Monday 22 June 2015

Monday is Men day

Hi Everybody!

The weekend has passed in the blink of an eye, and it's back to work for many of us today.

For Art Journal Journey, masculine-feminine, I have made another mixed media A3 journal page. The background was painted with Gesso  coloured with a bit of yellow. I discovered a pile of paper strips while clearing up, so decided to use them on this masculine page. I used various stencils in the background. I drew the 2 men with charcoal using one of my home made stencils, and gave them a bit of colour with pastel chalks. I found the quote on Google, just changed it a little bit. I am also linking to Moo Mania and More, numbers, and to anything but cute, masculine

Today was the beginning of the 'Schützen Fest' (Marksmen's Festival) in our little town. In the old days the Schützen used to meet to practice archery or shooting to defend the town in case of attack. In the meantime they are just keeping up a tradition, having fun, and strengthening their arms by lifting lots of huge glasses of beer! Here they are by the Basilica for the service before they start their parades.

The square around the Basilica was hung with flags:

I like how people decorate their steps:

The horses were happy:

And I found some flowers growing round the fence:

My desk was so full that I just couldn't do anything more:

So I had to clear up. Put everything away where it should be, threw away lots of valuable treasures old paper and now it looks better!

Have a good start in the new week, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Valerie, Can't believe I could be first here today. Your creation is gorgeous and yes, most female problems begin with men~~~LOL
    Beautiful pics and I loved seeing your work table. Mine is a mess most of the time till I stop and clean up before going forward with more creations. I think this just works for most of us. You have to make a mess to get something done.
    Have a great week.
    Hugs, cm

  2. You have hit the nail on the head with our MEN problems lol, funny I never ever thought of that but how true, I think they also invented the blouses we wear where the buttons pop open in the wrong place for them to view it this work page it's so clear and fabulous. Great photos{aNNie My Personal Blog}

    1. Yes, you could be right about that!

    2. Annie, Wow! Your a genius! I always wondered who designed those things! Ha! Ha!

  3. Lovely page and good job on the desk!

  4. Wonderful page Val, gave me a big smile, men seem to the cause of so many of our problems, bless 'em! Nice photos, too. Have a good start in the week, hugs, Sarah

  5. Love the page and the quote.What great ideas you have for using up bits and bobs and also making your own stencils--brilliant.

    Terrific photographs. I wonder if the folk knew you were peeping over the wall taking pictures? Terrific to see your 'mess' and then the transformation. I could do with some tips on throwing 'treasures' away. I have started collecting lots again :(

    Have a great day--will email later.

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. Deine Seite heute ist glaub ich eins meiner favorisierten Stücke von Dir aus diesem Monat! Großartig gezeichnet und collagiert und der Spruch ist einfach ein Hammer!
    Tolle Bilder von dem wichtigen Ereignis bei Euch.. oh ja sie (er)finden immer einen Grund zum Feiern und "saufen" lol.... da sind die Menschen unschlagbar! LOL!
    Ich denke ich würde eine Meditation bei den Pferden der Gaudi beim Schützenfest auch vorziehen...
    Du hast Deinen Tisch wunderbar aufgeräumt, wobei ich den mit den schönen Utensilien bestückten
    Dein Keilrahmentrio über der Bank sieht spitze aus!

    Bussi und ein gute neue Woche

  7. Love your page Valerie, your drawing skills are amazing! The quote made me laugh and you made my day!

  8. Oh, wonderful pages, Valerie! Love your awesome drawings, homemade stencil and fabulous colours! Also, love your funny quote and amazing background! Brilliant! Well done!
    Thank you so much for joining in our 'Make It Masculine' challenge at Anything But Cute!
    Hugs :)
    Branka DT x

  9. deine seite ist wirklich spitzenmäßigtolle sketche hast du gezeichnet,einfach hammer,und der text dazu ist großartig,und tröste dich,mein desk sieht ähnlich aus *LOL*dein tisch ist auch klasse und die keilrahmen dadrüber sind auch spitze.
    ich mag kein karneval,für mich ist das ein sauffest,und ich würde mir das gelage genau wie susi,von der wiese mit den tollen pferden angucken.
    eine schöne neue woche für dich.

    bussi jenny

    1. Karneval und Schützenfest sind zwei ganz verschiedene Sachen, haben aber das Trinken gemeinsam!

  10. Another stunner Valerie, love your stencilled backgrounds, - beautifully put together!

  11. Awesome tall men, its another fantastic page Valerie and a great quote. As for the tidy desk, I must congratulate you, but do wonder how long it will be before its back to crafty normal. Loved todays photos.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Love those sketches and how you used the left over paper strips. I like using left overs-makes me feel so efficient. Really finishes off your page quite nicely! And love the photos of the Schutzenfest photos, and the ones of your work spot. Its always fun to get a little peek into where people's creativity blossoms.

