Friday 19 June 2015

Birds, Beasts and Humans

Hi Everybody!

Another week has flown by and it's Friday already -
where did the time go?

I have made another mixed media piece for Art Journal Journey, masculine-feminine, Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin; Moo Mania and More, Numbers and Kim Delow's Friday Face link.
I  painted an A3 sheet with gesso, and stamped into it while wet with a flourish stamp to texture it. The Stencil of Einstein was printed over a photo of one of his notebooks, fussy cut, and placed on the page, surrounded by lots of stenciling, especially numbers. The quote is from Einstein and very fitting for our masculine-feminine theme.

I treated myself to a cappuccino at an ice-parlour this week, and sat outside, watching the world go by, and sketched some of those round about. I used pencil, and worked them over back home with charcoal and pastel chalks. This girl was sitting there with a friend:

I will show the others in the course of the next days.

I met various animals, birds and insects while out and about.
The young rabbits were not at all shy:

This huge snail was oozing its way over the path after a rain shower:

This looks like a punk caterpillar:

I Googled it and found out that it feeds on nettles and turns into a peacock butterfly:

This dear little raven was sitting on the grass in front of the castle ruins, squawking for his Mum to come and get him:

He's looking up to the window where his anxious parent was also squawking at him (or me?)

I think it must have been his first outing all alone.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wow this is quite the post today. Love your Einstein page-perfect quote! What a fabulous sketch too. You need to go out to a cafe and sketch more often! And your animal photos are fantastic too! you have been busy but looking like this has been fun busy! Have a great day!

  2. Nice Einstein page and quote! Great that you did a cafe sketch too.

  3. Love your fun Einstein page, a fitting tribute to a great man. Your ketch is fantastic, as are the photos.Have a lovely day, hugs, Sarah

  4. What a great quote by Einstein, wonderful page. Love your girl, she rocks! You met a lot of Gods little creatures, how fun. Great photos.

  5. Oh I love your Einstein piece, so fun! Happy PPF!

  6. Wieder eine inhaltsreiche Serie. Schönes Porträt!
    Und nette Tiere - so sieht also die Raupe des Pfauenauges aus, das wuszte ich noch nicht...
    Ja, Vogeleltern haben oft maximalen Stresz bis die Kinderchen endlich fliegen, ich versuche oft, die Katze abzulenken.
    Liebe Grüsze

  7. The Einstein piece is fabulous... And really love the textures in the paper as well...

  8. Love all the photos! The texture in your Einstein piece is so fun!

  9. Grandiose Seite Valerie-- einfach perfekt ! Auch Deine freche Hutträgerin ist toll gelungen!
    So sieht als eine Pfauenauge - Raupe aus ... wieder was gelernt!
    Ja Vogeleltern haben es auch nicht grad leicht mit dem Nachwuchs!
    WUnderschöne Fotos!
    Dabke sagt AJJ / MM&M und meinereiner!

    Happy PPF!
    Hab einen wunderschönen Tag!

    1. Ja, und nicht nur Rabeneltern haben Stress mit dem Nachwuchs!

  10. Deine Einstein-Seite ist toll! Ganz besonders gefällt mir aber deine Skizze von dem Hut-Mädchen ... sie ist so lebendig!! Einfach klasse! Klasse sind auch deine Fotos ... es ist immer wieder ein Genuss sie zu betrachten!
    Ein lieber Gruß, Annette

  11. Happy PPF. Great art work and photos.

  12. Memory is a complicated tool! :)
    Your sketch looks very lively, well done.
    Happy Midsummer weekend!

  13. Love the Einstein journal page - the colours are fab - like an ancient yellowed sheet of paper. Very true quote as well! You got some great photos of little critters this week - that hairy caterpillar is fabulous!

  14. What a great quote of Albert... funny!
    Great art and photos! Happy PPF ♥

  15. Love the Einstein page and quote--what a great mind he had. The background of the page is a wonderful texture.

    The sketch of the girl is amazing. I have sent for chalks as the ones I had didn't seem to work well--maybe it was me that didn't use them well. I haven't used charcoal since I was at school and I never used it as well as you have in this artwork. I bet the girl would be thrilled to see it.

    Wonderful photographs today of nature's own art creations-feathers, shells, fur, spikes and the gentleness of a butterfly. All wonderful textures.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  16. Brilliant Einstein piece and I love your coffee shop sketch, - she has such a funny expression on her face!

  17. A wonderful pictures !! I love those shots! Precious work of homage to the great genius of science!

  18. What a funny image and quote. Made me smile on this grey and dreary morn :D And the sketch of the girl is lovely. I wish I could sketch quickly enough to get a decent enough idea of what it is so it can be completed at home. I just don't get loose enough and add too many detail Practice practice practice I guess ;) Have a good Friday Valerie :D {{Hugs}}

  19. Fabulous Valerie! Slightly different than
    Your normal style but I love it... the sketch is fabulous too!

    Hugs Giggles

  20. Everything here is great - clever idea to have Einstein for the numbers theme and love your drawing/painting of the girl in the cafe,
    How interesting to see the creatures and birds today, super little punk caterpillar and that's a good photo of the snail, and of course baby birds always have appeal.
    Again, a fascinating blogpost which could easily have made five blogposts, thanks for the entertainment!

