Monday 18 May 2015

Stormy seas and quiet paths

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, the sea, I have made another page. I used an underlay page on which I had distressed a lot of edges, This gave a shape like peaks, which made me think of a stormy sea.  I swiped some blue, green and purple paint over it and spritzed some white onto it. There were also some little squares of mosaic stuck on it from a piece I made recently, I left them, as here they have become things flying around in the stormy wind.  The image with the sailor is a vintage cigar label, I just cut out the text, so it looked as if he is standing on his ship steering. I used a sponge to put some white paint round him to look like spraying water.
The quote is from a hymn we used to sing at school, written by William Cowper  in 1774.

And some photos from my walks today:

 Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wow,deine seaseite its ganz klasse,tolle farben auch,und der text ist großartig.
    wünsch dir eine schöne neue woche.

    GLG Jeannette

  2. Another fabulous page - I love the layered effect and the stormy mix of colours. Those photos are rather splendid as well! I love the old lamps lining the path there and that beautiful sculpture. AND, of course - HORSES!! Awww! Hugs from Shroo:)xxx

  3. Fantastic page, love the old seaman steering his ship! Great text, remember that hymn from school, too. Have a lovely day, hugs, Sarah

  4. Beautiful page and quote from the very old song. Lovely walk and so green!

  5. Guten Morgen, liebe Valerie :) Dein Seemann aus der Zigarrenkiste ist herrlich! Eine tolle Idee, ihn so in die Wellen zu platzieren, dass man meint, das Schiff ist gerade unter den Wellen verborgen. Auch das Zitat passt wunderbar dazu. Awesome!
    Viele liebe Grüße schicke ich Dir und wünsche Dir eine schöne Maiwoche, die hoffentlich bald mehr Sonne bringt.

  6. Guten Morgen, liebe Valerie :) Dein Seemann aus der Zigarrenkiste ist herrlich! Eine tolle Idee, ihn so in die Wellen zu platzieren, dass man meint, das Schiff ist gerade unter den Wellen verborgen. Auch das Zitat passt wunderbar dazu. Awesome!
    Viele liebe Grüße schicke ich Dir und wünsche Dir eine schöne Maiwoche, die hoffentlich bald mehr Sonne bringt.

  7. wieder eine gelungene Collage - und ist es nicht schön, wie die allee in frischem grün strahlt... alleen sind einfach sowas schönes!

  8. Such refreshing photos today, beautiful and love your fabulous work of art.xx

  9. It is simply beyond amazing Valerie!

  10. Ja genauso sieht der Seemann aus, wie in dem Gedicht beschrieben!
    Eine wunderbare Seite Valerie.. ich mag auch die Farben total!
    Super schöne und interessante Fotos präsentierst Du auch wieder heute!

  11. Good morning horses and to you Valerie. Love the wonderful photographs with the wooden sculpture and the beautiful flowers and greenery.

    We used to sing that hymn at school as well-I think we always missed out a few verses but I remember something about The bud may have a bitter taste, But sweet will be the flower. de dah de dah de dah de dah. Well it was over 60 years ago lol I love the page and thank you for a happy memory of schooldays.

    Have a beautiful day today-will email later

    Love Chrissie xx

    1. The sculpture is rusted metal, and I love it, too.

  12. Your stormy sea picture is fabulous. I love the salty old sea captain image.
    I spy vintage vehicles in one of the photos; are they part of an exhibit Valerie?
    Have a good week {{Hugs}} :o)

    1. There is a collection of vintage cars in the beer garden next to the castle ruins all year round.

  13. Love your fisherman. The background really works with his stern and high concentration on his face. And more great walk photos. Are all these walks close to your home? You must have lots of directions to go when you head out. Have a great day.

    1. Yes, they are all places near here, along the Rhine and round our little town!

  14. Morning Valerie and wow what an amazing page - I too remember that from school - the fisherman is brilliant his face is so lived in !!! all your wonderful photo's oh how I would love to paint at least 2 of them

  15. Wow, love your stormy page today Valerie! That background is really amazing and I love that you used a old cigar label, genius! Such pretty photos today too! hugs :)

  16. Each day you walk in great beauty Valerie and your pics are wonderful. Love your journal page and the quote is beautiful. Have a great day.

  17. What fabulous page and what amazing background, Valerie! Love the way you've created the sailor image, great idea to use a cigar label. And I love the water effect.
    Hugs, Mar

  18. Ganz wunderbar, liebe Valerie! Tolle Komposition und der Hintergrund sieht klasse aus! Gefällt mir!

  19. I love your stormy page - and how it came about! Your walk photos are fantastic - such a lot of lovely things to see! Chrisx

  20. This is a very powerful image, definitely a stormy sea. And you just happened to have a vintage cigar label. I love the way he is smoking his white pipe, steering the ship through a storm and looking so masculine all at the same time.
    I like the photos of the sculpture and the vintage car. You often seem to have these walks to yourself.

    1. Don't you save the labels from your cigar boxes??

    2. I do have a couple of sweet little tobacco tins.

  21. That is just a fabulous page! Really looks like he is being tossed by a storm-great job. That tree-lined path is so serene.

  22. Beautiful photos from your walk, it always looks so peaceful and quiet.
    Love the journal page and your ancient mariner , he looks like he's doing a grand job in the storm.
    Yvonne xx

  23. The cigar label was perfect for this theme and made your page magical. We have been out in stormy seas in our sail boat and it can be a bit scary too. The photos today are so wonderful. I liked the one with the rusted pipe fencing and of course, the horses are always delightful. A beautiful walk today thanks to you, Valerie.

  24. Wow. What a stunning impression of a storm. Your captain is marvelous and I love the verse.

  25. Was für ein tolles Bild - man ist mit dem Kapitän auf hoher See und fühlt die Wellen. Echt genial.

  26. Eine tolle dynamische Seite ist dies geworden! Ich mag das Seemannbild! LG Ulrike

  27. Boahhhh, noch so eine schöne Seite zum Thema. Total klasse.
    LG Carola

  28. Lovely quote!!
    Beautiful photos and the ones through the trees look almost surreal! xoxo

  29. Brilliant, I love your sailor in his storm. I didn't know this quote came from a hymn xx

  30. Beautiful yin and yang visiting this post dear Valerie!
    Your stormy creation is very powerful with the perfect words and image.
    So lovely to see all of your luscious Rhineland greenery.
    Thank you for sharing


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