Tuesday 9 June 2015

Blues and greens

Hi Everybody!

Today is the start of a new challenge at Try it on Tuesday and our theme is clocks/ watches. As always, the challenge will run for 2 weeks, and projects of all formats are allowed. Hope to see you there!
I am also linking to Summer of Colour, where the colours this week are blue, blue and green. Thanks to Kristin for hosting this fun event.

I used water colour paper in A4, and painted it diagonally with metallic paints in 2 shades of blue and green, On the clock is a nasty fly - as we all know, time flies! The wings and body of the fly have been sparkled with  diamond Stickles.

For art journal journey, masculine and feminine, I painted a tree woman, perhaps Mother Nature, once again using greens and blues. This is perhaps the female version of a 'green man'.  I am also linking to Moo Mania and More, anything goes.

And some greens and blues from my walk today:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love what you did for SOC and beautiful green page for AJJ. Enjoyed the photos too.

  2. Great art pages !!! I really like the SOC piece a lot :) Great photos again. !!! I'm heading out of town to visit with my daughter . So I probably won't be commenting this week :)

  3. Love your SOC piece. Awesome photos as well. I didn't see your name over at Kristin's blog-linky that is. Your photos are always spot on!

  4. Both pieces are wonderful Val, great colours, and so much imagination! Hmm, those time flies!!! Love that your whole post is themed with blues and greens. Hugs, Sarah

  5. Herrliche Arbeiten und begnadet schöne Fotos !
    Ich bin mehr als glücklich mit Deinem wundervollen Blopost in GRÜN und BLAU!

    Hab einen wunderschönen Tag!

  6. deine grün blau arbeiten gefallen mir super,mother nature ist richtig hübsch,tolle idee auch.
    deine bilder sind wieder mal klasse,besonders die pferde mag ich sehr.
    muss gelich zum arzt und hab keine lust,puuuh.
    schönen tag dir noch.

    glg jeannette

  7. Beautiful pieces both of them! The stickles on the fly add a lovely touch and I love your tree woman!

  8. Beide Arbeiten sind wieder sehr schön geworden - das halbe Gesicht hat was! ...und blau und grün ist eigentlich auch meine Lieblingsfarb-Kombi. Lieben Gruß von Naturfanatiker Ulrike

  9. You obviously had a "green" day yesterday, inspired I'm sure by the beautiful countryside you walk every day. Your tree lady has a beautiful face. We still have very mixed weather here. Summer hasn't quite arrived yet! Enjoy your day. Xx

  10. Super fab design. Love the colour combo and the fly too.xx
    {aNNie My Personal Blog}

  11. Very interesting piece today. Kind of alien looking-like something from Star Trek or maybe Avatar , but I really like it!

  12. Awesome art pages today Valerie, love all the tones of green, a super colour combo. Its a great the quote on the second piece.
    Yvonne xx

  13. Brilliantly combined challenges in fabulous blues and greens. Your work is ideally suited as always. Happy SOC :D

  14. Ah my favorite colors!
    What a beautiful bee clock you created liebe Valerie!
    And your "be at one with nature piece" is super too.
    Wishing you happy June days.

  15. eine "green woman" ist ja eine coole Idee! klasse farben, auch auf der bienenfleißigen Uhr!

  16. I like the use of glitter on the fly and the blues and greens are wonderful.

    hope you have a lovely day.

  17. Gorgeous pieces today Valerie, I just love the blues and greens together. Wonderful photos, thanks for the pick me up. hugs :)

  18. Love all of the artwork, the colours are a fav combo :) Have a great day, Shirleyxx

  19. They are both great pieces!

  20. And how time does fly. I can hardly believe SOC is starting again. Nice choice for the clock them and for your blues and green.

    I might head over to Try It Tuesday to add something to the clock images, too.

    Come visit my SOC for this week:

  21. both are wonderful and summery pieces
    love the big head of the tree

  22. Hi Valerie, I always love blues and greens together and your creation is beautiful. Your pics share the same from the pretty blue sky to the gorgeous green grass.
    Have a great and creative day.

  23. Blue and Green - beautiful colors for both projects and also your photos today. Marvelous!

  24. What a gorgeous bee clock work! I love those stamps!!
    And your tree woman is just awesome- love her roots- especially that she doesn't have to worry about coloring them!! lol xoxo

  25. Gorgeous work for SOC- beautiful design and attention to detail!

  26. Fabulous pages Valerie, love the colours. The wings of the fly have a lovely sparkle. Great drawing of your tree woman.
    Thanks for sharing those lovely pictures

    Avril xx

  27. Fabulous pages Valerie, love the colours. The wings of the fly have a lovely sparkle. Great drawing of your tree woman.
    Thanks for sharing those lovely pictures

    Avril xx

  28. What fantastic tree woman, Valerie! Love this amazing page and the fabulous clock piece. Great jobs today! Hugs, Mar

  29. I like your tree woman. She goes perfectly with the sentiment.
    The diagonal background is gorgeous and the iridescent colours on the bee are brilliant in the first page.
    You are an inspiration to me, Valerie. I am actually doing some painting today.
    Hugs & smiles,

  30. Wonderful piece Valerie! Love it! Happy SOC!

  31. I love that clock --- steam punk with a difference! (A fly never looked so good!) I enjoyed the photo tour from your walk, too. Beautiful there.

  32. I like the visual depiction of the phrase, Valerie. Perfect use of the colours :)

  33. Love the clock with the fly Valerie! The colours are breathtaking!

  34. Love the clock with the fly Valerie! The colours are breathtaking!

  35. Such beautiful blues and greens here, how I love these colours and your lovely art!

  36. Great "time flies"... very clever!! Love your walking photo tour as well!

  37. That is one very clever and incredible clock. You have a super imagination.

    As always, I love the photos of the area where you live.

  38. Your two projects are fab I'm drawn to the green woman. Photos are great too. x

  39. I love love love that bee painting!!!!

  40. wow Valerie-these are both gorgeous entries for the challenges!!! And with all that beauty of nature during your walks how could you not be inspired?

  41. Your art is absolutely beautiful, Valerie! I love visiting your blog and am so happy to be back playing along with you in the SOC! I think your photographs are gorgeous, too! HUGS!!!

  42. Sweet message, artwork and photos. So beautiful!

  43. HI Kindred, how i love that enchanting bee..makes me think of a wonderful garden party or tea party, I could also picture that printed on silk or like a giant scarf/flag or tea cup, or a art-tile hanging in the garden..very beautiful! Of course I adore your nature being..sublime and all of your magnificent photos!

  44. Beautiful piece for week one! Boy do I know about time flying, LOL!

  45. A whole colour themed post!!!! Loved it!

    Karen x

  46. My goodness, stunning page, Val..lovely composition, very interesting!
    Thanks for sharing beautiful photos again..:)

  47. Bee-utiful artwork and photos of your walk! Great take on this week's challenge!


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