Thursday 30 April 2015

Flowers, swans and horses

Hi Everybody!

We had a cold but sunny day here, great for walking!

Today is the last day of the 'Favourite poem or quote' challenge at Art Journal Journey, and I have made a collage of all the projects I made this month.
Be sure to look in tomorrow to learn about the new challenge!

This lovely old house is near here, and I love the wisteria on their porch. And there is always a huge vase of fresh flowers on the porch, great idea!

The horses were busy grazing, as always.

The path down to the Old Ferry has become a green and leafy tunnel:

The swan was swimming very near to the shore this morning, so I was able to stand almost next to him

I love the lilac trees growing wild along the Rhine:

These pictures were taken from my favourite bench in the park:

Hope you find a favourite spot to sit and dream today!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by.

Wednesday 29 April 2015

Madam Butterfly

Hi Everybody!

Just a quick post again, it's already nearly midnight and once again time went by too quickly!

For Art Journey Journal, favourite poems and quotes, I have one more  journal page. The challenge ends on Thursday, and we have had loads of wonderful entries. I used a painted and crackle-stamped background livened up with various stencils. I glued on a few random things which were on my table and which I didn't want to just throw away - the stamps, the tree and a scrap of printed paper. The moon face is from Dina Wakley. and I have given her a butterfly dress. I little bird is bringing her a flower for her hair. I am also linking to Moo Mania and More, butterflies.

The morning sky:

Another little visitor, although I'm not sure what it is - anyone know?
Not very clear as I took it through my rather spotty window!

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 28 April 2015


Hi Everybody!

Hope your week has started well. Spring has deserted us here and it was cold, wet and windy, a real blast from the winter which I had hoped was past. But sooner or later it has to get better!

Today a new challenge is beginning at TIOT - 1960s Retro, and anything retro goes - the decade with all its fashions or whatever, and all sorts of projects are allowed. My journal page is a flashback to the late 60s-70s, the time of peace, love, bright colours, bell-bottom trousers, Beatles, Abba,  magic mushrooms and much, much more. I painted an A3 journal page with gesso and sprinkled brushos while it was still wet. I used a home made stencil to draw the dancing queen, and painted her with black gesso and gave her a sprinkling of fairy dust. I added some of the typical words and symbols of the time. I am also linking to Art Journal Journey, Favourite poem or quote and to Simon Monday Challenge, anything goes.

My little winged visitors are still enjoying their food every day, and I enjoy watching their antics.

Even the horses needed their warm coats today:

The flower shop is my favourite shop in our little town

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by.

Monday 27 April 2015

Logic versus imagination

Hi Everybody!

We had very changeable weather again today, but it was still fine for taking a walk. Tomorrow should be very wet and stormy. But bad weather is always good crafting weather!

For Art Journal Journey, favourite poem or quote I made a page using a page used to mop up another page sprinkled with Brushos. I added more colour wih Gelatos. Then I used various stencils - the big flourish is from TH, the birds from Dina Wakley,  the leaves, flowers and head are from me. I painted the head with white gesso, but the colours leaked through again, and I decided it would be wise to like it as it is....The quote is from Albert Einstein.
I am also linking to Simon Monday Challenge, anything goes.

Last week I had a look round the gardens of a Trust House run by the Church which offers sheltered and assisted housing for old people in one of the ancient houses in the Church Close. This beautiful relief is on the wall of the entry.

This sculpture is above it under the roof:

This huge copper beech tree, also very ancient is in the garden:

There is also a 'Lourdes' Grotto there, very beautifully made and kept. This is not my religion, but it is a wonderful, peaceful place to step into and be away from the outside world for a few minutes.

Have a great day you all take care, 
and thanks a lot fo coming by!

Sunday 26 April 2015

Queen Balkis, butterflies and a funny bird

Hi Everybody!

We had a cool and rainy day here today. I got rather wet walking along the Rhine, but the air was so fresh, and everything smelt of spring - just wonderful. And as it was raining no one was out and about, and I love the feeling of having my piece of the world just for myself!

For Art Journal Journey, favourite poem or quote, and Moo Mania and More, butterflies, I made a journal page about Queen Balkis. The quote is part of a poem from Rudyard Kipling (who also wrote the 'Jungle Book'). Here is the whole poem:

THERE was never a Queen like Balkis,
From here to the wide world’s end;
But Balkis talked to a butterfly
As you would talk to a friend.

There was never a King like Solomon,
Not since the world began;
But Solomon talked to a butterfly
As a man would talk to a man.

She was Queen of Sabaea—
And he was Asia’s Lord—
But they both of ’em talked to butterflies
When they took their walks abroad!

I used a scanned copy of one of my painted backgrounds, added some background stenciling, collaged the butterfly queen, bird and planet, and the quote was computer generated.

Yesterday I enjoyed the blossoming trees and the fresh, green leaves in the park - seeing the blossoms against a blue sky is just balsam for me.

The blue jay sneaked onto my balcony again to nibble on the fat balls. He is always shy, and tries to hide. Today he hid behind the big cactus and kept peeking over the top to make sure I was still sitting at my desk and not noticing him! It was great fun watching him.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by.