Friday 5 September 2014

Friday again

Hi everybody!

Hope you are all well and fit.
We had a couple of days with quite nice weather, so that was good, and today is passable, too.

I have another Journal page for the 'Living beings' challenge at Art Journal Journey. I painted over an old calendar page, you can still see it 'in the sky' but it doesn't worry me, and I do not like to waste such nice, large sheets of paper. I painted a rural scene for the characters of Beatrix Potter, using acrylics, water colours, oil pastels and prismalos. Some of the characters have been painted, coloured and fussy cut, others are vintage scraps. The sunflower has been cut from a serviette. The girl at her desk is a digi-stamp from Gecko Galz.

I thought it looked like Beatrix Potter as a girl, sitting at her desk and dreaming up her creatures. I know the proportions of the characters are not right, but this is supposed to be fantasy, and not biology or anatomy, so please bear with me....

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday and to Moo Mania and More, recycling

Here are some of the living beings I met along the Rhine today, I enjoy being there and watching them so much.

Today a heron was sitting on the rocks:

And the horses were enjoying being sociable:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by


  1. Sheer FANTASY love each section of this creation and love your wonderful nature...I am doing last minute commenting before I go to bed...goodnight from Aussie.xxxThe Journey is the Start

  2. Liebe den märchenhafter Touch deiner Seite...einfach herrlichst! Happy PPF und danke für dein Kommentar! - Irma

  3. Hi Val, another wonderful page, like a fairy tale! Have a nice day, and hope to see you tomorrow! Hugs, Sarah

  4. I love this beautiful painting with animals on the farm. Wonderful pictures of ducks.

  5. Absolutely love the little farm scene you have created here. It is so fun and colourful and the sentiment is so true and something we should try and heed to.
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend with a bit of craftiness on the side.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  6. It's easy to see how your artwork was inspired by your gorgeous photographs this week. Blessings!

  7. Eundervoll ist Dir die Seite wieder gelungen liebe Valerie! Begnadet schön.. Deine tollen Bilder unterstreichen alles noch !
    Hab einen guten Freitag! Hab heute Nacht nicht schlafen dürfen mein Bruder hat herumgegröhlt und konnte nicht schlafen ..schlimm...
    so ne arge Nacht hat er noch nie hier veranstaltet..bin gerädert!
    Knuddle Dich!
    Jetzt geh ich in die Sonne(endlich wieder schön) runter Rasen mähen mit ihm... den lass ich jetzt auch nicht schlafen untertags!
    ich freu mich über deinen doppelten Freitagspost !

    1. Danke du liebe, und ich hoffe dass du heute besser schlafen kannst!

  8. wundervoll ist deine Seite,einfach zauberhaft schön,und wieder Cormorane,wie traumhaft diese tiere sind,ich hab noch nie welche in der Natur gesehen,umso schöner deine Bilder.
    ich geh auch gleich in die sonne,hab vorher noch eine Seite zum thema gemacht,da hat man soviele ideen im kopf,näch??
    wünsch dir noch einen schönen Nachmittag,liebe valerie.

    knuddel jenny

  9. Really gorgeous artwork Valerie and so colourful too.
    Love your pics and lucky you to have such a lovely place to walk each day.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  10. Hi Valerie, this is going to be such a great series and I love this work!! The wildlife seems to be enjoying the calm and peaceful start to Sept. Great photos.
    Have a nice weekend.

  11. You know Valerie, the animals on your collage are the same ones you see on your daily walks. I love the photos of the ducks with the pebbles showing under the clear water. Xx

  12. Valerie, your Beatrice Potter living beings make me smile so much. Love your journal page again today along with the photos.


  13. wonderful use of an old calendar page! And your animals look beautiful and healthy. We are having our first heat wave in Toronto this summer! It's supposed to get to 40C!

  14. Wonderful collage of art. Love the color and arrangement of the images. Well done Valerie. - Jim

  15. Einfach goldig und bezaubernd diese Seite! Und dieser Hase mit der blauen Jacke ... da kann ich nicht anders und muss schmunzeln ... dieser Gesichtsausdruck ... einfach zu schön!
    Ein schönes Wochenende und liebe Grüße, LonettA

  16. Oooh, I like this new page. Beatrice Potter's would be proud. :)

  17. fantastic art-and real beings too! Working on getting some in for the challenge:)

  18. Schön :-) Es ist wie eine kleine Geschichte und es gibt viel zu entdecken. Wunderbar.

  19. A lovely trip to the Rhine... I've always wanted to visit and haven't managed it yet. It's on my list.
    Fantastic artwork and who doesn't love Beatrice Potter?
    Love the ducks and horses. Great photos so thanks for sharing.
    Enjoy your weekend

