Thursday 9 April 2015

Thursday This and That

Hi Everybody!

After the sunny day yesterday it was disappointing that today was cool and rather hazy - sooner or later spring must come! I had a busy day with visits to the dentist and the hairdresser, and this evening I baked a 'Zwiebelkuchen' - a savoury onion pie, which I enjoyed with a neighbour. She brought Pro Secco to drink with it, so we had a good evening! Now I need my bed!

For Art Journal Journey, favourite poem or quote,  I have made another journal page - what else? It is also meant for Mix it Monthly, town or village. The background was painted with paints left over from another project which I will show tomorrow. I added some gold dribbles and some dark brown spray which I let drip to get the colours moving.  I used a stencil to draw the row of houses. The quote was spoken by Professor Dumbledore in the film of  Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

Th water in the Rhine is rising again, a lot of the bushes are under water.

The cormoran was keeping watch on his pole:

The pigeons flapped away very indignantly when I stopped to take their photo.

This view was taken from the top of the castle ruins, which are open again after the winter break.

There is a lot of moss between the stones there.

More storm damage:

This bird has taken to sitting in the tree in front of my window, and he hops onto the balcony as soon as he thinks I am not looking and feeds on the fat balls.

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely vibrant page! Sorry to hear the water is rising again. And California is in a drought.

    1. Yes, the climate everywhere seems to be getting crazy!

  2. Boah Deine Seite heute is richtig cool! Gefällt mir super gut!
    Super schöne Fotos heute, da tut sich was am Rhein!
    Eine tolle Gegend ist das - danke für Deine schönen Impressionen wieder!
    freut sich R*I*E*S*I*G*

  3. I love your page with the fab comment from Dumbledore. Lovely Photos as always! Hugs, Sarah

  4. Sad to see the water rising again and the damage to the beautiful trees Nice that you could go for a walk though and see wonders along the way. We have thick fog at the moment so hoping that clears away soon.

    Beautiful artwork with the gold, runny, streaked background background . You always make great impact using a white pen to make the work even more special.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. Brilliantly designed journal page and awesome colours and goodies used.xx
    {aNNie My Personal Blog}

  6. Beautiful work today Valerie! I love the white city line at the bottom! big hugs :)

  7. Deine Fotos sind Spitze wie immer, aber die Seite hat es auch in sich, sehr ausdrucksstark in den Farben und der Textur und der Spruch ist so Klasse!
    LG Anja

  8. Fun words of wisdom from Dumbledore! Cute bird thinks he is being tricky!

  9. Absolutely ~ light in the darkness is one of my allies!
    And thanks for sharing your beautiful world with us ~ storm damage and all.
    Have a sparkling day!

    1. Right you are! The light in the darkness is always the thread I hold on to.

  10. Zwiebelkuchen and bubbly sounds like a feast to me = YUM!
    Very inspiring piece...your words are uplifting and your artwork is always a treat liebe Valerie.
    Amazing the damage wind and water can do...hoping "real" Spring weather finds you very soon.

  11. Your background colours are great and your page so interesting. Love the drips. Your photos are super I especially like the moss and the damaged bark ones.

  12. Hi Valerie, Great page with a wonderful quote. Your colors are very striking! Sounds like a nice day and dinner with a friend. Love the moss between the stones. Wonderful photos.
    Hugs, CM

  13. I love this great quote and your art to go with it! Your weather sounds typical of Spring, so changeable, that's the beauty too. So when the sun shines make the most, I know you do, enjoying all the beauty and lovely walks around where you live!

  14. Great first photo with the boat. Strange that you are having bad weather when ours is so warm and sunny, it's usually the other way round.
    I like your painting, quite minimalist for you, and I can imagine there is a secret message at the top.
    I was always a bit suspicious of Dumbledore.

    1. Yes, he was too clever for words! No secret message at the top, but I mostly write on the page before I paint it, so it does have a hidden message!

  15. The art is very vivid today and I LOVE IT !!!!! Love the poem you chose too. It's still warm here but lots of thunderstorms going on. THe poor dog and 2 of the cats are nervous wrecks over all of the noise. The dog hasn't eaten in 2 days over it. He'll get hungry enough soon.

    1. Sorry about the storms, I know how my poor dogs always suffered when it got loud!

  16. Another wonderful page with a great background!

  17. Great quote to go with your background journal page today. WOW the storms must be brutal to break so many trees that are not fully leafed out yet. It is a gorgeous, sunny day here. YEAH!


  18. Wonderful quote, I read all those Harry Potter books, just had to keep up with the kids at school. [my excuse]. The reds of the background are fabulous.
    Yvonne xx

  19. Love the drippiness and that sentiment. Another fabulous page! I bet those birds enjoy being photographed as much as you enjoy capturing their poses! Love it!

  20. Great quote and wonderfully vibrant colors for it! Weather pretty much the same here in PA- it was 70 degrees F the other day and this AM I had to put on my heavy coat and thin gloves to do errands in the AM-feeling like the 30's! :(

  21. This page needs no light, it shines all it's own. xox

  22. Gorgeous page and I love that quote. How true.

  23. Die Farben wirken so wunderbar dramatisch und der Spruch ist einmalig :) Mit der Stadt unten sieht es wie ein Sonnenuntergang aus! Wie schön auch Dich wieder auf dem Spaziergang begeleiten zu dürfen....da hab ich wohl richtig gesehen mit dem Hochwasser, habe gestern am Rhein auch gesehen, dass das Wasser sehr "grosszügig" fliesst! Ich liebe die Moosnahaufnahme und die fluffige Krähe! Prosecco und Flammkuchen, na ihr lasst es Euch gutgehen, prima! ♥ Conny Mix It Monthly

  24. What a great quote Valerie!! I must borrow that!
    Sorry you are still with gray days- we are too,with a peek of sun every now and again- just a tease!!
    the onion pie sounds delish! xo

  25. Your wonderful city skyline is fantastic amidst the warm and fiery background- a great quote too!

  26. Nice words to think about a wonderful composition written in red!

  27. Really lovely Valerie, and what a great quote. We had a lovely day yesterday, and hailstones today lol xx

  28. Fabulous page with a great quote! Love your photos of course!! Chrisx

  29. Tolle Seite, toller Spruch! Die Fotos sind wieder mal super, du findest aber immer ein tolles Detail!


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