Sunday 17 August 2014

Stamping Frida

Hi everybody!

The sun is trying to squeeze through the clouds this morning, it would be great if it didn't rain again all day. It is really chilly this morning, with a touch of autumn in the air, the days are getting shorter, and in a few days the kids go back to school - summer is starting to leave us.

For the Frida Kahlo challenge at Art Journal Journey I have made another page. It is rather different this time. I have a Frida Kahlo stamp stamp, which I used here. I also had some rolls of coloured metal foils, which I did not know what to do with. I played around, and stamped the image using  a Tsukineko glue-pad, pressing the foil onto it and then pulling it off again. Some of the metallic colour stuck to the image, enough to give a wonderful, grungy effect.  A few of the foils would not work this way, so I stamped the images with Archival black and then painted over parts of it with tacky glue and a thin brush. Then I was able to  pull colour off the foils. When it was done, I had a huge heap of coloured images. I cut them out with  fancy-edged scissors and arranged them onto a large sheet of black card. I love the grungy and scratchy effect, and will surely try this idea again. The quote I have used is from Diego Rivera, and is one that I find very moving.

I am also linking to Simons Monday Challenge, scratched up.

The clouds were interesting again yesterday so on the way back from my wet walks I took some pictures:

The Rhine is very full and grey:

The horses keep grazing whatever the weather:

I was pleased to see a brave soul had pulled the rusty shopping cart out of the river and put it next to the garbage containers to be collected:

Have a great day, stay creative, take care of yourselves and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Its just the opposite here in Johannesburg, we are heading towards early spring. Just love your creation with the collage of little postage stamps created with a fancy edged scissors. Its so creative.
    Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

  2. I love this one Val, very different,but a real eye-catcher. It must have take you ages to do all those little images. You have such wonderful ideas, as always. The quote from Diego is very moving, too. Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

  3. Sensationell Valerie..das sieht richtig stark aus --und welche technike Du erforschst ist sagenhaft!
    Frau Kunst-Ingenieur!
    Ich freu mich auch über die Fotos ..besonders, dass der Einkaufswagen entsorgtwird..
    die Menschen sind also doch nicht sooo schlecht..
    das gibt mir Hoffnung - lol- am Sonntag--
    somat haste gleich zweimal was für meien Seele gemacht !

    Bei uns wird es empfindlich kalt..brrr..
    wozu das Pool noch gefüllt ist frag ich mich?
    3 mal insgesamt war Julia mit ner Freundin drin..ich heuer überhaupt nicht!


  4. Deine Frida Seite ist der absolute Knaller. Der Effekt ist sagenhaft und gefällt mir irre gut. Tolle Idee. Ja, es ist schon traurig, was die Leute so alles in die Flüsse, Seen, Teiche werfen. Aber wie schön, dass es noch gute Seelen gibt, die sich dieser Dinge annehmen :)
    Zur Zeit lacht hier die Sonne - aber für später ist Regen und Sturm angesagt. Seufz.... Der Herbst steht in den Startlöchern - ich möchte noch viel lieber Sommer. Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Sonntag und einen guten Start in die neue Woche. Heute bekomme ich für 3 Tage netten kreativen Besuch und werde wohl nicht online gehen.

  5. Your Frida page today is stunning. Love the way you thought to stamp on the foil and the wonderful effect you achieved. Great to see a quote by her husband which is very touching I think.

    Love the photo with the rusty trolley--the scrapmen here would have been fighting over that lol

    Hope the weather is better for you today. Cold here but sunny

    Love Chrissie x

  6. Super creations once again and loving the colour theme.xx
    The Journey is the Start

  7. Grandios!!!
    Deine Briefmarken sind absolute Spitze. Diese Technik interessiert mich sehr - wie wär es mit einem Workshop-Video?
    Schönen Sonntag, liebe Valerie wünscht Ulrike

  8. Valerie, I've been loving all your Frida art. I had never heard of her before, but thanks to you I now know a little bit about this amazing lady and her art. Thanks so much for introducing me to her. Jean.x

