Sunday 7 September 2014

More living beings....

Hi everybody!

Hope you are enjoying your weekend!

Today I have made another, and perhaps a rather strange piece for 'living beings'. I painted the background on pages from the old calendars I recently discovered in the paper container here, which has given me a huge stock of wonderful, large sheets of paper to use. I used water colours, (a present from Chrissie), oil pastels- (sent to me by dear Sandy), and prismalos. The background was supposed to show the Lake District where Beatrix Potter lived, but has evidently been influenced a bit by Vincent van Gogh, as I love his swirls which bring so much movement into the sky. Then I lined up my characters, with some farm animals and Farmer McGregor, and some of BP's characters. Peter Rabbit is probably running away from the farmer, as he knows that his father had an 'accident' in Mr McGreggor's garden and ended up in a pie....Pigling Bland is  exploring the world, and the mouse is helping with the harvest. In the meantime, the 7 dwarves have left their woods to have an outing, and are sneaking over the hills and hoping nobody will see them....

I am linking to Art Journal Journey, living beings, and to Craftroom challenge,
something old, something new. New are my oil-pastels and water-colours, both sent to me by kind friends,  and the rest was in my stash

And now, back to reality....

I had a long walk this morning. I woke up feeling achy and bad tempered, and the walk definitely made me feel a lot better.

The plants are growing along the road near here: 

The cows were all on the other side of the meadow, so only got a distant shot of them today. But I could imagine Beatrix Potter's little creatures running around here:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love yoir little "Living Creatures" and the beautiful photos from your walk. I so envy people who have such natural and inspiring places to walk.

  2. Your living creatures are fabulous, I love the sky! Your photos are outstanding, who could not be in a better mood after seeing all that beauty! Big hugs, ~Diane

  3. Hi Val, LOVE what you have made, just great. We had a good weekend here, and in a few minutes we will be leaving. Have a good start in the week! Hugs, Sarah

  4. Deine kleinen Lebewesen sind wirklich witzig - mir macht es auch immer viel Spaß, etwas Vorhandenes umzuwandeln.
    Das Wetter war bei dir wieder besser - hier ein nebeliger Tag........
    LG Ulrike

  5. What Wonderful pictures Valerie. Just watching Scotland being beaten by Germany in Dortmund . Hugs Rita xxx

  6. Gorgeous work Valerie, Your walk looked wonderful so much to see...I bet you felt a lot better afterwards...Hugs May x x

  7. Fabulous journal art work and how beautifully you used those gifts from friends! Lovely walk today and with such beauty to behold, it would have to cheer you up! Happy Sunday!

  8. lovely playful art piece today. Nice to see fall coming in so gracefully.

  9. Great fun Valerie, I love those mischievous dwarves! Xx

  10. Another wonderful scene, loved the silhouette figures in the hills.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Loving your journal pages Valerie, and what gorgeous colours there are now in your nature photographs xx

  12. Love your living being journaling spread. And your photos seems to match the whole theme. Yes, I can picture Beatrix Potter there too.

  13. smashing story telling pages Valerie and love the photos. Annette x

  14. LOVE the living beings....and love the wonderful photos.xx

    The Journey is the Start

  15. Lovely story and fascinative illustration, Valerie.
    Have a gorgeous day, hugs!

  16. Love the influences and contrasts on your project and thanks for taking me on your walk today.
    Hugs Brenda xxx

  17. what fun you've had here creating this journal page, I love the Van Gogh inspired sky!! thanks for sharing with us at Craft Room Challenge, Debi xx

  18. Das ist wieder sowas von bezauernd gearbeitet Valerie und die herbstlichen Impressionen sind sehr stimmungsvoll!
    Hab eine gute neue Woche!

  19. Was für eine wundervolle Fantasiewelt- s bringt einen mal weg von unserer realen, manchmal sehr kalten wahren Welt. Hier ist heute dicker Nebel und ich komme gar nicht in gang :-). Dir eine schöne Woche,liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  20. Oohh wie entzückend deine seiten sind,so märchenhaft,einfach schön.
    tolle bilder hast du wider gemacht,der kleine feldweg ist super und genau was für mich.
    mein radel war der rahmen durch gebrochen,und ich hatte es ganze 22 Jahre,hab aber gleich ein nues radel aus alten teilen zusammengebaut,denn ohne radel geht ja gar nicht.
    hab eine schöne neue woche :-)

    GLG Jeannette

  21. This is a fun piece--I'm very partial to a Vincent-style swirly sky, too! Love the blue berries! Before I spied the cows, my eye saw the bird sitting atop the hay cart--wonder what he is thinking?

  22. I love the surreal world you've created for Potter's characters to live in, which Van Gogh would be pleased with. Of course, I always enjoy my photographic strolls with you. Blessings, my friend!

  23. I really love this beautiful page, Valerie. I adore all figures and the influence of Van Gogh on this fabulous sky, great inspiration! Today I specially love the first photo.
    Hugs, Mar

  24. Autumn is colouring your world beautifully lovely pictures. Your journal page is so creative I love your hill and swirls and of course all the Potter inspiration. Thank you for sharing with us at Craft-Room Challenge XOXO Zoe

  25. Deine Seite ist total schön. Alleine das Format ist schon hitverdächtig. Besonders gut gefallen mir die Figuren. Klasse.
    Deine Fotos lassen den Herbst ahnen.... Viel zu schnell ist der Sommer vorbei.

  26. I really like the BP pages with the seven dwarfs going over hill and down dale ;) I think the colours are fabulous and the sky is exciting :D x

  27. Hi Valerie, WOW what gorgeous BP pages. Great walking pics too. Looks like fall is on the way in your area. Have a great week.

  28. Your living creature pages are fabulous. Your photos are a dream to me
    Susan s

  29. Boahhh, was für eine schöne märchenhafte Seite. So süße Lebewesen hast du dir ausgesucht... cool, wie die Zwerge da "herum hüpfen".

    Schöne Fotos hast du wieder für uns. Ja, man kann den Herbst schon erahnen.
    LG Carola

  30. Great spread Valerie, love the shadows on the hills. Wonderful beings and the pig is so cute. xox

  31. Don't laugh but when I caught a glimpse of your pages, my first thought was of Moses leading his people out of Egypt. And then I realized it was really Mr. Pigling Bland leading his friends out of danger and those fool horses are going the wrong way. All they have to see is hay and that is all she wrote. Those dwarfs are following happily along but I did noticed one rabbit lingering behind.
    I truly love Vincent Van Gogh - Did you read Dear Theo? I loved every minute of it although it was some what depressing. You could just feel Vincent going deeper into his depression. Love your sky Sugar!!!!
    As always, wonderful pictures.
    Sandy xx

    1. Sandy, you are so funny, I can't stop laughing! Hugs to you!

  32. Thank you for sharing your beautiful pages and photos with us at Craft-Room Challenge.
    xxx Hazel.

  33. Lovely pages, cute characters. Beautiful photos.
    Thank you for sharing with us at Craft-Room Challenge;-))m

  34. This is fabulous Valerie. Beautiful colours and amazing details. Great to have you join in with us at Craft Room Challenge
    Hugs Annie x


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