Saturday 23 August 2014

Frida, water birds and horses

Hi everybody!

Hope you are all enjoying your weekend! Thanks to all who asked how my check up went. I get the results of the laboratory tests next week, but all other scans and examinations were good, so I'm happy about that.

And once again I have a Frida piece to share, made similarly to the one I showed yesterday. I stamped onto hand-painted paper using the second stamp I got from EBAY, and once again made some cuts in the DP background and fitted the image into it. I added some more colour to some of the BG motives using water-colour pencils, and outlined them with a white highlighter. I distressed the page with pumice stone and worn lipsticks DIs, and added some more of my Euro shop washi tapes as embellishments. I am linking to AJJ, Frida.

This morning I was awake very early again, and it was quite chilly and rather grey when I went out for my walk. I was happy to see a heron sitting on a stone in the Rhine, at the same spot that the swan always favours, seems to be a good place for a bird's breakfast! 

Then I climbed up to the top of the castle ruins, I like being there when nobody else is around, and the view from the top is wonderful.

The stones of the broken arch here remind me of a craggy face profile, with bushy eyebrows, a hook nose, and an open mouth - can you see it, too?

And these are 2 of the resident ravens.

And my friends the horses were busy with their usual daily grazing:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I'm really enjoying your Frida collection Valerie and this one is beautiful, such lovely colours.
    Great heron pic too and reminds me of last year when our next door neighbour got one fishing in his pond!
    Enjoy your weekend and good luck for your test results.
    Fliss xx

  2. Great photos again today!! I love the heron. They are one of my favorite birds... think I need to draw and paint one. Glad your test results were all good so far :)

  3. Wonderful Frida piece! So many beautiful details. Your photos are lovely too. The shot of the ravens is so pretty and the heron is beautiful!

  4. This is another wonderful Frida piece, love the colours, just beautiful. I will be sorry when Frida moth is over! Great photos, too. I sometimes see a heron when I go out with the dogs in the early morning, but mostly somewhere sitting up on a rooftop! Have a nice weekend, hugs, Sarah

  5. What super photos Valerie, I love the rock 'face' and the framed ravens. Frida's page is beautiful, that's a great stamp. It was a lovely day here today but I spent most of it indoors tidying up my workroom, it was a mammoth task! Have a lovely Sunday. Xx

    1. I feel for you - I have been sifting, sorting and tidying my crafty kitchen all week, where does all the stuff come from, and who always messes it up?

  6. With those hot colours it is as though you have whisked us off to Mexico.
    A wonderful stamp, no wonder you bought it - another great page from you.

  7. Und wieder so eine schöne farbenfrohe Fridaseite! Und dei tollen Fotos, ja ich erkenne auch so ein Gesicht von der Seite wie ein alter Indianer (wegen der Nase) der uns seine Weisheiten weitergibt.
    Ich wünsche Dir eienn schönen Sonntag,
    lG Anja

  8. Frida looks amazing and the bold and vibrate colors are wonderful. What a great stamp! Enjoy today's pictures and I think I would love a little of your grey! Would be nice for a change of pace! Enjoy the weekend. Hugs!

  9. more beautiful Frida!! great shots of the heron!

  10. Marvelous color play in this piece, I like the blue, rather washy Friday here. xox

  11. I do see that craggy face! Another lovely Frida piece!

  12. And hope the lab tests go ok.

  13. Another gorgeous Frida, this one is so beautiful, love how you added the washi tapes too. Beautiful pictures from your walk, love the one with the birds. Big hugs, ~ Diane

  14. Valerie this is another gorgeous creation...I have sat here for awhile admiring the beautiful colours and the photos the heron and your view from the day I hope to see the same views when on holidays, in the mean time my dad is #1 so till then we stay put in Australia :( xx The Journey is the Start

  15. wow,das sieht ja wieder suuper aus,tolle sanfte Blumige farben und ein wunderschöner frida Stempel,sehr schön komponiert alles.
    der Felsbrocken erinnert mich auch an einem indinaer mit der langen huckligen Nase,ein Wahnsinnskunstwerk.
    ich hab schon fürs neue thema lebewesen eine doppelseite gemacht,mir war grad danach.
    freu mich schon auf den 30.8., da habe ich geburstag und feier ein bißchen mit leckerer Heidelbeertorte und käsemoussefüllung und Nussboden,yummy,werde schon 46 jahre alt.
    hab ein schönes WE ,liebe valerie.

    GLG Jeannette

  16. Ein tolle Frida-Seite mit diesen fantastischen Farben. Ich haben mir diesen Bilder der letzten Tage auch angeschaut und bin sehr beeindruckt wie unterschiedlich alle sind. Immer wieder so schöne neue Ideen ... voller Energie und Kreativität! Aller großartige Werke, liebe Valerie! Ich schaffe es gar nicht zu allen etwas zu schreiben (sorry!).
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Sonntag und liebe Grüße,

  17. Terrific Frida page today Valerie with such rich colours and the quote is interesting as well.

    Terrific photographs with the heron and the swan in the same place. The rock one is fascinating--the more I looked the more faces I seemed to see. Thank you for sharing them

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  18. Die Seite ist wieder so schön - ich liebe diesen fröhlichen Hintergrund - die Farben sind eine Wohltat für die Augen und die Seele :-) Du hast auch diesen Frida-Stempel wieder fantastisch eingesetzt!!!!
    Danke für die tollen Fotos - bei dem Steingesicht ging es mir wie Anja - ein alter Indianer der uns mahnt die Welt in der wir leben zu erhalten. Dein Blick auf die Raben ist toll !!!! Heute muss ich dringend mal weg von meinen Büchern und die Natur erleben - das gibt dann wieder Kraft. Ich schaue mal ob mir etwas schönes vor die Kamera kommt. Hab einen schönen Sonntag - liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  19. Another wonderful Frida with so beautiful colours. I love the touch of washi tapes.
    Today I specially love the ravens photograph.
    Hugs, Mar

  20. Fabulous Frida, love the new stamp, I would have snapped that up as well. Hope the results go well for the Lab tests,
    Yvonne xx

  21. das ist ein toller Stempel Valerie und die Seite gefällt mir auch wieder sehr gut!
    Tolle Fotos..

    hugs from Vienna

  22. Valerie, beautiful art and photos for my Sunday morning. Thanks for sharing them with us.


  23. Another brilliant Frida creation liebe Valerie!
    The colors in this piece really WOW me extra much
    and a quote that is fresh too!
    I DO see the craggy man's face and it looks like he has something to say ;-)
    Those handsome crows really posed perfectly for your lovely photo too!

  24. Your Raven picture is perfect for Halloween Sugar! Of course make is wonderful. She must be sleeping in bed with you by now!
    I am so glad everything went well at the doctor's office.

  25. Hi Valerie, so glad your tests are good so far and I hope next week's results will be too. Wonderful Frida pages and your walking pics are beautiful.

  26. Oooh I really like this Valerie, lovely stamp and it works perfectly with the washi tape. Glad your result have been good so far xx

  27. Yes, I saw the rock face! So happy to hear that your check up went well! Another lovely Frida!


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