  9. This Frida page today is very creative and so different. I really love it.
    You have many great ideas, Valerie.
    Hugs, Mar

  10. das ist klasse,tolle brieifmarken,gefällt mir sehr.
    uups,ich muss mich ums essen kümmern,brennt sonst an,es gibt panierte schnitzel mit butterblumenkohl und stampfkartoffel,yummy.
    schönen sonntag,glg jeannette

  11. Fabulous stamped stamps of Frida, great effects on the page. The quote this time was quite touching.
    Cold here today as well, autumn is coming fast.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Fabulous Frida stamps Valerie, a beautiful piece of art. The weather is certainly turning autumnal here. Xx

  13. Great faux postage. I love them. I really like how they are kind of fuzzy and look more artsy.

  14. I love the effect you have achieved. Wonderful!!!
    Looks like someone had a wreck with their shopping card!
    Sandy xx

  15. Love what you did with the glue pad and the foil! Striking effect and love the variation in colors! Gorgeous! Thanks for playing along with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge!

  16. Wonderful Valerie. Beautifully done. Love the metalic colors. As always, love the photography. - Jim

  17. Beautiful as ever, Valerie!

  18. Wonderful stampping work. Great idea to place them this way together in different colours.
    Thanks for photos, too.
    Have a happy next week!

  19. You are so clever, Valerie. The Frida stamp in foil turned out really well for a wonderful page for your journal. From your photos, it appears someone retrieved the shopping cart. Your photos always include something a little different which is a lot of fun and enjoyable to view. Thank you.

  20. My absolute favourite because this is a stunning effect.
    If I had foil I would be trying this out soon because it look so cool and artful.
    Take care

  21. Absolutely brilliant Valerie, I love the effect of the foils on the stamp, and what a very moving quote xx

  22. beautiful page, sorry about the wet walks! Her husband knew her well.

  23. Oh I love this piece, so wonderful. xox

  24. Mion valerie,

    warum bist du nicht zum essen gekommen???es war soooo suuuper lecker,hatte extra für dich was weg gestellt,schade das du soweit weg wohnst,würde auch sooo gerne mal deine selbstgemachte marmelade mit plum probieren,naja,vieleicht ist gut das ich nicht so schnell zu dir kann,sonst wäre von der marmelade sicher nichts mehr übrig *ggg*Weil ich alles weg gefuttert hätte.
    danke dir sehr für das tolle frida thema,die ideen gehen einfach nicht aus.
    schöne neue woche,GLG Jeannette

    1. Ja, es ist leider weit, schade um das leckere Essen!

  25. Das sieht so klasse aus! Interessante Technik mit einem fantastischen Ergebnis! Es gefällt mir sehr.
    Dein Thema über Frida finde ich sehr schön... ich habe mich die letzten zwei Wochen auch sehr mit ihr beschäftigt und es fliegen mir viele Ideen durch den Kopf ... aber ich bekomme nichts zustande! Habe eine Blockade und mir gelingt gerade mal ein bissschen Musterkritzeln.
    Ein gute Woche für dich, LG, LonettA

  26. This is amazing Valerie, I love it.
    xxx Hazel.

  27. Such a original idea. LOVE it! BEautiful walk - wish I could walk with you. hugs, Donna

  28. These are gorgeous, what a fabulous idea too! Big hugs, ~Diane

  29. I think this is my favourite Frida page, partly because she has a hint of a smile and not looking sad or angry as she does in many pictures. I think Autumn is here already Valerie. It's been quite chilly even in the slightest breeze, and I do not generally feel cold, quite the opposite, I'm usually wishing it's cooler, lol. Lots of rain here too, and not many visitors taking a rest in the parks either. School is back in and it's long trousers from the get-go this year. Hey-ho, it's been a fine Summer overall.
    Have you thought about knocking on the basillica door? Maybe someone will open it ;)

  30. These are just gorgeous images of Frida! Boy, did I get behind! I'll catch up soon--don't want to miss a thing! Hugs!


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