Wednesday 24 June 2015

Purple lady for SOC and Art Journal Journey.

Hi Everybody!

Hope your day is going well!

The colours at SOC this week and purple, purple and yellow. This week the colours didn't make me so happy. I made a quick water-colour sketch from one of my old sketches, drawing directly with the brush. I added the yellow with pastel chalks. I am also linking to Art Journal Journey, masculine -feminine. The challenge runs for another week, so you still have plenty of time to join in.

At Tag Tuesday our theme is 'On the ocean waves'. I used a piece of marbled paper, stenciled my surfer onto it, and wrote the quote by hand. I added some matching ribbons as embellishment.

Today we had a lot of clouds again, but some patches of blue sky, and it didn't rain as much as it did yesterday.

I took photos today of doors and doorways:

This is a tiny snack-bar, right next to the river, which only opens on Sundays and holidays, and sells pea-soup or potato soup etc. I have never tried it, but there's always a long queue waiting there. You get your bowl handed out through the window and take your soup and find somewhere by the Rhine to sit and eat it.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by.


  1. You may not like this weeks colors but you used them so nicely and made a beautiful sketch. I think you must live in an interesting place too because you always seem to find something new to show us. Enjoyed your doorway photos today. Have a great one!

  2. I like what you did for SOC! Nice tag and love your doors and doorways today!

  3. Great SOC piece. Since purple is my favorite color, one would think it would be easy for me....but no, I'm still thinking. Doors are so intriguing--I always wonder what is going on behind them.

  4. Your purple lady is gorgeous, and the colours look great together. The tag is lovely, too, as are the pretty photos. Have a great day and take care of yourself, hugs, Sarah

  5. I always love photographs of doors and yours are terrific Valerie.

    I love the piece of artwork and the colours go well together. Beautiful back view of the nude as well.

    Terrific tag with just the right paper for the background.

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. dafür, dass es nicht deine farben sind, hast du den sketch aber klasse hinbekommen! klasse tür-Fotos!

  7. was für ein toller sketch,einfach wunderbar.
    schöne bilder auch wieder,sehr schön.
    einen schönen tag dir.

    GLG jeannette

  8. I also had trouble with these colors. I was happy to see you painted and didn't get MUD, which is easy to do when you are using paint with these two colors. I really like your nude, The shading is superb.

    I am fascinated by your architecture and how different your doors and buildings are from ours in the US.

    1. That's why I added the yellow with pastels, it doesn't make mud. Our litle town is very old so we have lots of nice doors etc.

  9. Wow, that purple figure is amazing! Full of flow and life, brllliant!

  10. Deine freie Malerei ist spitze! Perfekt! Sitzt - passt und hat Luft sagt man --- das trifft hier zu!
    Sehr schön - ja dir Farben waren ein Herausforedrung diesmal! Da geb ich Dir recht!
    Das Tag ist inspirierend! Der Spruch sehr wahr! Die Gebäude sind wunderschön ...
    ich freu mich immer wenn Du Deine schönen Fotos zeigst!
    So auch heute wieder!
    EInen wunderschönen Tag wünsch ich DIr!

  11. I like how you only need a few brush strokes to make a nice portrait :-)
    Good SOC-entry!
    Btw I also like your door-pictures ;-)

  12. I always love seeing your beautiful photos, Valerie! I wish I could have some soup at that snack bar! And I love what you created using this week's SOC colors. It is absolutely fabulous. You are so talented, my friend! HUGS!!!!!