  13. Fabulous page Valerie! Great background and silhouettes, especially I love the strips. Great photos too. Hugs, Mar

  14. Quote so true eh! Wonderful page. I rather liked your messy desk, but the cleaned up version looks quite pretty. xox

  15. Very beautiful artwork, love it. And the words are food for thought :) Beautiful photography as well. Take good care, Shirleyxx

  16. Wow Valerie, that quote really got me to thinking this morning, isn't that just soooooo true!! I love how you used those paper strips you found, they work so well with your distinguished gentlemen! Fabulous masculine page! Love your photos today, it was interesting to see your work space and of course, I just love horses!! Have a great day!

    Thank you so much for joining us at Anything But Cute for our 'Make It Masculine' challenge! Hugs, Pamellia DT :)

  17. I forgot to say that I liked seeing your messy crafting spot. My desks look the same when working, not a space open. But I like to clean it all up again before starting..mainly so I can find things :) xx

  18. Ich glaube, dies ist meine Lieblingsseite von dir, nicht nur wegen des allzu wahren Spruchs: sieht megamäßig gut aus!
    ... dein Schreibtisch ist einfach zu klein!
    Liebe Grüße aus dem heute total verregneten Kassel von Ulrike

  19. Love the art! My desk is very messy right now too... I was thinking it's time to clear it off. Perhaps you have inspired me to get going. :)
    Love the photos ♥

  20. Hhehehe - this is WONDERFUL! Love your men sketches - especially the long legs - to me they look ALL MAN!!! Love the colors and the sentiment - such a fun creation. And so enjoyed the festival pictures too. Thanks bunches Valerie for starting my week off great with your INCREDIBLE art. j.

  21. My desk needs clearing off too. My craft space is encroaching on my work space and that chokes my creativity. I must do something about that soon.
    I like your bright, masculine page and the use of your paper strips is great.

  22. Lovely play with the word Men.. and beautiful earthy colours.

    Such a lovely way to keep the traditions alive with the Schützen Fest. I kind of liked you messy desk, it showed your creative mind.

    Love and hugs

  23. I love to see inside your flat, and see your art materials. Wouldn't it be nice if we had open houses instead of open gardens.
    I like your casual men, standing looking. It's great how you have made the collaged background and in yellow too.

    1. No, I would have to clear up all the time!

  24. The quote is often a favourite; your stencils are fabulous and your desk was very busy. You did a super duper tidy up. I hope your festival is well attended and everyone has fun :o))

  25. What a great journal page today; I love the colors for your men. They look mighty handsome. Monday...I cleaned up my work area too because I had no room to put anything let alone work on a project. Can't seem to get going today so I watched several tutorials on You Tube instead. Germany has lots of special events and festivals and I hadn't heard of the one you told us about today. We learn, we drool and we enjoy the photos. Thanks so much.

  26. Very interesting approach to our theme! I like it! Thank you so very kindly for joining the Make it Masculine challenge at Anything But Cute!
    Samra DT

  27. ahhh, but what a beautiful mess it was! Love the trio on the wall by the way!
    Your page today is fabulous! Great quote- thoughts...and the colors are gorgeous,so warm! love the stylishness of the entire page! xoxo

  28. Too too funny about MEN and your page looks super...the suits are a great touch too!
    What a colorful festival time.
    Always lovely seeing your special town and surroundings.
    OK now I really am taking a coffee/breakfast break as it's almost 9:30 am already.
    p.s. wish my creative chaos was only a table full ... you space looks very nice before AND after!

  29. Love the colors of your journal page! I just adore your artwork, and this is no exception! Great factual quote, and I'm sure I could add a few things...but I guess the reverse goes for us ladies, too, from a man's point of view! Great use of the stray paper strips to echo your cool hand drawn men! Just an interesting page to look at! And, as always thank you for sharing your amazing photography with us, too! It's always a treat! Great messy work top; it is a sign of a creative mind! And it only takes minutes to get that way again, doesn't it? Thank you for joining our Make It Masculine Challenge at Anything But Cute! Hugs, Sara Emily DT

    1. Thanks! I don't even need minutes to get my desk in a muddle, I think I have something called instant mess!


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