Sunday 10 August 2014

The two Fridas....

Hi Everybody!
Hope you have all had a great weekend.
We have had stormy weather here - hot, humid, windy, cloudy, sunny with rain-showers! I managed 2 almost dry walks, and even the few drops of rain that got me were not bad as it was really hot!

I have made another journal page using one of my try-out pieces. The 2 heads were on the back of a calendar page, and just needed bodies. I was inspired by one of Frida's paintings, called the 2 Fridas.  I used a 'body' I found in my stash  as a template. After using oil pastels to colour them a bit, I stamped the flowers, hearts  and scrolls (which were in my package from Susi, thanks again) with black archival, and coloured them again with oil pastels. I didn't like the white background, so I cut the ladies out and fixed them to a sheet of DP. The owl is from a paper napkin, the other embellies are vintage German scrap. I am linking to Susi's Brainchild Art Journal Journey and to Conny's Mix it monthly, crazy dresses.

This is another Frida Journal page made earlier this year, and will also be given a page in my Frida Journal.

This afternoon I took the path between the lakes again, which is very pretty, but it was not a good idea wearing sandals as the puddles were very large....

The wind was blowing along the Rhine:

This beautiful flower was growing over a fence:

The ducks were holding a meeting:

This family was enjoying a ride through the park:

And the apples look very tempting, but too high for me to reach!

This strange fly was sitting on one of my balcony lamps this morning. It was not shy, didn't even blink when I took my photo. I think it is really gross, and have never seen one like it before. It's quite large, about 1". I looked it up on the net, and it is a flesh fly, and likes to lay its eggs on dead matter and bodies - Yuck!
And she doesn't seem to worry about shaving her legs either!

And this was another sight that I did not like. A lot of people like to picnic at the Rhine, which is fine, and the majority take their rubbish back home with them, or deposit it in the bins which are there for this purpose. Someone must have taken a shopping cart from the local supermarket to carry the food and drinks, and just thrown it into the river afterwards.

Here's wishing you all a great week, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love your 2 Frieda's Valerie, your journal is going to be something to treasure. The fly however isn't - yuk!! Brilliant photo, but that just makes it worse lol We've had a very stormy couple of days, cracking thunder and lightning xx

    1. Stormy here, too, and the next week here will be stormy, cold and wet....

  2. Hi Val, love your Fridas, what a fun piece! Great photos, and that fly is brilliant but HORRIBLE - I have never seen one, and do not want to! Have a good start in the new week, hugs, Sarah

  3. Na Wahnsinn...Du bist im Frida FEVER Valerie.. und diese doppelte Frida Kreation ist Hammer.. ich bin auch ganz begeistert wie raffinert Du gleich mit den kleinen Stempelchen gespielt hast!
    Du bist ein HIT!
    Auch Dein früherer Seite gefällt mir !
    Schöne Fotos hast wieder Du gemacht .. Du hast ein tolles Auge für Motive und Blickwinkel!
    Danke für's immer Teilen!
    Diese Fleischfliege ist ja HAMMER...

    geniale Aufnahme!


  4. Boah wahnsinn,deine doppelte frida ist ganz Grandios,eine super tolle idee.
    deine Bilder die du gemacht hast sind richtig klasse,und die fleischfliege ist ja der hammer.
    wünsch dir noch einen schönen Abend,liebe valerie.


  5. Valerie once again your creativity knows no bounds. Just love the quirky people. Your photos are so beautiful. I must say that fly is creepy, but you took a great photo of it, its so clear.
    Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

  6. Lovely work on your Frida journal. Very interesting photos today. Shame on that garbage.

  7. What a fun and well done drawing is your 2Fridas. Very creative, too.
    Hui, the fly is awesome, never seen that kind, and hope won't either!
    We have made hotweather records here. Never been this long hotperios (1 month). Next week it's forecasted to end.
    Wish you a happy next week, Valerie xxx

  8. Your 2 Frida's are beautiful Valerie, but your flesh fly is downright ugly! What hairy legs and bum he/she has! Glad you got your walks in between the raindrops. Big hugs, ~Diane

  9. A big no to that gross fly from me as well. Love the dresses you added to the 2 Frida's and the other page looks awesome as well.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Well Valerie, I was fair enjoying this post until I saw the fly, it looks humongous! We had a lovely day here until about 5 o'clock, when the heavens opened and it's still tipping down. Think it's going to be fine again tomorrow though. Xx

  11. LOL - I thought the same, that fly should be top billing in a B Movie! I always stroll down with trepidation because I know you share wildlife from your walks and cycle outings and I have a phobia for F*$@s and others like that so I tend to have my hands over my eyes!!
    Absolutely love their dresses, they are fabulous.
    Has rained all day here.

  12. The Frida's are wonderful. So full of life!

    The fly is disturbing. Ewww! What interesting things you come across in your walks.looks like so much fun!

  13. I really love your Frida's dresses, both are so beautiful. I like the cute owl too. Those pages are wonderful, Valerie.
    Have a great week!
    Hugs, mar

  14. Love these doppelganger Fridas. Great Victorian sort of dresses woth puffy sleeves too. Why??? do people have to litter, just so disrespectful of the rest of us. No manners. xox

  15. I am so loving your Frida art. Also the photos today are pretty amazing. That fly photo wow. OK so I do not like flies but this photo excellent!

  16. Amazing photographs today--the fly one and honeysuckle close ups are wonderful though the fly is frightening isn't it?

    Your two Frida's is a wonderful page and some interesting additions to it.

