Thursday 21 August 2014

Funkie Frida, sunshine and rain-clouds

Hi everybody!

I can hardly believe it myself, but most of today was relatively warm and sunny, and I was able to enjoy 2 nice walks. But in the late afternoon it suddenly got dark and cloudy, and then it poured - but this time I was able to watch it from my balcony!

I have been thinking about how Frida would perhaps have been if she had lived today. Would she have got better medical treatment? Would we have seen her in talk-shows?  I am sure she would still have been such a glittering and extroverted personality, but how would she have dressed? I don't know, I just had some fun trying some modern costumes. I painted the background with acrylics, and textured it with a crackle stamp. The figures were cut out of magazine ads. I just used some washi tape for embellishing. This was just a fun attempt at something different...

I am linking to AJJ, Frida, and Simon Monday Challenge, anything goes, and to Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin

I enjoyed walking along the Rhine by sunshine today:

I followed a little 'rabbit path' along the side of a turnip field, where several rabbits were enjoying themselves.

The horses were sheltering not from the rain, but from the sun today:

And then the rain came down:

Have a good day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I had to smile at your funky Frida! Glad you beat the rain!

  2. Your Funky Frida makes me smile...
    she may have liked Punk Rock style too I'm thinking ;-)
    or how about Steampunk with a BIG black top hat LOL!
    We finally got some rain here in Virginia...
    the garden is loving it and I like rain too.
    Sweet path to walk with the wabbits *ggg*
    I had to stop weeding in one of our garden beds because I think it got wild enough for some bunnies to tuck themselves up under things...good excuse to come inside and play in my art room

    1. Good idea, perhaps I will make a steampunk frida....

  3. Love it! Just saw it before I went to bed. Love the ideas you have! Great photos as always. Hugs, Sarah

  4. Funky Frida is this idea and gosh you are very the great pics, we have horrible weather here too, rain, rain and more

    The Journey is the Start

  5. Your Frida ideas never fail to amaze me Valerie and I am sure all of the things you mentioned would have been true if she lived in today's world.

    Beautiful photographs. I have never seen a rabbit path before. I think the rabbits here just go about willy nilly--maybe they don't so I will look more closely when we next go on a train trip as we see hundreds of rabbits then.

    What a change in the weather you had. It is dark, grey and wet here at the moment so maybe it will all change to sunshine later :)

    Have lovely day

    Chrissie x

  6. na das ist ja mal cool,frida funkie,gefällt mir seeehr gut.
    tolle bilder hast du wieder gemacht,der dunkle himmel sieht sehr mystisch aus,toll!!
    hab einen schönen tag,GLG Jeannette

  7. Einfach fantastisch Valerie! Ich bin begeistert !
    Und tolle Fotos wieder heute!
    Hab einen wunderschönen Tag..bei uns kommt grad die Sonne raus und Julchen und ich gehen mit den Hunden!

  8. Oh Valerie, this Frida piece really made me smile!! How clever to resize everything so that it fits so well!! She looks right in her element there and I bet she would have loved to have been as funkie and cool like that (at least sometimes...) I wonder how Diego would have liked her like that...???

  9. Love your funkie Frida, I am sure she is smiling down on you now! Great pics from your walk too, glad you did not get caught in that downpour. Big hugs, ~Diane

  10. Frida is right in style in her new outfits you created for her. I love this page! The photos are beautiful too and always start my day with a smile.


  11. Glad you made it home before the rain..... I've been feeling so cold (and a bit yukky) today I gave in and put the heating on! Shocking in August!

    Interesting thoughts about Frida.... Did you ever see the Frida movie from 2002. It was on a tv a while back and I really enjoyed it.

    Have a great weekend. We have a BH in the UK - you know what that means!!!! and yes, it is forecast :(

    Karen xxx

    1. I have the Frida film on DVD and watch it whenever I need something good!

  12. Hey Valerie! You Frida make is so much fun and I do think the leopard outfit is perfect for her! So glad you did not fall down the rabbit hole!
    Sandy xx

  13. Herrlich , deine Frida ist wieder ein echter Hingucker!

  14. A really funky idea Valerie and Frida looks fabulous in her fashionable gear.
    Love your journal page below too.
    Fliss xx

  15. Was für coole Frida Werke, total klasse. Deine Fotos lassen mich neidisch werden - bisschen mehr Sonne und blauer Himmel hätte mir heute auch gefallen. ;)

  16. Hi Valerie, Love your Funky Frida all dressed in her designer wear. Your walking pics are always a treat.

  17. Ha and I love your Funky Frida! Too funny! Great walk today as always and love those big and beautiful horses. Enjoy!

