Saturday 6 September 2014

Saturday this and that

Hi everybody!

I Hope you are enjoying your weekend.
The day started off a bit misty again, but it got better in the course of the morning.  I had a wonderful walk along the shore, over sand and shingle, enjoying the water birds, the ships and the beautiful scenery.

This card is one of my DT projects for Gecko Galz this month. I used an owl image from the collage sheet 'owling for you', printed onto paper, fussy cut and varnished. The BG paper is from the fairy tale stack from DCWV, mounted onto a 6x6" card with a gold edge from LaBlanche. The owl trim has been punched. As embellishments I used a scrap of white burlap, some leaves and flowers, and a little skull button. I made a spooky envelope to go with it.
(Material list:  Card blank, BG paper, punched owl strip, leaves and flowers, mini skull, owl image from GG)

I caught the sun this morning as it rose over the horizon

The leaves are beginning to turn, and there is a breath of autumn in the air

This morning the cormorants and gulls were predominant along the Rhine:

Enjoying their sun-bath:

The swan swam really close to where I was standing today, and I enjoyed watching her very much

And the horses were, as always, happy grazing.

Have a great day, take care of yourselves,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What a COOL Owl page! So bright beautiful autumn colours and lovely embellishments.
    Your photos are always very fine and interesting. The colous there are also wonderful.
    Have a peasant evening xxx

  2. Lovely texture on your art! It seems just yesterday we were welcoming spring!

  3. Love the owl card, you have used wonderful colours and images. Great photos, too, I can see how much you love those water birds. Hugs, Sarah

  4. Someone is starting to think of Halloween! I love those autumnal leaves. Have a lovely evening, Dr Who is back on TV here so that's what I'll be watching! Xx

  5. Eine schöne Eulenkarte,und die Natur bilder sind traumhaft,ich liibe Schwäne..
    hab noch einen schönen abend.


  6. Hi Valerie...another great card. I love the Autumn theme and colors. What a difference a little varnish makes. The owls pop off the page. Love your embellishment!

  7. Eine gekonnte Eulekreation Valerie und Deine Fotos sind wudnerschön.. der Sonnenuntergang ist gaaanz toll! Ich bin gerädert heute .. viel Arbiet mit Brüderchen und Wäsche und jede Menge Obst zu verarbeiten...ach menno...
    gut dass das Wetter wieder so schön ist, da ist wenigsten die Wäsche schnell getrochnet und konnte schon wieder verräumt werden!

    Ich drück Dich fest und wünsch Dir eine gute Nacht!

  8. Die Eulen sind ja klasse - und du hast sie toll präsentiert!
    Deine Fotos sind wieder so schön - ich gehe gern mit auf deine Spaziergänge ;o)
    Ich wünsche dir morgen einen sonnigen Sonntag, liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  9. Great card Valerie. So unusual too, I love those owls. We had a beautiful day here and it was very warm. Like you ,the leaves are starting to turn in to fabulous autumnal colours. Love the pictures. Hugs Rita xxx

  10. Those owls look awesome, its a super Halloween card. Loved the photos especially the mystical look of the sun rise.

    1. The sunrise is always my reward for getting up early.

  11. Such a great card - there is a lot going on there! I love the pair of owls!
    Lovely pictures from the Rhine - it is so beautiful there. We're getting into autumn as well - some trees already start to change color in the middle of August, perhaps due to the lack of water.

  12. Fantastic artwork as always Valerie and you can't go wrong with owls :)

    What amazing photographs--I just love the ones with the swans--oh that's poetic :)

    Hope today goes as well for you--sunny here so far but I won't have time to go out -busy cleaning and getting ready for the off.

    Love Chrissie x

  13. Love your Halloween card Valerie and your superb photographs. Annette x

  14. Stunning Halloween card, Valerie. I love the owl image and all embellishments, I specially like the skull button. The image of envelope is so fantastic. Great photographs, the swan looks beautiful.
    Hugs, Mar

  15. Such a happy card for 'this and that' , I just love this image it is just adorable and the colours, texture and your gorgeous added beauties sure finish this off perfectly..xx

  16. I *so* enjoy visiting your blog, seeing your creations … and the lovely world you live in. Thanks so much for sharing it all with us!

  17. What a fun card for Halloween! All the details and laying just make this piece!!! Love the birds on the rock! Hope you are having a good weekend!

  18. Enjoyed your project today for Gecko Galz and your photos of the birds are outstanding, especially the ones of the swan. I'm roasting a turkey today for hubby's birthday dinner.


  19. The most beautiful Halloween card I have ever seen!! Love those background colors.
    All the birds are there together enjoying a fancy feast - too bad we cannot get along the way the different birds do. Swans are so elegant and beautiful to watch - love everything you do Sugar! !
    Sandy xx

  20. Great card, love that Owling for you set too! Beautiful pictures from your walk, the swan is so elegant! Big hugs, ~Diane

  21. Hi Valerie, what a beautiful card. Look at those first fall colors from your walking pics. The swans are gorgeous too. Have a great week.

  22. Brilliant owl card Valerie, such fun and lovely rich colours. Fabulous photographs too, the wildlife must be used to you sneaking up on them by now xx

  23. Great GG piece and lovely photos. TFS.
    Hugs Brenda xxx

  24. Dein Eulenwerk ist toll, klasse wie die Eulen so um die Ecke gucken. Schöne (Herbst)fotos hast du wieder mitgebracht.

  25. What a great card Valerie, the colours are wonderful. I really like the owl and the stamped witch and cat is cute. I like that the bird has a worm in it's mouth. The sunrise photo is so nice and the bird shots are fabulous, especially the swan :D x


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