    The page from before is brilliant and what a journal you will have with all this wonderful work.

    Same weather here yesterday--awful. Nice today though a bit cold and quite windy.

    Love Chrissie x

  17. Eine mwga coole Seite hast du da kreiert - ich komme kaum an den Basteltisch zur Zeit!
    Das Ärgernis mit dem Müll haben wir hier an unseren Baggerseen auch - kommen mit dem Auto , dann wird gegrillt, aber den Müll lassen sie einfach liegen. Ich begreife nie wieso man es nicht wieder einpackt und mit zurück nimmt um beim nächsten mal alles sauber vor zu finden. Ganz schlimm sind Glasscherben.
    Danke für deine tollen Fotos - komm gut in die neue Woche. Liebe Grüße, Dagmar.

    1. Ja, Glasscherben sind auch hier in Hülle und Fülle, man kann nicht mehr barfüßig am Rhein.

  18. Deine Seite mit den 2 Fridas ist soooooo schööööön ... viele kleine Details ... besonders diese kleine süße Eule! Die ältere Frida Seite ist auch wunderbar! Dein Frida-Journal füllt sich zusehends ... toll!
    Beeindruckende Fotos ... besonders die Fliege ... einfach grandios!
    Ich kann es auch überhaupt nicht leiden, wenn Leute einfach ihren Abfall oder gar einen Einkaufswagen einfach immer hinter sich liegen lassen. Ich verstehe es einfach nicht!!
    Ein guten Wochenanfang und LG, LonettA

  19. I think your two Fridas art is the best Frida yet, love all the extras like the very sweet owl and their very pretty frocks. Of course you would have a body hanging around in your stash. Really excellent work, top Frida marks.
    Please can we have "Gross Picture" alert next time? I'm a great lover of insects and creepy crawlies normally but I'll pass on this unpleasant looking chap. Yes I know looks aren't everything and he is probably a Good Fly, but I'd rather not look at him on my screen, thanks.
    Otherwise I enjoyed your photos and the pleasant walk very much.

    1. Sorry about the fly, hope it will not spoil your dinner!

  20. Wonderful Frida pages and the photo of the fly is amazing.
    xxx Hazel.

  21. I like your Frida pages, but my absolute favorite is the one inspired by "The Two Fridas," because of the pattern mix. I also enjoyed my weekly virtual stroll with you, except for the last two stops - LOL! Blessings, my friend!

  22. Good morning, Valerie. Just when I think you have done it all you come up with the TWO FRIDAS. How creative is that! Love your Frida art and the final journal will be spectacular. Sorry you feet got a bit wet on the walk; however, the photos you captured are so unique. I don't like the fly or spiders of any kind but enjoyed looking at the colorful photo. HAVE A GREAT WEEK!


  23. Lovin' your journal pages! What great fun the "two Fridas" are particularly. Not so likin' the flesh fly - heebie jeebies there! Have a good week. Hugs

  24. The two Frida's have great character, Valerie - and it was nice to see a page you had done awhile ago. I think 'the fly' is quite beautiful - how he/she goes about their business is quite gross indeed. Lovely walk today - everything so beautiful. hugs, Donna

  25. Die Idee mit den doppelten Fridas ist ja sooo toll, Klasse Idee und Ausführung. Die andere Seite ist auch toll und ich bin sicher Dein Frida Buch wird super. Danke auch wieder für die schönen Fotos.
    Ich wünsche Dir eine schöne Woche, lG Anja

  26. Oh das wird ja eine tolles Frida Journalbuch. Diese Seiten und auch die ganzen anderen Fridaseiten sind klasse.
    Schöne Fotos zeigst du... herrlich!

    LG Carola

  27. Deine Frida-Seiten sind mal wieder klasse. Herrlich farbenfroh. Klasse Fotos - die Fliege sieht ja etwas gruselig aus.

  28. Deine "Schwarzwald Mädels?" sind fantastisch geworden. Nööö, Fliegen mag ich nicht und schon gar nicht im Macro Format. Fototechnisch aber eine super Aufnahme.

  29. Wenn man die Fliegen von Nahem betrachtet, sind sie doch faszinierend.
    Toll fotografiert!
    Super die 2 Fridas!
    LG Ulrike

  30. I like your version of the two Fridas much better, as I always found that painting a little (ok, a lot) disturbing! That is a fantastic photo (and scary) of the fly!

  31. Valerie ich habe Deine zwei Fridas schon ins Herz geschlossen, so toll mit den Blumen und der Eule!! Danke für zwei ganz besondere OUtfits zu
    Mix It Monthly...und was lernen wir heute? Mal wieder vergessen die Beine zu rasieren? Kein Problem, einfach die grosse rote Sonnenbrille angezogen und es fällt garantiert nicht auf, hihi ;) ♥ Conny

    1. Ich gehe sofort raus und kaufe mir eine rote Sonnenbrille!

  32. Great journal pages ~ and, of course, your world that you share with us too!
    I, too, am so bothered by rubbish left behind by careless folks.
    But that aside, I love your two Fridas and their crazy dresses!

  33. I love your Frida pages but that fly is gross. Uck!!

  34. I love your Frida art. I think the feather makes it extra special!

  35. Your Frida art is so great Valerie, you've created some really great pieces with this theme of yours, brava! That fly is impressive and oh so horrid, I hate flies, you took a great picture of it. I love your other photos and feel angry like you at folk who leave their rubbish around in the nature, such a lack of respect!


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