Saturday 30 May 2015

Surfing the waves

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are enjoying you weekend!

For Art Journal Journey, the sea, I have another journal page. The background was doodled with Gelatos which I swiped over with a wet brush when it was done. The stencil of the surfer was cut using a magazine picture as inspiration. My black pen chose that moment to go on strike, so it looks a bit scratchy. Why do pens always decide to give up the ghost late at night or at the weekend?
Tomorrow will be the last day of our current challenge, so be sure to come by on Monday to learn about the new theme for June.

And with reversed colours:

The fields are all lush with greenery and flowers just now:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Such a wonderful time of year! Lovely page as the theme closes out!

  2. I enjoy your photos so much. Where I live is pretty much the same the whole year: sand. Cold sand, hot sand... you get the point lol

  3. This is beautiful, something really different, love it. Great photos, too. Have a lovely weekend, hugs, Sarah

  4. Terrific photographs of the bright summer colours that are appearing now.

    Love the art page in both colours, and I am pleased to say that I did do some surfing 30+ years ago so I can cross that off my list.:) It seems to have taken on a new lease of life on the East Coast with clubs springing up here and there.

    Have a great day--hope the sun is shining as it is here

    Love Chrissie xx

    1. I tried it once, did a holiday course, but did not really like it!

  5. Das ist eine Action Seite ... super... und der Spruch dazu! Superb!
    Und das veränderte Abbild wirkt direkt!
    Und bei Deinen Fotos heute steigt mir direkt der Duft der ganzen Pflanzen und Kräuter in die Nase die Du abgebildet hast!
    Einen schönen Samsatg Valerie!
    DANKE sagt Art Journal Journey und ich!


  6. Gefällt mir super gut, die Surferseite, hihi, lila!
    Eigentlich will ich auch an meiner (letzten) Wasserseite weiter arbeiten, aber gleich ist Stoffmarkt bei uns...
    Schönes Wochenende von Ulrike

  7. I love the purple, because it's such a friendly colour, but i LOVE the reversed green. WoW! I like the quote too, to not wait for old age to wear purple - well that's a few of the people I know. Awesome ladies! Enjoy the rest of your weekend Valerie :o)

  8. Great work, and very detailed indeed!

  9. Purple's a colour I love and agree with your quote, awesome art work here my friend.xxhave a lovely weekend.xx{aNNie My Personal Blog}

  10. This is so different for you but I love it. It is quite an eyepiece, and I do think your black pen did you a favor because I think it wouldn't pop so much in black. Your quote is great too! Have a great day!

    1. Sometimes it's good just to do something really different.

  11. This one is so much fun! Love all the movement. Great photos today, too!

  12. Very strong and cool creation with inspiring words too!
    Beautiful blooms on your walk with all of that luscious green.
    Happy Weekend to you.

  13. Love your surfer-dude journal page! Wonderful "action". Your photography for the week is lovely. My favorite, the peek through the gate.Thank you for your comment on my blog.

  14. Love the journal page and the quote with it. The photos are beautiful ♥ You know I always love seeing flowers ♥

    1. Yes, I know, and flowers and birds are my faves too.

  15. There's always so many lovely things to see.... Love your surfing page and the great quote. Great photos too - lovely flowers and scenery. Have a fabulous weekend... Gill x

  16. A fabulous quote, matches the word from a favourite poem of mine. This is a super page and it makes me want to try with the gelatos again when I get home.
    Yvonne xx

  17. Ooooh, I love those purples in the background, lots of beautiful energy. Your photos are gorgeous too, I especially love the last one...

  18. Love this Valerie, I really like how you reverse the colours. Have a fab weekend Sue xx

  19. You never cease to amaze me, Valerie. I love this journal page and hate to see the "sea" theme end. What is in store for us next? Beautiful photos.


  20. Wow. Your surfer is so cool. It really shows movement.
    PS - I got some great yard sale finds today, including a calligraphy set that was barely used.

  21. Great page full of life and movement and a fab quote!

  22. Both versions of your piece have such amazing contrast, love that!! Gorgeous photos today (or yesterday as it were, lol). hope you had a lovely weekend. hugs :)

  23. What a great picture, it's active. Your patterned sky is so wonderful and creative.


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