Monday 31 July 2017

T stands for PosTcards and more....

Hi Everybody!
This Tuesday sees the start of a new month, and at TIOT
we are starting a new challenge - postcards.
As always, you have 2 weeks to link your creations to us,
and projects of all formats are welcome, so hope to see you there.

I made a journal page, using a post card showing a photo of me on my
 first day at school:

 This is the original postcard, a collage on a torn and blended paper 
background, using lots of vintage paper scraps
from different stages of my life, as well as stamps, stamping etc:

Two weeks back we celebrated the fourth anniversary of Elizabeth's
TSFT, and some of us swapped ATCs. My swap partner was CJ and Ink,
who sent me a beautiful ATC in a decorated envelope, the address
written in wonderful calligraphy:

The envelope is really a work of art, and will
be treasured!

The ATC:

A fun little friendship flag, which is now
hanging on my balcony:

And some beautiful, home-made washi tape:

Thanks CJ, much appreciated!

And as its T Day, I would like to welcome all the nice ladies of the T Gang,
and offer some coconut bars and cappuccino:

 And last but not least, some photos from my walks:

Have a great day, take care,
and thank a lot for coming by!

Sunday 30 July 2017

Sunday post

Hi Everybody!

Today I am sharing one of the paper/fabric collages I have been making 
recently. The background was a painted sheet from my stash,
and I used various scraps of fabric, painted paper and
mirri card. The eye has been printed on a 'skin', made of a mix of gold paint and gel medium, spread onto a piece of plastic and allowed to dry. 
Thenit can be carefully peeled off and stamped or printed. This was just
one of the smaller scraps left over after using the main part, which
you will see another time. The photo is my distant relation, Erika,
taken shortly before she had to flee Germany during the Nazi time.
I have often used the photo of her as a little girl, dressed up in a winter 
coat and fur muff. I had fun using different stitches and doing some
 machine embroidery here.
I am linking to Simon Monday challenge, you've got the edge

And I have another tag for Chrissie's 'Favourite
colour combination' at Tag Tuesday

Here are a few photos taken on yesterday's walk:

The thistles and wild flowers have turned into a thicket:

One of my favourite corners near the Basilica:

In the hospital gardens:

Watching the bales being collected from the field behind my balcony:

 Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 28 July 2017

A cat among the ducks

Hi Everybody!

Time disappeared in the wink of an eye today, and
once again I don't really know what happened to it!
Anyway, it's well and truly weekend, so let's all have 
 good one!

For Tag Tuesday, Chrissie's lovely theme of
'my favourite colour combination' I have another tag,
which also fits very well to the cats theme at 
I m also linking to Simon Monday Challenge,
you've got the edge.

I wear a lot of grey and black, and I love to combine
it with a touch of pink, as here in my tag.

I layered recycled pink and black recycled cardstock
and sewed the layers together - saves glue!
The head was a fussy cut Halloween cat, and the eyes
got a coat of glossy accents. After sewing on the head,
I cut a piece of black lace for the body, gathered it at the top
before sewing it down, and then sewed along the sides,
leaving a little slit to push in the fibre tail later on.
I sewed on her pink bow and closed the slit after
placing the tail.
Then Kitty got stuffed  and sewed up so no filling
can escape. I hand wrote the sentiment and it
was finished - a pin-cushion cat tag:

I made this digital piece just for fun, as I was enjoying playing
around with some new images from Mischief Circus:

 We had mixed weather today: 

 I have enjoyed seeing the plowed fields this week:

 Family duck has a huge family to care for, and were very happy
to get a bag of salad and bread:

Oh my, it's bad enough trying to keep an eye on one or 2 kids....

Have a great day, take care
and thanks a lot for coming by!