    1. You're welcome, I like to give good value....

  21. beide arbeiten sind einfach klasse.
    schönen tag dir.

    glg jeannette

  22. Nice pieces, both! And I love the wildlife too!

  23. Der Einstein ist der Hammer, auch Deine Dame mit Hut ist super geworden und Deine Fotos sind wieder einmalig schön.

    Thank you for joining us at MOO MANIA & MORE

  24. Great journal page, Valerie. That quote is very true, I think! I love your portrait sketch too - great technique and what lovely pics of the natural world. xxx

  25. Just a reply to your last post-so you would definitely see it,glad to link up to AJJ!!!!!

  26. Albert with his tongue sticking out is just perfect with your quote...
    you made me laugh out loud Valerie :-)
    I woke up extra early hoping to catch up with everyone.
    You and your creativity are such a amaze me again and again ♥
    Lovely walk through nature with you (always enjoy your photos so much too!).
    Happy beginning of the weekend.

  27. super quote and Einstein page Valerie. Love all the photos nature has to offer during your walks. Your sketch is marvelous-love her hat!

  28. Great piece today, that quote is so true!! You really caught some amazing creatures with your camera today, wow!! Thanks for the tip on using glass glitter for sand, I will definitely try that next time, mine was a complete disaster! have a great weekend, hugs :)

  29. oh, that quote is great! Love your charcoal sketch and the touch of blue in it.

  30. I soooo enjoy all your posts Valerie - you are such a great artist and photographer. Hubby and I were both totally laughing at your Einstein page. WONDERFUL and sooo FUN!!! Love everything about it. And your girl... WOW. So amazing that you can just sit and sketch like that... what a gift. Thanks bunches for enriching my life. j.

  31. Lovely post, Valerie. I always love seeing the scenes and animals you meet on your walks. The Einstein art is just wonderful. I had never heard that quote and I love it. Great job.

  32. Great quote on that page. Thanks for showing the close-up so I could see your scrumptious texture.
    Your cafe portrait is gorgeous. You must have been feeling very much at peace when you did that because it is restful to look at.
    What lovely little creatures you met while on your walk. The bunnies are adorable.

  33. Really nice quote, art and photos. Interesting post, well done.

  34. Love Albert!!!
    But, your lady is soon charming!!

  35. I love, love, love that quote! It is so cool the way you print over the text! I've never seen a large snail other than in photos. Hope you have a good weekend!

  36. Love your interesting page and the fantastic quote. You are a great photographer, these photos are so good.
    Have a lovely weekend, Valerie! Hugs, Mar

  37. Great art Valerie, always so authentically you!

  38. Hi Valerie, Fabulous art work from your creative mind and hands. Love the quote. Your walking pics are amazing. Love the snail.
    Have a nice weekend. cm

  39. Perfect quote, although I am not sure Einstein cared much about remembering anything except what he cared about. xox

  40. haha..the Einstein quote made me laugh. How is it that women always remember things men forget?? So convenient..for them!! :D Love the page, and photos.

  41. A fabulous portrait that you started as a sketch, loved the quote men never do remember what they should. Super wild life photos as well
    Yvonne xx

  42. So many lovely things to see here! I love the rabbit! And I had to smile when reading the quote by Einstein.. ;)

  43. Valerie, you should use your drawing skills more in your projects; the sketch of the young lady is wonderful as is your journal page today. It did make me laugh because the verse you used is so true. Love the photos of the "critters" in your area. We have ducks, geese and squirrels mainly and our birds are not as colorful with the exception of the red wing blackbird. Enjoy your weekend.

  44. Your art today is great! I love the Einstein page and quote :) and those faces are great. The little bird looks scared :( The snail and caterpillar photos are great and the Butterfly it will become is beautiful. Have a good weekend. I'll be busy getting ready for the construction crew to show up on Monday :)

  45. Love your Einstein page. So clever to use the numbers and all to underline and connect it all together. Love seeing your photos as well.

  46. Have I told you, I love your humor?!!! Heeheehee Another great page! And I love the background textures! Your photos are beautiful Val- how you are so lucky to capture such moments is awesome!! xo

  47. Fantastic artwork!!! Wonderful photos too!

  48. Ganz wunderbare Tierfotos, Valerie!
    Deine Zeichnung ist ganz erstklassig - und der Einsteinspruch erste Sahne! LG Ulrike

  49. Wonderful! Your first painting is just bursting with life!! The sketch captures that girl's personality with a only a few strokes! Well done :)

  50. Loved seeing all your photos of the creature friends you met!

  51. Great page and drawing, love that quote! And how wonderful to see all those animals so close up, especially the rabbits! Love them.

  52. Great post! I love your out and about face sketch. Thank you for linking to Show Your Face and for the shout out too. Kx


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