Monday 18 August 2014

Frida, flowers and ducks

Hi everybody!

Wooohoo, the sun is shining for a few minutes here - wonder how long it will last? Hope you are all feeling fit and well at the start of the new week.

Today I have another Frida piece to share. This was the first piece I made when I started thinking about what to do, and was more or less an experiment, but I still like it. I made the images using the positive and negative parts of my Frida stencil, with black paint on a sheet of floral DP. I added lots of doodling, using gel-pens in various colours, and wrote words from Frida's diary around the motives. I also added some of the die-cut flowers that Susi sent me as embellies, apart from that, I kept it simple. I am linking to AJJ

My very windy walk yesterday took me to visit the horses:

I passed by the lakes:

I saw that some magnolia trees have flowered for the second time this year:

And saw these flowers in a front garden, I love the colours

A tree had fallen over the stream:

And the castle ghost was there again:

The ducks were swimming happily in the moat of their dilapidated castle:

And the leaves of the creeper are turning red - summer is on its way out!

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Valerie, I just LOVE this one, so light and flowers, with all the pretty doodles and flowers around Frida - just beautiful! Have a great day, take care, I am off to the dentist! Hugs, Sarah

  2. oohh,schon wieder eine tolle frida seite,gefällt mir seeehr gut,mit den schönen blumen,ganz,ganz wunderschön.
    deine bilder sind wieder toll,ich mag weiße pferde soooo gern,erinnert mich immer an pippi langstrumpf.
    aber warum bin ich mutig??wegen dem blog post,das sind doch nur fragen beantworten,und ich möchte noch viele neue blogs bessuchen und lernen.
    schöne neue woche,GLG Jeannette

  3. Flower power Frida! I love her negative face and your doodling is fab. Lovely pics, I've just looked out at the trees on our street and yes, they're beginning to turn. Have a lovely Monday. Xx

  4. Beautiful Frida page with great highlighting by you.

    The photographs are all beautiful and such a great mixture today of all the wonders you see on your journeys. Love the way the ducks leave a V shape in their wake and that you captured it.

    Have a great day

    Chrissie x

  5. LOVE the sentiment on your Friday true....and...of course I adore your wonderful photos.xxxThe Journey is the Start

  6. There is some retro like in your beautiful background. Love your Frida looking beyond the flowers. I suppose the weather here is just like there. Autumn feeling.
    Have a great day!

  7. A stunning journal page and beautiful photographs.
    xxx Hazel.

  8. Your journal page is wonderful, Valerie. You are getting quite a collection! I think the horses are beginning to look forward to your visits. The magnolia tree is exquisite. Have a great day. Hugs, Donna

  9. Love the positive and negative aspect of this piece and the green colors. Love that castle. xox

    1. The castle is beautiful, but very dilapidated and neglected, such a pity.

  10. Diese verspielte Seite ist einfach nur wunderschön Valerie! Ganz toll! Und Deine Fotos bezaubern wieder und lassen erkennen mit welch aufmerksamen Blick Du auf Deinen Spaziergängen in die Welt blickst!

    Ich bin geplättet... mit der Frida gehen Dir die Ideen einfach nicht aus!

  11. lovely Frida piece and I enjoyed your photos today, that yellow flower is coreopsis I think.

    1. Yes it is, I couldn't think of the name when I was writing the blog!

  12. Love the whole effect with the stencils, it looks gorgeous with the flowers so beautifully finding there way in just the right places too. Big hugs, ~Diane

  13. Love how you used the stencil with the flowers. Great quotes as well.
    Yvonne xx

  14. What a very striking artwork, love the lime DP and all the flowers, words and images you have added, the final result is quite spectacular.
    The pink-orange castle looks beautiful, I wonder I someone lives there? I see from your reply to Corrine above that it is not in such good condition, which is a pity. You have made the photographs look wonderful, anyway.

  15. Lovely piece of Frida and beautiful flowers. A great work, Valerie.
    Beautiful photos too, I specially like the castle with ducks.
    Hugs, Mar

  16. I love this Valerie, specially how you've used the stencil both ways. Lovely flowers and the ducks look very happy. It's not every duck that gets to live in a castle :-) xx

  17. That Frida piece is lovely. Love the quotes, especially the one about feet!! Photos are lovely.

  18. The castle ghost looks like she is eating popcorn! Your make is beautiful! Do you dream about Frida at night?
    sandy xx

  19. Hi Valerie, so enjoyed catching up with you tonight and reading your wonderful posts while I was gone. You have really been busy creating and like always, your work is amazing. This piece with the quotes is beautiful. Great walking pics. Yes, even though we are still hot here, you can tell fall is on the way. Many leaves are already beginning to turn and fall off the trees. I think it will be an early season.
    Summer has flown by, wish winter would do the same!
    Thank you for stopping by while I was on vacation.
    Have a great week.

  20. Diese farbenfrohe Frida-Seite ist wunderschön! Gefällt mir sehr! Und danke für deine schönen und stimmungsvollen Fotos!
    LG, LonettA

  21. Loving your Frida page its so retro. Frida is so addictive, great choice Valerie. Thank you for sharing the photos. Annette x

  22. You have certainly come up with some inspiring creations Valerie :)
    Von ♥

  23. Lucky ducks to live at that cool castle!
    I like the way the white horse looks like he is talking to you...
    Your Frida creation is wonderfully colorful and interesting and your doodles really make it extra special.
    I have to tell you ... I have one more Frida to share (my fingers always want to type FridaY LOL)
    and it was my first creation too AND I also used the same quote as you did :-)
    Thank you for giving us Frida Fever this month dear Valerie!

  24. Terrific background on this one! I think the ducks are happy to have a moat to swim in! Cool castle photo!


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