Wednesday 17 June 2015

New Challenge at Moo Mania and More

Hi Everybody!

Today is the begin of a new challenge at Moo Mania and More -
The challenge will run for 2 weeks, as always, and you are welcome to link up projects of all formats, not just Moos. For my mixed-media DT page I pasted some pieces of newspaper onto an A3 background and painted over it with gesso. Then I used a large TH stamp with numerals all over it. I used shabby shutters and soot black DI for the stenciling, once again with lots of numerals. The image is from the Graphics fairy. I printed my strong man out and transferred him with gel onto my page. The quote was found on Google, and written round a plate. And finally I made him into the Number 1.

I am also linking to Art Journal Journey, masculine-feminine, and to Anything but cute, masculine

This young Jay came later than the others for breakfast, so I gave him some bread, and he sat in the tree and enjoyed it. They all really love white bread.

I enjoy watching men and their machines working down by the Rhine:

The hay harvest is in full swing:

Some places the grass is taller than I am

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Another fantastic journal page,love how you made it, and the quote. Great photos as always, those little birds have grown! Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

  2. was für ein starker mann,toll!!! schöne bilder auch wieder,besonders die vöglein sind goldig.
    hab auch gerade noch eine seite für AJJ gemacht,mit mein neuen stencils,die seite ist nur größer als sonst und passt nicht unter dem scanner,muss ich knipsen nachher.
    schönen tag wünsch ich dir.

    GLg Jeannette

  3. Guten Morgen, liebe Valerie! Ein toller Einstieg in ein neues Thema. Deine Nummer eins ist ein Prachtstück von einem Mann :)
    Deine Vögel sind zu schön. Und sie kommen und holen sich morgens Brot?! Herrlich ist das.
    Wir haben auch Vögel im Garten und im Laufe der Jahre haben sie Vertrauen gefaßt und nehmen auch gerne Futter an. Ich kann nicht verstehen, wieso sich Menschen Vögel in Käfigen halten. So ist es viel schöner.
    Viele liebe Grüße zu Dir!

  4. Genau... stark sein bedeutet auch großzügig! Eine fabelhafte Seite! So einer kann nur NUMBER ONE sein! Das sommerliche Treiben auf den Feldern und die Arbeit mit Kran am Wasser ..
    "men at work" .... heute Dein ganzer post durchzogen!
    Ja die Wissen auch was fein ist Vögelchen...
    ich denke an die vielen Spatzen im Chinarestaurantgarten..
    die holen sich auch mit großer Geschicklichkeit jedes gekochte Reiskorn von den nicht abservierten Tellern. Hübsch ist Dein Langschläfer Jay!!!
    Glaub der ist mit mir!
    Einen schönen Tag Dir!

    1. Vielleicht has Du Recht mit Dir und mein gefiederte Langschläfer, Du kommst nicht raus aus den Federn!

  5. Good morning Valerie and the birds.

    Love the varied photos today and the machinery at work by the river.

    Terrific page as well with a strong background to show off your strong man.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. I really like your page, especially the quote. Your wee birdie photos are so cute, I love to see the blue on the wing. {{Hugs}} :D

  7. A wonderful page, I love the great quote.
    xxx Hazel.

  8. What a fun page! Love your macho man! And you little jay is getting so big now.I bet he won't go any place when he's ready to fly the coop if he keeps getting bread. Lucky guy.

  9. Ah what a fab lot of photos love that bird and love your page...mine's already added.xx{aNNie My Personal Blog}

  10. Wow Valerie, I am loving your page today!! The green harlequin pattern and your black silhouettes really pop against the subtle textures and patterns in the background!! Love the quote you used, so true! lol

    Thank you so much for joining us at Anything But Cute for our 'Make It Masculine' challenge! Hugs, Pamellia DT :)

  11. Love the strong man and the quote made me smile! Very true!

  12. What fabulous masculine page, Valerie! Love the background and the black silhouette. Fantastic!
    Hugs, Mar

  13. Awesome photo journal again and I adore the beautiful jay, hard to believe all the beauty comes from an egg. Then your masculine creation cant be more masculine. Love the effects in the background.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  14. Wonderful sentiment! I love all of your photos and that bird is gorgeous!
    Sandy xx

  15. Eine wunderschöne Seite, Valerie. Deine Fotos sind echte eyecatcher

  16. Eine wunderschöne Seite, Valerie. Deine Fotos sind echte eyecatcher

  17. Klasse! Dann bin ich mal auf die nächsten Nummern gespannt...
    Wie schön, meinen Freund, den Häher wieder zu sehen!
    LG Ulrike

  18. What a fabulous page. Everything is so balanced, which goes perfectly with the #1 weight lifting man. Great sentiment.

  19. Nice page! Interesting they like white bread. Men and machines could be another page!

  20. What a description of how you made this, everything was interesting - shabby shutters and soot (now I know these are paint colours), the Graphics Fairy (very useful to have as a helper), the strong man transferred with gel and made into Number One, the letters round a plate (ingenious) - and the artwork I saw after reading was even better than the description. Top marks for this one, Valerie.

  21. I like the newspaper backdrop or substrate, as well as the diamond shaped repeat pattern. Lots of visual appeal in this work.

  22. Fabulous page Valerie, show great strength having the silhouette male, liked the words as well.
    Yvonne xx

  23. Valerie this is a awesome page and quote.Love the colorful bird from your walking pics.
    Have a great day. xo

  24. I'm late again, Valerie. Your journal page with the numbers and texture effect of the diamonds is spectacular. All elements work so well together including the strong man as the focal point. It is a great page and a keeper for sure.


  25. Hahahaha! Awesome quote and so perfectly true, my DH would agree. Strong minded women are the norm is my house. lol! This is a truly exceptional LO and your soft harlequin pattern really makes the masculine man pop off the page! Spectacular dearie!

    Thanks for joining us at Anything Bute Cute! Hugz. ~Niki DT

  26. I absolutely love this Val!! great silhouette and great quote- made me lol!! Well done!
    playing catch up this morn so you may see me alot! xo

  27. What a great project this is!!! Thank you so very much for joining our Make It Masculine challenge at Anything But Cute!
    Samra DT

  28. This is such a fun masculine piece. Love all your stenciling, the silhouette and that wonderful sentiment. Thanks for joining us at Anything But Cute.


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