Friday 22 May 2015

Bottles, birds and the sea

Hi Everybody!

Another week has raced by, it's Friday already, and for many of us it will be a long weekend with the Bank Holiday on Monday - enjoy it!

Friday is time for Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin, but everyday is a good day for Art Journal Journey, the sea, and for Moo Mania and More, Bottles.
I recycled a large piece of black cardboard (a bit more than A3) that used to live in a picture frame. I drew the bottles with pastel-chalks. I love working with the bright chalks on a black background. Sorry about the fingerprints, in the meantime I have removed them! I didn't see them till I looked at the pics! I have been trying to keep to half an hour for my bottle sketches, but this one took a bit longer - well, there are a lot of bottles!

For this version I reversed the colours and softened the edges:

Here I made a quick water coloured background on textured paper, added the birds with Dina Wakley's stencil and doodled the boat and waves.

These 2 pigeons look like they are holding an early morning chat - perhaps discussing which one should swoop down to my balcony to get breakfast first!

Sunrise and clouds:

A freshly mowed field:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Oh Valerie!!
    These pages are my favs!! Gorgeous colors on those bottles! Superb!
    Happy long weekend to you also! Do you celebrate Memorial Day? xoxo

  2. Amazing what you can create with an arrangement of bottles. The projects are fantastic including your journal page. I can't believe the day got away from me. It is almost bedtime for me. More rain for us but it did warm up. I was hoping to do a bottle project, perhaps tomorrow. Enjoy your long weekend.


    1. Great post today, love the bottles and the sea-scene, and the photos. You really hae talent. Have a lovely day, hugs, Sarah

  3. Love the bottles, they have lots of depth to them. Always enjoy your photos. Lost in a Sea of dreams, just lovely.


  4. such lovely art and photos which are art in themselves! Love those bottles.

  5. Love love love these bottles! Gorgeous work! Wonderful work this week!

    Hugs Giggles💙💚💙

  6. Great colors and that last photo-oh my!

  7. Love the brihg colours against the black. Love the field too. Makes me homesick!

  8. Genial - ich bin verliebt in diese Flaschen!
    Die Meeresszene ist auch mehr als gelungen wieder mal!
    Herrliche Fotos.. die Tauben im Laub wären fast ein fertiger Stempel!
    Einen happy PPF, AJJ, MMM Day!

  9. Einfach herrlich, diese Flaschen! Auch das Landschaftsbild mit den schwarzen Vögeln gefällt mir! Ein so wunderschöner Post!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  10. Amazing photographs Valerie. The birds against the sky I just had to save it is magical.

    Love both pieces of artwork as well. I tried drawing a bottle with chalks yesterday but it looks rubbish so will have to try Plan B--not sure what that is yet. The black background shows of the colours and they are a wonderful mixture.

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie xx

  11. These are all great, I really love your coloured bottles, beautiful work and such great photos, full of early Summer feel!

  12. You're right I love the bright colours against the black background in your bottles painting too. That photo of the pigeons silhouetted on the tree is wonderful!

  13. The bottles are beautiful!


  14. sehr schöne seiten wieder... die flaschen sind einfach total klasse geworden! das silhouettenbild mit den tauben gefällt mir auch sehr!

  15. Die Flaschen sind herrlich, liebe Valerie! Aber noch mehr mag ich Dein Boot und das schöne Zitat dazu. Es lädt mich zum träumen ein und ich möchte einsteigen und losfahren.

    Ich schicke Dir ganz viele liebe Grüße und wünsche Dir schöne Pfingsttage!
    Deine Erika

  16. Exquisite creativity, beautiful bottles, very fun colors!

  17. The bottle are amazing but love the Lost as Sea. Both have such vibrant colors. First time stopping by as relatively new to PPF.

  18. Love your bright bottles, they really give a good feeling. The other works are great as well, and as always, very good photos.

  19. Oooh, these bottles are so cool, love the bright colors!
    My eye surgery was like amazing art show - great lights, flying tatters....
    Waiting for the final result will take time but I'm happy I can still see!
    Have a relaxing weekend!