  18. WOW! Those pages are so interesting and so unique! What a great concept too - what would some of the masters have done here in the modern age. Love the idea of seeing them on a talk show ;) xo

  19. Ohhhhh I love funky Friday Frida. Very nice indeed. I also love the photos.

  20. Your Funky Frida is awesome! I never thought to put her in modern clothes. It looks like you had a wonderful walk today... thanks for sharing the photos so we could come along. Happy PPF!

  21. Love your funky Frida, enjoyed your walk along the Rhine.

  22. Ha ha...I LOVE funky Friday!! Good job she probably would look like this! So fun!

    Hugs Giggles

  23. Your funky Frida piece is original and stylish, what a collection you have!

  24. Valerie, this is an awesome project. Just love the wonderful retro feel to it. Love the clothing. Once again your scenery photos are breathtaking and how awesome as that one lonely cloud.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  25. She sure looks funky! And I LOVE that gorgeous background ...

  26. a great twist on the Frida theme. She certainly looks 'funky'

  27. Yes, I love this beautiful green landscape with exquisite! Wonderful photos! Your charming and funny Frida!

  28. Fantastic fantacy from the modern Frida! Love how you have dressed her.
    Have a great weekend, Valerie xxx

  29. Funkie Frida is right! Not only eye candy with your awesome art journaling but thought provoking too- thinking about Frida in the modern day!

  30. Love your funky Frida. She looks very hip and modern. And good question-what would she have been like. I bet if not wearing these funky clothes she still would have donned her traditional Mexican garb.

  31. fantastic funky Frida art!!! She looks quite comfortable (and happy) in those outfits!! Lovely scenic photos-in sunshine or in rain. Happy PPF!

  32. Funky Frida ist schon genial und dann noch die tollen Fotos von meinem geliebten Rhein im Sonnenschein toppt alles udn wie ich die Kopfweiden liebe! (sind se doch oder?)
    Ich wünsche Dir eine wunderschönes WE,
    lG Anja

  33. Most perfect funky Frida. I can imagine her this way easily. Love that rabbit path. xox

  34. Finally a Frida that has let her hair down! I knew she had to exist. Happy PPF!

  35. Oh I like what you did with Frida. I actually think she would not have been swayed by the dress of today and would have continued with her way of dressing as she wore these type of dresses mainly to hide her physical imperfections. She did wear pants from time to time as well. Love your photos and such a beautiful world where you live.:)

  36. Valerie, I think you did such an awesome job of modernizing Frida! I loved seeing how your creativity got into high gear on that. Also, your photos of near the Rhine are gorgeous.

  37. ooo la la Funky Frida!!!! such a beautiful walk today, the horses are lovely, the rabbit path and rabbits I would love to see too!

  38. Love the updated wardrobe on Frida!!!!! Glad you didn't get caught in the rain the photos ♥

  39. Funky Frida is so much fun! She looks great! Enjoyed all your photos too.

  40. Oh my, I really enjoyed seeing Frieda so funky! Great photos of your walk as wel

  41. Very very funky Frida! I wonder how she would dress if she were with us today. An interesting thought. Very BLACK skies. We had a very torrential hail storm the other day. In Mexico City is accumulated 3 feet of hail and did a lot of damage. Incredible! Hugs, Donna

  42. You never stop amazing me with your art! This is not only funky, but so well thought out!

  43. What an incredibly interesting idea! Love this!

  44. Such a beautiful creation! Love the fabulous collaged images. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. :)

  45. I love your funky Frieda. It is fun to think of her in a whole different light. I recently saw an exhibit in Long Beach CA of her photos which also shined the light on another side of the Frieda we commonly know.

  46. It is so fun to see you fine Funky Frida! Your pictures are as always wonderful beautiful!

  47. Funky Frida is awesome. I kind of feel she would have really liked the style you chose for her! ;-) The landscape looks so fresh and green. Very beautiful!

  48. Love your art, but your photographs, I just want to jump in and walk with you. The beauty you see daily is tremendous to me. Blessings, Janet PPF

  49. Ha, diese Frida-Collage-Idee ist klasse und witzig!
    ... super das Wiesen-Pfad-Foto!
    LG Ulrike

  50. What a fun piece, this look suits her! xx

  51. :) omgosh!! I LOVE your funky Frieda!!!

  52. What fun pages! You really were bitten by the Frieda bug this month... your blog is a tribute indeed. Hope your summer has been WONDERFUL.


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