  13. awesome watercolour - and wow with the photos. Love your tag too

  14. Beautiful work today, your female form is so graceful and I love the surfer dude!! A lovely walk though town, just what I needed. lol. hugs :)

  15. Love the purple lady and of course the pictures, Valerie!

  16. Gorgeous creations and the images and colours are super{aNNie My Personal Blog}

  17. Oh I love all those doors. Awesome photos. Love the figure. It's quite good Valerie.

  18. Love the journal page!!!! When I try to do bodies the look like mutants :( Guess I need to keep trying. Love all of the different doors you've shared. I have an love for unique doors and windows :)

  19. Dem schönen Rücken merkt man aber keineswegs an, dass es nicht deine Farben sind... ganz toll geworden! ... meine Farben sind es übrigens auch nicht... Ulrike

  20. Beautiful page and gorgeous tag. I love all the variety of doors in your photos. What rich architecture.

  21. What a shame you're not keen on this weeks soc colours, but you did a sterling job on your painting anyway.
    The sky colours almost match your marble backing for that awesome tag you created.
    I'm loving all those doorways, especially the old ones. {{Hugs}}

  22. Your watercolor/chalk creation is extraordinary - I'm utterly enchanted. And what fabulous photos. Makes me wish I were there.

  23. Hi Valerie, you should be proud of yourself because you can add your own drawings to your journal pages, like today. I also like your surfer card! The photos of the doors are really special and I see me using one of them one of these days. Will certainly let you know when I do.


  24. A fabulous water colour and the surfer is so cool with the lovely background paper.

    Lovely details from your town too, I'm feeling like a tourist :)

    Love and hugs

  25. Wonderful purple lady page and what a cool surfer! I did like that sentiment! The photos are fabulous as always! Hugs!

  26. Your painting of the nude is super, you are very talented to do these paintings with so few strokes of the brush. Loved the photos of the doorways.
    Yvonne xx

  27. I had trouble with the colors this week. You made them work beautifully with your watercolor!

  28. Love your SOC piece, and wow, how many beautiful doors you have photographed. I used to love that as well.

  29. Fabulous watercolour and your tag is beautiful too. Wonderful photos.

  30. Beautiful watercolor in purple Valerie. Wonderful doors and pass ways. Your area has so much charm and interesting places to see. Lovely photos.

  31. Fantastic figure study and so beautiful in this week`s colors Valerie!

  32. I wasn't happy with this week's color choices, either, but somehow I made it work ---and so did you. I like the immediacy of watercolor sketches. It gives your image life and suggested movement.
    Thanks for visiting my SOC this week.

  33. Beautiful purple lady!! Sometimes the colors we least like push us out of our comfort zone and produce beautiful paintings such as yours,Valerie!! xo

  34. What a dramatic figure! Its really effective.

  35. Fabulous Valerie... I love what you created for the challenge.... and the photos you shared are lovely....

    Jenny X

  36. As always wonderful photos. I am pea green with envy over your walking journeys!
    Gorgeous art work Valerie with beautiful colors.
    sandy xx

  37. such a soft and lovely figure painting Valerie, and how I love the beautiful architecture you have captured in your photos!

  38. Super SOC piece and I love the photos too!

  39. Beautiful work on everything! It looks like I would like to visit there, too!
    God bless,

  40. It seems lots of the SOC participants are not that thrilled with these colors.
    That said Valerie...your purple lady painting is wonderful!!!
    OK what I said earlier about a beautiful book with your photos...better make that SEVERAL fabulous books because you have no end of pretty pictures from your hometown!

    1. I think I could make a whole library of photo-books, I am going to need a really large coffee table!

  41. A beautiful and stunning piece, the colours, the shape, the simplicity, just great!

  42. Also dafür, dass du die Farben nicht mochtest, ist dir aber ein feines Werk gelungen! In der Tat sind gelb und lila zusammen im Handling nicht ganz einfach, wenn man nicht gleichzeitig noch eine unansehnliche Schlammfarbe produzieren möchte... eine wohl weit verbreitete Erfahrung diese Woche ;-)
    Grüße aus Krefeld

  43. very nice life drawing painting :) and nice photos, always nice to see other places :D

  44. I really like the way you have used this weeks colours. Thanks for visiting my blog Anita - Itsamistry Design Studio #82

  45. Gorgeous summer of colour work!


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