  20. Ganz wundervoll und absolut genial sind deine Bilder und Foto, haben lieben Dank dafür, dass du sie uns zeigst.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  21. Love your birds on your watercolor background. How peaceful. I'd like to be in the sailboat now. More nice bottles too! I like how the reverse image has a kind of dreamy effect. Have an excellent day and start to your weekend.

  22. Wundervolle Werke wieder von Dir, Valerie

  23. gorgeous art Valerie-LOVE the colorful bottles!!

  24. it's beautiful those bright colours on that dark background!

  25. Valerie! I love your pastel bottles. You always make the simplest subjects look "grand". The watercolor with birds is such a fun one, and always enjoying you camera walks. I love the field photo the best this week.

  26. A lot of stunning bottles Valerie and I love the sea!

  27. Love the beautiful colors :D

  28. Hi Valerir. Hope all is good. Your bottles are outstanding. Love the color. Your birds too are flying well. Great job. Have a wonderful day.

  29. "Lost in a sea of dreams" = L♥ve it liebe Valerie!
    Beautiful bottles and you had me looking for fingerprints and I could not find any here on my big screen ;-)
    GLG...enjoy your long weekend.
    p.s. your pigeons made a beautiful silhouette

  30. beautiful work Valerie, you have Wowed me; i luv the bottles best

    have a nice PPF

    much love...

  31. That's a lovely scene with the silhouettes of the birds swooping and the yacht skimming the sea.
    And then the next fabulous photo has black silhouettes of the pigeons and the leaves on the tree, did that just happen on your camera?
    Your black cloud seems to have gone, it's not a bad day here either although very breezy.

    1. Actually I sent the birds a text, and asked them to be in position at 5.45 am so that I could take the photo at exactly the right time....

  32. I just love the vibrant colors in each of these pieces ~ so free and expressive, too!

  33. The bottles are fantastic!!! Love the bright color contrast to the blackboard ♥ another great journal page too. The bird photos are great as are the sun and sky ones ♥ Have a wonderful weekend.

  34. Tolles buntes Flaschen-Stillleben, super gelungen. LG zum langen Wochenende

  35. Once again fantastic bottles with stunning colors! Your doodled waves are so much fun!!!
    Sandy xx

  36. Wow, stunning art work, you're so talented sweetie. Wonderful photos too.

    Love and hugs

  37. I adore the colors of the bottles. They look almost other worldly. Your artwork and photography is exquisite.

  38. Lots of lovely art today--beautiful bottles and sea page!

  39. Love your bottles and birds and the beautiful landscapes. Well done, Valerie!

  40. Your photography always melts my heart. I haven't see bottles like this in colors (only drawings/shaded). What a great job you did showing them with the colors (as shaded). Fantabulous. The birds and boat in the foreground of the beautiful painting is unique. I love them all. Blessings, Janet PPF

  41. Lovely paintings. You are so wise to be painting every day.
    Hugs from Canada,

  42. Wonderful bottles, just simple colors but so pretty. Marvelous wavy mown field photo. Bet it looks great from the air. xox

  43. Your bottles have a wonderful transparency that is so hard to do. Beautiful.

  44. Oh...ich liebe die farbenfrohe Flaschen! - Irma

  45. Hi Valerie, love your bottles and I usually spot the small details, like fingerprints, when I look at the artwork in a picture on my computer, hehe! You did a fantastic job on the sea painting too! And as always, I love to see your world through your camera. Just beautiful! Have a great weekend. Hugs, Rasz

  46. OOh Woww!! I love your bottles sketches! And I love using pastel chalks too...must try have motivated me, Thank you, Valerie!

  47. Wonderful pieces today! Your bottles have this amazing glow to them, how the heck do you do that! Fantastic Valerie! hugs :)

  48. Hello Valerie, Your bottles are stunning! I love the vibrant colored chalks. And the morning bird chat is a delight. Have a lovely week, Irene

  49. Love your bright bottles, they look great against the dark background. And what a beautiful capture those two silhouette doves are!


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