Tuesday 2 September 2014

More Beatrix Potter and living creatures along the Rhine.

Hi everybody!

I can hardly believe it, but today was sunny and friendly all day - great!

Today I have another piece for 'living creatures' at AJJ. I made a collage of some of my favourite illustrations from the Peter Rabbit stories - the kittens looking into the shop window, cunning Mr Fox persuading silly Jemima Puddleduck to go with him, Mrs Rabbit in her little shop, and the delightful mice. Beatrix Potter drew all her creatures with an astonishing love of detail, and set them in the beautiful landscape of the Lake District that she so much loved. There is also an online archive where you can read all of her books here. I fussy cut the photo of Beatrix Potter and set it into the collage, and added one of her beautiful quotes. I added some lace and beads as embellishments.

My walk this morning was most interesting. I saw three cormorants down at the shore, which looked like they were sunbathing, with their wings spread wide, a wonderful sight.  One stayed put, one flew off, and one flew up onto the red and white pole. To my left the swan was busy with her morning toilet, and the ducks were pottering about the beach looking for food - a little piece of paradise. I could not get closer to take the photos, and as I do not have a good zoom, they are a bit grainy, but it made me very happy to see those beautiful birds there, as they are quite rare here.

Hope you have enjoyed seeing the living creatures I saw today.

Thanks a lot for coming by, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful collage Valerie. We visited Beatrice Potters house many times when the family were younger. Lucky for us we had family that lived nearby, so you have brought back some lovely memories for me. Lovely pictures as always. Hugs Rita xxx

  2. Fab collage Valerie and great use of all those lovely Beatrix Potter images too.
    Love you water bird pics too and the cormorants look very majestic.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  3. The collage is beautiful, I love everything from BP, and the photos are dreamy, just great! Hugs, Sarah

  4. How sweet is that picture of Mrs Tittlemouse and her babies. I can see I'm going to,have to re read some of these books. Lovely birdie pics, it was a beautiful day here today too. Xx

    1. They are books which can always be read and red again.

  5. Glad you had a friendly day!
    Yes, Beatrix Potter's illustrations are lovely, I wonder if she would have liked to have been an art blogger and entered challenges.
    Thanks for your photographs of the cormorants, a very nice trio of photos, funny that they each chose to do something different. Maybe the birds around are posing for Bastelmania and international stardom?

  6. Wonderful collage, makes me want to be reading these stories again, love how you included Beatrix.
    Super photos especially the handsome birds.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Another collage so fabulous of Beatrix, lovely image and beautiful illustrations. I love the first photograph of the cormorant. Great photos!
    Hugs, Mar

  8. Your bird photos are wonderful captures Valerie...
    thank you for sharing all kinds of creatures with us!
    Your BPotter creation is very sweet.
    I too really enjoyed the RZellwegger movie and didn't want it to end.
    My Mutti used to make tiny Peter Rabbits out of cloth...she was inspired after we saw a BPotter exhibit at a museum in Washington DC and they had a life size Peter Rabbit. She could not wait to get home and try making one a little over an inch tall.
    Thank you for stirring so many sweet memories with both of your BeatrixP posts.
    I read many a nighttime story to our sons when they were little.
    Here's to more sunny days and magical creatures in our lives.

  9. Now I just love love love this creation Your BP is just adorable, I can spend ages looking at all the gorgeous details..
    Thank you for my wonderful daily journey through the Rhine, I adore each and every picture you display.xx

    The Journey is the Start

  10. beautiful collage and lovely photos in the sunshine today!

  11. Fun collage Valerie, Love the theme and the lovely Beatrix Potter illustrations you used. Thank you also for sharing your photos of your Cormorants, quite a nice sight.
    :) Chris / CS Designs

  12. Deine Collage ist toll und deine heutigen Fotos passen toll dazu :-) Die Tiere scheinen es auch zu genießen das die Sonne mal wieder scheint. Ich wünsche dir noch weitere sonnige Spätsommertage. Liebe Grüße, Dagmaf

  13. entzückende seiten hast du wieder gemacht,und deine bilder sind einfach klasse,ich liebe cormorane.
    wünsch dir einen schönen tag.


