Friday 29 August 2014

Frida, witchcraft, horses and more

Hi everybody!

I was intending to get such a lot done today, but somehow the time ran away and I could not catch up with it. In addition, the weather was nice although we had been promised rain, so I spent a lot of time outside enjoying it. I will have to catch up on other things when the weather is really bad!

Today is almost the last Frida piece - the very last one will be shown tomorrow. I have enjoyed this challenge very much, and was really happy that so many other people joined in and made such wonderful and varied journal pages about Frida. Thanks to all who joined in!
This is one I made a couple of weeks back.  I used a charcoal sketch which I painted/splashed and smeared with yellow and red paint. I called it Danza al sol, sun dance, which is the title of one of Frida's paintings.

At Simons Monday challenge the theme this week is witchcraft, so I made a spooky card. I love everything witchy and  spooky and enjoyed making this. The picture of the rather bewitched looking doll has been printed onto canvas. I used various papers for backing, and added some of my home made autumn leaves and a TH die-cut bird as embellishments. The feathers and beads 'appeared' on my table after clearing the layers above them away....

The horses were in a social mood today - or was it just the carrots which lured them to the fence? 

The second batch of sunflowers is blooming:

And the water and the sky fascinate me as always with their ever changing appearance:

Here's wishing you all a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I'm glad you enjoyed your own challenge theme so much. Hope you enjoy the next one too!
    That's a seriously good spooky card, I think china dolls are always spooky and a bit threatening and this one is a sort of ghostly colour. I like the bird and his little feather. I asked you once before how you printed on to canvas and you told me so I won't ask you again although I've forgotten how! It seems to work very well.

    1. Once cut a piece of canvas to A4 size, put it in your printer, and it works! Dolls are really scary, and this one is extra scary.

    2. Now I know why I "forgot" as my printer literally squeals if it gets anything thicker than very thin card. Thanks again anyway!

    3. My old printer was like that!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Lovely artwork, and beautiful photographs!


  4. Great art, again, my friend.
    Weather has become better here - and hope we'll get a nice weekend. Same I hope to you, Valerie.
    Hugs xxx

  5. Hallo meine Liebe,vorhin ist dein packet gekommen,boah,soo ein Riesenpaket,du bist ja verrückt,und ich freue mich soooo seeehr,könnte luftsprünge machen,Danke,Danke,Danke meine süsse,ich mache es aber erst Morgen auf,bin so gespannt,ui,jui,jui.hach fantastisch ist das so überraschungen.
    deine frida seite ist ganz grandios,die farben sind eine wucht,gefällt mir mega gut,und die karte ist auch gigantisch.
    und mit was für tollen bildern du mich heute wider verwöhnst,einfach traumhaft.
    sei ganz feste geknuddelt,liebe valerie und hab ein schönes we :-)


  6. The Frida page is amazing. As if she is behind a veil of gassamer. I can appreciate the work put into your spooky page, but I do not like scary dolls, haha. I never have. I'm not sure why, I have always loved dolls, but the the thought of them coming to life is just too much for me, (eeeek!!)
    Your blue skies are stunning , the sunflowers very cheering and the horses look happy in the sun :D

  7. Both of these are lovely Valerie although the baby is a bit creepy, lol. I do love your Frida, it has been wonderful seeing all your beautiful Fridas this month! ~Diane

  8. Your painting is stunning; so intense eyes. The face on your card is darling and I love the feathers. Gorgeous horses and land that you have; you are blessed.

  9. In dieses Frida-Portrait könnt ich mich glatt verlieben! Großartig.

    ... ach, was hattet ihr ein wunderbares Wetter heute, so viel blauer Himmel - zumindest tagsüber...
    LG Ulrike

  10. Yes, I love the warm colors in the first ls camposición. that pretty horse! Wonderful photos!

  11. Stunning and exciting work Valerie - love the background

    x Hilda

    Mines up now

  12. It was a fantastic Frida challenge Valerie, you had me hooked to try a few pages. Today's Frida looks great, warm colours, and beautiful eyes.
    As for Miss Spooky, her eyes look as if they stare straight through you, its a fantastic piece.
    Yvonne xx

  13. Stunning artwork my dear!! Love the Frida and the spooky card...the little girl and her eyes...just beautiful work....and those sunflowers wow that would look terrific blown up art for a wall!!
    Thanks for sharing!

    Hugs Giggles

  14. Beautifully! Your Frida Kahlo has fascinating eyes. Also, your colors are very expressive!

  15. lovely work! And the horses look so healhy and happy!

