Sunday 26 April 2015

Queen Balkis, butterflies and a funny bird

Hi Everybody!

We had a cool and rainy day here today. I got rather wet walking along the Rhine, but the air was so fresh, and everything smelt of spring - just wonderful. And as it was raining no one was out and about, and I love the feeling of having my piece of the world just for myself!

For Art Journal Journey, favourite poem or quote, and Moo Mania and More, butterflies, I made a journal page about Queen Balkis. The quote is part of a poem from Rudyard Kipling (who also wrote the 'Jungle Book'). Here is the whole poem:

THERE was never a Queen like Balkis,
From here to the wide world’s end;
But Balkis talked to a butterfly
As you would talk to a friend.

There was never a King like Solomon,
Not since the world began;
But Solomon talked to a butterfly
As a man would talk to a man.

She was Queen of Sabaea—
And he was Asia’s Lord—
But they both of ’em talked to butterflies
When they took their walks abroad!

I used a scanned copy of one of my painted backgrounds, added some background stenciling, collaged the butterfly queen, bird and planet, and the quote was computer generated.

Yesterday I enjoyed the blossoming trees and the fresh, green leaves in the park - seeing the blossoms against a blue sky is just balsam for me.

The blue jay sneaked onto my balcony again to nibble on the fat balls. He is always shy, and tries to hide. Today he hid behind the big cactus and kept peeking over the top to make sure I was still sitting at my desk and not noticing him! It was great fun watching him.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by.


  1. I would never guess your background is a scan. The texture is fantastic. You've had some interesting pages the last couple of days. I love how each one seems very different from the others but all seem like your style too. Also love your spring flower photos.

  2. beautiful page, love the flower blossoms! It's a lovely time of year although it is still cool here. At least we got some sunshine today. We have so many geese, too many.

  3. Love the page with Queen Balkis, takes me right back to childhood days and listening to those wonderful Kipling tales. Fantastic photos, too, a real feast for the eyes today! Hugs, Sarah

  4. wowwwwww,was für eine wunderschöne seite wieder,es sisht klasse aus und wirkt so lebendig,wie hast du den tollen hintegrund gemacht??
    ich habe auch gerade wider eine seite gemacht,mit neuen blanche stempeln.
    deine bilder sind wunderschön und dein balkon wirkt sehr einladend.
    bei mir sind die vögel jden tag auf dem balkon am futtern,hab dort futter plaziert,und man kann sie so schön beobachten.
    wünsch dir einen schönen sonntag.

    GLG Jeannette

    1. Der Hintergrund war gemacht mit dick aufgetragene Acrylefarbe texturiert mit punchinella (sequin waste)

  5. Fab colour page Valerie! Never seen that Kippling poem before and can't quite image Solomon and Balkis talking to butterflies.... but it's a fun page and a fun poem!

    1. I will admit to talking to the birds on my balcony!

  6. Oh wow - that background looks incredibly textured - it's gorgeous! I love the poem and I adore what you've created using it as your inspiration. Thank you again for your photos - I miss being able to get out to the countryside so your pictures take me on a virtual country walk! Perfection! Hugs from Shroo:)xxx

  7. I agree, that background is fabulous Valerie, a very beautiful page. Don't think I've come across that poem but it's lovely, nothing wrong with talking to butterflies or birds, better than talking aloud to yourself which is what I find myself doing more and more! Lol! Old age! Xx

    1. When you talk to yourself you can at least be sure that someone is listening!

  8. A wonderful page Valerie and a great poem. We've got rain today.
    xxx Hazel.

  9. Beautiful page!!

    Thanks for sharing some lovely spring-photos!

    Smiles, Saskia :)

  10. Just love this fabulous creation...very well displayed.xx
    {aNNie My Personal Blog}

  11. Wow your background still looks wet and bubbling with energy. Your photos are such a contrast from the rain. I agree with you when it comes to enjoying the peace and quiet of a rainy day.

  12. Eine wunderschöne Seite und die Fotos ebenso

  13. Wow Valerie! What a stunning bright and textured page - so beautiful!
    Love your page below too and the quirky bright design.
    Hope the rain clears (some here too!)
    Fliss xx

  14. Beautiful piece today, your painted background looks so real! Love the nature pics today, I'm really starting to anxious for the nice weather. hugs :)

  15. Talking to the animals reminds me of Dr Doolittle :-)
    I enjoy talking to nature too...
    Your peekaboo jay photos are such fun...nature is endlessly entertaining isn't it!
    The art piece you created is magical and colorful and lovely liebe Valerie.
    I really get what you wrote about having places all to yourself which is always an extra treat I find.
    p.s. we have that pink powder puff Kwanzan Cherry tree blooming in our front garden and with cooler temps it is lasting such a nice long time = Yippee!

  16. Hello Dear Valerie. I am fascinated by your journal page. It looks so beautiful and the colours so vibrant. Great photos as always. Sorry I have not been around very much, but finding time at the moment is difficult. Enjoy your Day. Hugs Rita xxxx

  17. Ooopps. My comment disappeared.

    The textures for this piece are fabulous and I also like the Queen and her butterflies. Your spring photos put smiles on my face to begin the day. Hope the rain stops soon so you don't get wet while out for your walks. Do you have coffee/tea on your balcony in the morning to watch the birds gathering for their breakfast? You have the perfect location for sunrises and also bird watching.


  18. love your mixed media piece and thanks for telling us how you did it. perfect spring pictures,

  19. Wow.. welch fabelhafter Hintergund zu dieser wunderbaren Seite mit dem tollen Gedicht!
    passt zu: wer Schmetterlinge sprechen hört, der weiss wie Wolken schmecken.
    Deine Fotos sind auch Balsam für mich... schöön.. endlich ist es bei uns ja auch so schön, jetzt blüht schon der Zierkischbaum im Garten meiner Küchenfenstergegenübernachbarn ..und an der anderen Straße ein kleiner Magnolienbaum... ein Pracht dieses Rosa...

    Und Dein Balkon ist ein kleine Oase!


    AJJ UND MM&M danken im Duett!

  20. Another fabulous page and a fun poem. I remember riding my bicycle one very foggy morning, doing my paper round, and singing at the top of my voice, because no one could hear me :D
    Spring has upped and left us today - my word what a temperature drop, we've had hail, snow and sleet, and it's supposed to go down to -3 tonight! So glad I didn't turn the heating off yet, brrr. :o))

  21. Great texture on another quirky art page. :)

  22. Beautiful texture to that background and a fun butterfly quote! Still waiting for spring to really pop out here....almost, but not quite!

  23. Awesome page and the poem is so pretty. Thank you for sharing where you live. I love seeing your beautiful part of the world. Your pictures are always so beautiful. Hugs, Rasz

  24. Fabulous page to go with that poem. The textures look amazing on the background.
    Yvonne xx

  25. Always a fabulous creation Valerie, Your talents are endless. Love the pics too.
    Have a great week ahead.
    Hugs, CM

  26. Such a rich and glorious page Valerie!! And I love the poem- just fantastic!

  27. Wonderful page with fantastic textures, Valerie! Great poem too. Love your spring blossoms photos.
    Hugs, Mar

  28. Love this, such a fun piece and poem xx

  29. A great idea to scan that background - it looks fabulous - a great place for Balkis to be! Love your blossom photos, but best of all your shy Jay - the most beautiful bird! As you can see, I am on a massive catch up but enjoying every moment!! Chrisx

  30. What a wonderful moo, all the textures look so real!



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