Tuesday 16 September 2014

Flying or floating?

Hi everybody!

We had a beautiful day here. It started off cool and a bit misty, but
soon warmed up, and this afternoon was like a hot, summer day.

The background for this piece was made on Saturday using some of my leaves and ferns. I got a bit carried away with the spray, and it looked more like an underwater landscape by the time I was finished. This inspired me to use Ryn's beautiful rising bubbles stamp, which I white embossed.

Then I got to work with stencils - the houses and sky, the birds from Dina Wakley, and the floating/flying lady, all of which I drew with a white pen. Mary Poppins is a stamp I bought on Saturday from Lost Coast Designs. I stamped her with Archival black and embossed her with black EP extra fine. I fussy cut her and outlined her with white after gluing her between the bubbles. To finish I added my quote and some Stickles.

I am linking to Art Journal Journey, Living Beings.

The horses were grazing through their little paradise, as always:

The crows and ducks were partying on the shore:

The logs were washed ashore today:

And the naked man in the market square has got a new head covering:

Have a great day, take care, and thanks, as always, for coming by. I appreciate your visits and comments very much.


  1. Another lovely journal page, the background has such a lot of depth, and the delicate white outlines make a wonderful contrast! Take care, and hope you are feeling better! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Very nice work with the underwater look and the white stencilling, it looks great.
    Love your photo of the rooks on the beach, quite unusual.

    1. I've never seen them there with the ducks before.

    2. I wonder if it is a crow, it looks as if it is irridescent blue.

  3. ooooohhhh Mary Poppins,ich liiiibe sie,das ist eine ganz ganz traumhafte seite geworden,ich bin begeistert,ich geh jetzt auch schlafen,gute nacht.

    GLG Jeannette

  4. Absolutely gorgeous artwork Valerie and umbrella lady looks right at home under the sea.
    Fab pics as always too.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  5. Eine traumhafte Seite - verzaubert einen richtig !
    Deine Fotos sind auch wieder toll!
    Ach menno.. ich kann irgendwie so schlecht Fotos draußen beim Spazieren machen --weil ich immer eher auf meine Hunde schaun muss ...
    dabei gibt's immer so schöne Motive..
    naja ... Frauen sind zwar multitaskingfähig..sagt frau
    aber ich nicht wirklich...lol!
    Gute Nacht Valerie!
    Schlaf gut!

  6. Deine Mary-Poppins-Seite ist märchenhaft!!!! Auch deine Fotos sind wieder so schön- mir geht es oft wie Susi - bei drei Hunden bleibt selten Zeit für richtig schöne Fotos, zumal zwei von denen ziemlich gern jagen gehen wenn ich nicht immer ein Auge drauf habe ;o)
    Ich wünsche dir eine gute Nacht und noch einmal ganz lieben Dank für deine wundervolle Überraschungspost <3
    Liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  7. Beautifully imaginative! Gorgeous background and a fantastic journal page as a result! Xx

  8. lovely page Valerie and peaceful animals in your photos.

  9. I think you should introduce Mary Poppins to Mr. Umbrella Man--they'd make a nice couple!!

  10. Great imaginary underwater scene.
    Hugs Brenda xxx

  11. Gorgeous piece! I love the white on colour you use sometimes. It always looks really cool.

  12. Yes, underwater landscape, lovely colours - and the white "pops" really well on that background.

  13. Terrific journal page Valerie and thank you for showing how you made it-love the colours.

    Wonderful photographs again and nice to see some autumn colours creeping in.

    The poor naked chap will have all sorts of headgear now I am sure. Once something starts everyone wants to have a go.

    Thanks for sharing the photographs with the sunny brightness. Dull, grey and foggy again here :(

    Love Chrissie x

  14. Wonderful pages Valerie, I love the white bubbles against the fabulous background.
    xxx Hazel.

  15. Fantastic page and great design, the colours are so beautiful, I love the bubbles and your new stamp from Mary Poppins. The duck looks lovely.
    Hugs, Mar

  16. Still difficulties to leave comments here, this is via my tablet.
    Love your artpiece, there is a magical feeling.

  17. Lovely piece with your Mary Poppins floating down and you upward lifting birds and man. Life is above and below. xox

  18. One more fabulous journal page, Valerie. You do such a great job with your paints, stencils and creative imagination. It is fun to visit your blog. The naked man in the square definitely draws the kids attention to keep him well dressed.


  19. I love the colors and everything else in your artwork with Mary Poppins – it would look perfect in a young girls room – a painting to look at and dream. The horses and birds live in a pretty landscape too.

  20. Love your underwater scene and the embossed bubbles! What a great page, Valerie! Sounds like you are enjoying some nice weather, which is perfect for walks and photos! Love the photos! Enjoy the day!

  21. Thanks for adding your link to my blog :) I love the whimsical Mary Poppins feel to this. Beautiful mix of colours as well!

  22. Love your page and the new Mary Poppins too! Big hugs, ~Diane

  23. Loving your page Valerie, Mary Poppins looks fab. It must be fun seeing what your naked statue will be wearing each day lol. By the way I'm still talking to you even though you don't have any Stampotique stamps :-) xx

  24. A fantastic journal page. Love the scene and the realistic bubbles.
    Yvonne xx

  25. Beautiful design Valerie the bubbles emobssed in white look fantastic! The rest of the scene is great fun. I hope you are doing well, soon I'll be back creating but still working on digging gardens.. so much work! Take care, Shirleyx

  26. Deine Journalseite gefällt mir super gut. Wenn ich am Wochenende auch mal durch die Halle geschlendert wäre und genauer geschaut hätte, dann wäre mir Mary Poppins bestimmt ins Auge gefallen und in meinen Korb gewandert. Aber da wir nur zu zweit am Stand waren hatte sich das Shoppen erledigt.... ein sehr kostengünstiges Mekka für mich :D

  27. I love how you used Ryn's bubble stamp in this piece Valerie. And the Mary Poppin's stamp is AWEsome! Who knew... :o) x

  28. Valerie your work is stunning and always amazing. Lovely photos from your walk today. Wishing you a great weekend and lovely weather.

  29. Beautiful Sugar! I hope your procedure goes well tomorrow and you will be back to crafting soon.
    Sandy xx


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