  16. Beautiful artwork Valerie and that really is a spooky card! Love the pics as always.
    Have a lovely weekend too.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  17. Your art is such a treat! That Frida so fiery and full of passion, fabulous!

  18. So wonderful! Love the mystic feel of your painting! Those sunflowers are amazing, too! Happy PPF!

  19. fantastic art all around , and I do love photos of lovely scenery !

  20. Love the Frida page and the Spooky card especially.. The photographs are lovely, especially the sky ones.

  21. Deine Frida Seite ist mehr als beeindruckend, toller Gesichtsausdruck - super getroffen. Und dann deine Karte, der absolute Hit. So richtig schöne Sonnenblumenfelder habe ich dieses Jahr leider noch nicht gesehen. Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende :)

  22. Love your Frida page and your spooky cards are awesome. Beautiful photos as always.:)

  23. Your Frida page is super - love the splashes of color. Your spooky canvas - not overly spooky - just kind of mysterious- is beautiful. Your photos are great to see - I may have to paint another one of those horses.

  24. Your pieces today are amazing. The Frida drawing is wonderful-wish I could draw like that. The whole challenge has been amazing with wonderful ideas by all who entered :)Thank you to you and to Susi for making it so enjoyable.

    The witchcraft canvas is beautiful as well as scary I think. Nice to add the touches of nature as well.

    The horses really like you or they wouldn't come so close I'm sure--the carrot may help as well :)

    Love the sunflowers as well--a great post all round.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  25. Gorgeous creation and super gorgeous colours always you surprise me to the fullest with your delightful creations and this .xx
    ♥aNNie The Journey is the Start

  26. A sun dance and sun flowers what could be better. Nice free form sketch and paint splashing. So wild and Frida. xox

  27. Love the sunflowers and the fiery colors of your first piece--fiery just like Frida's personality!

  28. Eine tolle, tolle Frida legst DU noch nacht und die Karte ist auch perfekt schön..und all die tollen Bilder!
    Ich freu mich endlich wieder zu Hause zu sein , da kann ich das Bloggen auf so schönen Blogs wie hier bei Dir viel besser genießen als auf dem lahmarschigen PC von Paps...
    Hab Dir auch schon gemailt, dass ich
    AJJ - Beitrags - AUFMAHMEBREITSCHAFT habe.


  29. Those sunflowers along the Rhine are fabulous and carrots you say...yes you made the horses' day ;-)
    I like a good creepy doll and the season is fast approaching...I can see you had fun for that challenge and you are so right about so many wonderful Frida creations = wowee!
    Your sun dance with Frida is wonderful and painterly Valerie.
    Happy Weekend to you

  30. The charcoal and splashy Frieda painting is stunning. And, indeed the witchy card is spooky. I like the technique of using a printed canvas as a base. Thanks for the photos. The sunflowers are spectacular. Have a lovely week.

  31. Valerie, the eyes on both pieces of art are so piercing. We are going to miss Frida come September; however, I know you will treat us with some lovely new ideas and creative projects. Your card is wonderful, by the way. Enjoy the weekend.

  32. Hi Valerie, sometime the day has a mind of it's own and no matter how much we want to do, it doesn't always happen. You sure did create a gorgeous piece again for Frida and with the end of August she will be greatly missed. Love the card you created and once again your walking pics are beautiful.
    Have a great weekend.

  33. Your next to the last Frida make is my most favorite - beautiful, beautiful! Oh that child is other worldly looking. Beautifully made and perfect for The Day of the Dead!!,
    Sandy xx

  34. Beautiful creations and beautiful photography! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina ♥

  35. amazing beautiful work, I love the horses,

  36. Wow these are amazing. The second piece is my favorite. I love those eyes. Of course your photos are always a pleasure for me. Thank you for sharing them.
    Have a great weekend

  37. You've paid such a wonderful tribute to a very memorable woman! I like today's painting very much, AND the card you made is so creative! It's amazing how you bring together all the pieces into just the right composition like you do. Oh, and the horse photo, the first one here, wow! Have you painted the horses ever? I'd love to see!

  38. Wow two stunners today Valerie, though that doll is seriously creepy! Lovely photographs too as always, those horses will do anything for a carrot :-) xx

  39. Wonderful art works and the pictures are lovely too :)
    I still haven't completed my Frida!!! But sure will :)

  40. Both portraits are excellent, each has a special quality about it. The pictures are gorgeous as usual. Love that place. Blessings, Janet PPF


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