig art. If you have never seen my art pieces. Please drop in my blog and comment. Nice to meet others who love to create. I enjoyed your blog. Tremendously. Very creative. I have done Albums and cards. The sky is the limit right Valerie.

  18. Great mixed media page, Valerie! The Mona Lisa stencil is quite striking and love the background! So many fabulous statues and a treat to see them all! Hope the day is not so stormy! Hugs!

  19. Das ist mal wieder eine schöne Collage. Die tanzende Lady auf der Litfass-Säule ist der Hit.

  20. Loved looking at all of the photos of your visit ♥ Great collection of statues and beautiful buildings. Love the art page and the quote you chose is one of my favorites ♥

  21. Awe, Mona Lisa for your page today. Wondered when she would appear. Your photos are just marvelous and the statues amazing. Again, thanks for sharing them with us.


  22. Beautiful artwork as always Valerie.
    The carnival statues are superb, and I'm sure they are real eyecatchers for locals and visitors alike. TFS, {{Hugs}}

  23. Beautiful art Valerie, & wonderful photos! The fountain with geese is just stunning!
    Alison x

  24. Great to catch up with all you've been creating, fabulous work!

  25. Mona Lisa looks great surrounded by your lovely collage elements! The photos are really gorgeous--I kept returning again and again to the jester atop the heads and hats-amazing!

  26. Oh my gosh! I thought that lady was real!! teeheehee Love love the story and tribute to that young boy who saved the statue! So charming!!
    And your Mona and her quote- timeless!! ")

  27. I've looked at these photos again and again. Have you considered having a Pinterest board just for your photos? And the lady dancing is real? right? wrong? Ok I've now decided she is a statue.

  28. I love all the statues around the town! I love the geese! Nearly forgot to sat how much I liked your journal page! Chrisx

  29. Gorgeous collage and, oh my, that dancing lady looks so real.


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