  14. Die Seite ist so bezaubernd wieder Valerie ! Ganz ganz toll wie Du mit all den Elementen spielst in Deinen Arbeiten ..so leicht, so beschwingt und voller Liebe kommt das daher! Danke auch für den Link..werd ich gleich mal schnorcheln und die Naturaufnahmen sind excellent heute wieder hier!
    Bei uns ist es sehr. sehr nebelig, trüb und regnerisch..ein neuer Indoortag für's Kreativsein also ....

    Ich knuddle Dich fest !

  15. Super collage. I love Beatrix nestled in amongst her characters. x

  16. Wonderful collage Valerie. I visited her house when we lived in the Lake District and used to pass it often when we went to Coniston. Lots of wild life near there to inspire her I'm sure.

    You have lots as well. Always something new to make us gasp when we see your photographs. Today it is the cormorant on high for me.

    Hope today is as good as yesterday for you

    Love Chrissie x

    Love Chrissie x

  17. Fantastic collage Valerie :-) I too love BP and you have reminded me of stamps I have in my stash.
    Gorgeous pictures and I hope you have many more sunny days to come

    Hugs Annie x

  18. I can already see that you are going to have as gorgeous a collection of
    Beatrix Potter themed art as you have Frida art! Those birds are gorgeous!

  19. Your living beings featured on your blog today are wonderful, both your Beatrice Potter animals and the birds in your photos.


  20. A fabulous Beatrix Potter collage and beautiful photos.
    xxx Hazel.

  21. I keep trying to leave a comment and I keep losing them!
    So there is a new bird in the neighborhood and they look quite large. The swan and ducks do not seem concerned. There is enough to go around.
    Valerie you know how much I love Beatrix Potter. Jemima Puddleduck is my favorite. The stupidest duck you have ever seen. I would dearly love to go to Beatrix home in the Lake Country. Delightful collage!
    Sandy xx

  22. Hi Valerie, wow this work of art is incredible. Love it and all the details. Love your beautiful walking photos too. The swans and ducks are lovely.

  23. I love your collage and story the photos of your morning walk and the lovely birds shore and water is gorgeous.Thank you for the sunshine today.
    susan s

  24. Deine neue Seite gefällt mir wieder sehr gut. Und deine Fotos sind klasse, tolles Wetter hattest du. Bei uns war es gestern nicht so schön, dafür wurden wir heute von der Sonne verwöhnt.

  25. Einfach zauberhaft diese Seite! Deine Lebewesen sind einfach goldig .... eine wunderbare Hommage auf Beatrix Potter! Ein schönes thema hast du gewählt, liebe Valerie!
    Ein lieber Gruß, LonettA

  26. Beautiful collage - her drawings are so sweet, I've always enjoyed them.
    I love the cormorant with its wings spread wide. We have so many cormorants here, and I always love to watch those who spread their wings to the sun.

  27. Beautiful Beatrix Potter piece, lovely quote you chose for it too. Gorgeous shots of the birds, I love your photography, you always find the most interesting subjects! Big hugs, ~Diane

  28. Another great post. I love Beatrix Potter and Peter Rabbit is a real favourite. Lulu has a Peter Rabbit she adores and has been cuddling him tight at school this week! Your collage is so well put together with a great quote, thanks so much for sharing!

  29. Was für eine schöne Hommage an Beatrix Potter! Und du entdeckst ja immer die interessantesten Tiere! Kormorane!!

  30. Jetzt war ich ein paar Tage nicht bei dir zu Besuch, und so viel Neues ist wieder dazu gekommen - alles wunderbar!
    Da ich ja auch eine große Liebe zu kleinen Lebewesen habe, werde ich sicher auch mal einen Beitrag zum Monatsthema schaffen.
    Liebe Grüße von Ulrike


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