  20. A lovely trip to the Rhine... I've always wanted to visit and haven't managed it yet. It's on my list.
    Fantastic artwork and who doesn't love Beatrice Potter?
    Love the ducks and horses. Great photos so thanks for sharing. Wunderbar indeed!
    Enjoy your weekend

  21. A lovely trip to the Rhine... I've always wanted to visit and haven't managed it yet. It's on my list.
    Fantastic artwork and who doesn't love Beatrice Potter?
    Love the ducks and horses. Great photos so thanks for sharing. Wunderbar indeed!
    Enjoy your weekend

  22. Once again another wonderful page and I love Miss Mouse. But I think you know I love mice!
    Do you ever wade in those waters.
    Sandy xx

  23. Beautiful BPotter characters gracing your pages and the words are just perfect and full of hope too!
    Thank you for sharing your fantasy world and your real world with us too liebe Valerie ♥
    It is hard to not feel happy when you are around ducks when they get to quacking sometimes sounding like they are laughing ;-)
    Happy weekend to you

  24. Deine Seite ist total schön, da gibt es eine Menge zu entdecken. Die Entenfotos gefallen mir super gut.

  25. Oh wow! Another simply stunning recycling effort. This is simply adorable.

  26. A wonderful country scene, it looks so peaceful and calm. Lovely photos again.
    Yvonne xx

  27. I actually find the painting much more interesting bc the proportions are atypical!

  28. Love your Beatrix Potter images in your living beings. Perfect. ox

  29. This page is so adorable, I love all details...the cute creatures and lovely Beatrix's image.
    Great photos too.
    Have a nice weekend!
    Hugs, Mar

  30. Love this page, Beatrix Potter would have loved it I am sure. I love the ducks!

  31. Love your pages. I agree with Sharon. Awesome photos of duckies and horsies.:) Have a great day.

  32. Great-looking scene! So love the colours you used....

  33. Lovely posting, Valerie! Colour- and fantasiful, the photos are beautiful!

  34. Love your imaginative and creative 'dream' scene and beautiful photos.
    Hugs Brenda xxx

  35. Wonderful page and a great reflection of the living images you see daily. Wish I had your imagination dear Valerie.

    Hope today is sunny and bright for you--dull and grey here with a forecast of rain.

    Love Chrissie x

  36. That's truly a fairy tale page, nostalgic and tender in atmosphere!

  37. Sweet image, and I love that you created it on an old calendar page!
    Thanks, yet again, for that lovely wander around your world.

    1. Thanks, some neighbours threw out a stack of huge calendars printed on Wonderful paper - great crafting goodies for me!


  38. Love seeing your art and you photos - it's like I got to take a walk with you this morning!

  39. Beautiful design it reminds me of Beatrix Potter as well. Also your photos are gorgeous. Sorry I've missed so much here, I've been buried with work, but finally getting out for 'air'. Still work ahead and don't have a craft 'studio' set up yet and gardens to dig. I'm so happy with my new Internet service as I really had trouble loading your blog (& others) that have lots of photos. Our old service in the country was slow............. but here we have fast service what a relief ! Take good care, Shirley xx ps... hope you are doing well :)

  40. Your living beings are wonderful and the live beins as well in your beautiful photos. I love the colours you've used in the background. Superb work, Valerie.
    Have a lovely weekend,


  41. your Beatrix Potter journal page is great!! i love that the proportions are not exact...that is how the imagination works :)

  42. Gorgeous and oh so clever journal page, you always come up with the very beat ideas! Great pics from your walk too. Big hugs, ~Diane

  43. Großartige Seiten und Fotos sind das geworden, Valerie

    Danke für's erneute Mitmachen bei MOO-MANIA & MORE

  44. Ahhh, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your Beatrix Potter collage! And as alwasy, your pictures are delightful.

  45. Ohhh I just love this piece. Each character brings joy. Isn't amazing that the same types of ducks and Herons live both in your area and mine. I love the photos of the horses.

  46. This is wonderful! it's like you are giving Beatrix Potter a new lease of life xx

  47. Wonderful pages Valerie, the colours are perfect for me :D

  48. I love your animal pictures. I feed ducks daily at the canal. I understand your love of them. The journal page is unique, different and most creative, but after seeing your photos, I understand your drawing more. Blessings, Janet See my ducks and birds (heron). . .

  49. I love your creativity and your photography is just amazing. Wow!


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